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Results for Search : "106 Organizations & management"
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Mediating effect of work-family psychological contract on the relationship between perceived organization support and job satisfaction
Item Type: Thesis
Saharom, Shahriah and
Year:  01/10/2012
Abstract:  Job satisfaction is a broad construct, regarding all or most the characteristics of the job itself and the work environment, which employees find rewarding, fulfilling and satisfying or frustrating and unsatisfying (Weiss,2002). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of work-family psychological contract as mediator in the relationship between family supportive organization perception and family supportive supervisor, and job satisfaction. Besides, this study is to examine the relationship between family supportive organization perception, family supportive supervisor and work-family psychological contract and job satisfaction. The respondent of this study included 158 executive level in grade 27 and 41 at the National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study employed the structural equation model analysis. The results show that work-family psychological contract mediates the relationship between family supportive organization perception and family supportive supervisor, and job satisfaction. However, there is a non significant relationship between family supportive organization perception with job satisfaction. Since the result of this study revealed that work-family psychological contract play the important role to increase a job satisfaction among the employees, this study was suggested that employer can increase the level of job satisfaction through their strong support in work-family aspect to help the employees balance their work and family.
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Study on the relationship between physical work environment, compensation system, promotion opportunity and work performance amongst employee in banking industry in Klang Valley
Item Type: Thesis
Ismayatim, Shafareeza and
Year:  01/02/2011
Abstract:  This study focusing on the relationship between physical work environment, compensation system, promotion opportunity and work performance of the employee's in the banking industry. This study is conducted among six (6) commercial banks located in Klang Valley. The study use qualitative method, in which questionnaire was given to the respondent to get their views on the study. As for this study, the six selected banks and employees were chosen using the simple random sampling method. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed to the employees and 120 questionnaires were returned and usable for further analysis. This study used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 18.0 to analyze the data. The study found that physical working environment, compensation system and promotion opportunity have a positive relationship with the employee's work performance. All of the elements had only a low level significance relationship with work performance. However, from the three elements, promotion opportunity was the highest significance level of relationship, followed by the physical work environment and lastly the compensation system. This means that employee's work performance thus not much affected by the physical work environment, compensation system and promotion opportunity that organization have provided or introduced.
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