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Results for Family Name : "National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia"

2024 (1)

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The 57th Session of The Commission On Population And Development, United Nations New York, 29 April – 3 May 2024
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/05/2024
Abstract:  Malaysia like many other countries is becoming an aging nation due to declining fertility and increasing life expectancy. As 10.7 per cent of its population aged above 60 in 2020, Malaysia is expected to reach aged nation status by 2030. In this regard, Malaysia has revised its National Policy for Older Persons to enhance the integration of the elderly into society and introduced measures to boost the number of geriatricians and aged care health professionals under the National Health Policy for Older Persons. Malaysia's commitment to adolescent healthcare is evident in the National Adolescent Health Plan of Action (2015-2020) and the revised National Policy and Plan of Action on Social and Reproductive Health Education (2022-2025). These initiatives emphasize sexual and reproductive health education rooted in religious and moral principles across different settings and age groups. The Government also provides comprehensive health care services which includes contraceptive and sexual and reproductive health services that are integrated into primary health-care facilities nationwide. Family planning services are also provided by the National Population and Family Development Board of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, NGOs such as the Family Planning Associations as well as private practitioners.
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2023 (2)

2021 (4)

2020 (9)

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Executive Summary: youth intervention study: best practices of youth intervention programmes in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  01/07/2020
Abstract:  In the decades, Malaysia has undergone rapid economic, social and cultural changes which impacted not only the daily lives of its people but also their worldview and values. This is particularly so for young people, as excessive exposure to information from the social media, internet and pornography had inevitably influence their lifestyle and behaviour. The socio-cultural changes are likely associated with an increased rates of non-marital sexual activity, increased rates of sex partner change and increased rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In 2005, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through NPFDB introduced the PEKERTI Programme to be implemented at KafeTEEN adolescents centres. The programme provides reproductive health services, counseling services and education and skill building to promote a healthy life and inculcate positive attitudes and moral values among young people.
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Report on Malaysia Family Well-Being Index 2019
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2020
Abstract:  The Family Well -Being Index (FWI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well -being. The 2019 Malaysian Family Well -Being Index score recorded in this study is 7.72 out of a maximum scale of 10. Of the eight domains that have been identified, the Family Relationship Domain recorded the highest domain score of 8.35. This is followed The study also found that the 2019 FWI score is increasing according to household income group. The 2019 FWI score is higher in families living in rural areas. In terms of family type, FWI 2019 scores were higher in family groups by Family Domain, Role of Religion and Spiritual Practice (8.25), Family Domain and Community Involvement (8.00), Family Safety Domain (7.86), Family Economics Domain (7.67), Family Health Domain (7.44), Housing and Environment Domain (7.35) and Family and Communication Technology Domain (6.82). Although the score of FWI 2019 is still at a moderate level but it has shown an increase of 0.39 points compared to 7.33 for FWI 2016.
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Situational analysis on family planning and reproductive health education in Malaysia and other selected Muslim countries Part I: needs analysis on family planning policy Part II: reproductive health education: policy and plan of action
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2020
Abstract:  This study is an initiative by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), who has been a strategic partner of NPFDB since the 1990s in the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) programmes. This study was conducted at where there are rapid changes in the population dynamics and demographic trends together with the advancement in human capacity development and new communication technologies. It is an effort that enables the nation to achieve its commitment locally towards Malaysia’s Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 agenda and internationally, such as the ICPD Plan of Action. The objective of the study is to identify the best practices of reproductive and sexual health (SRH) programs including family planning and reproductive and sexual health education (SRHE) among selected Islamic countries that practice sunni sects to provide direction to Malaysia. Five (5) countries were selected for the purpose of comparison with Malaysia are Turkey, Egypt, Morocco and Bangladesh. The report of this study proposes several strategies and improvements as a result of a gap analysis with other Muslim countries that can help strengthen the strategy and implementation of the National Sexual and Reproductive Health programmes to improve reproductive health indicators such as Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate and Age Specific Fertility Rate, as well as reducing the number of cases of teenage pregnancy, abortion, sexual abuse and sexual crimes.
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2019 (5)

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2005-2019 NPFDB research activity report
Item Type: Book
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2019
Abstract:  This report highlights the research programmes and activities conducted by NPFDB over the past 15 years. One of the primary functions of NPFDB is to identify, promote and conduct research and studies on population, family development and reproductive health. NPFDB is responsible to advise the government on matters relating to policies and programmes through the findings of research in these three thematic areas. The Board established the Research Committee in 2009 to identify priority research, provide guidance and monitor the research activities in NPFDB. The first Research Committee meeting was held on 13th January 2010 comprising of selected NPFDB Board Members including Associate Professor Tey Nai Peng as Chairman (University of Malaya), Associate Professor Normah Mohd Dali (MARA University of Technology), Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Haji Ismail (Selangor Medical Center), Associate Professor Siti Hawa Ali (University Science Malaysia), Dato’ Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (FRHAM) and Mr. Lee Wee Min (Focus on the Family) and several division directors of NPFDB.
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2018 (5)

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Laporan fertility at the crossroad-children now, later or never
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2018
Abstract:  This study was to identify the socio-economic and psychological factors that influence the decision of women working in the public and private sectors to want to have children now, postpone pregnancy or do not want to have another child/children. It also to identify forms of support that can be provided by employers in an effort to create a family -friendly work environment. Nowadays, the issue of declining fertility rates is becoming a global issue, not just in among developed countries even in developing countries. Most countries have experienced fertility decline since the 1970s. United Nations Projections (UN) indicates most countries in the Asia Pacific region will experience a decline total fertility rate (TFR) until 2015-2030. Countries like China, Japan and Singapore have achieved TFR below the substitution level for decades ago. Rapid socio -economic development in Malaysia over the past five decades has resulted in a decrease in births and deaths as well as an increase in migration. Malaysia is currently in the second phase of a demographic transition where fertility rates are increasing decreased while the percentage of the elderly population increased. Decrease in rate mortality and fertility are closely linked to improved quality of life giving significant impact on the growth and size of the Malaysian population.
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2017 (5)

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Effects of socio-demographic, lifestyle and environmental factors on semen quality of men attending the sub fertility clinic in National Population and Family Development Board
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  02/01/2017
Abstract:  Couples are considered infertile if they are unable to conceive after one year of regular unprotected sex. The impact of lifestyle and environment on human fertility may vary depending on aetiology, demographic characteristics, genetic variation and other factors. As used by previous researchers, semen parameters were used to measure male infertility. Therefore, a decrease in semen quality is considered as a major factor in male infertility (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semen_quality). Previous studies (Kidd et al.2001,Eskenazi et al.2003, de La Rochebrochard and Thonneau 2003) have found that older men tend to have lower semen quality than younger ones. Testicular hyperthermia (elevated temperature) also has been known to affect male fertility. Men who like taking hot baths or sit in a sedentary position for a long time are at risk of having infertility. The objectives of this study are to identify the relationship between socio-demographic profile, lifestyle and environmental factors and semen quality, and to identify risk factors of poor semen quality among men attending the National Population and Family Development Board's (NPFDB) Subfertility Clinic. This study was done in Andrology Laboratory, NPFDB. Five hundred men from couples having their first infertility consultation between September 2010 abd June 2011 were recruited. Each patient was required to register, deposit semen and fill in the quesstionnaire. Sperm concentration, morphology and motility from semen analysis were used to study the relationship between semen quality and independent variables. Reference limits used were 15 cells x 10'6/ml, 4% and 40 %, respectively (World Health Organization, 2010). For statistical analysis, descriptive statistic, t test and ANOVA were used; 0.05 alpha value was chosen. Results showed that one-third of the study population were between 26 to 30 years of age and another one third were aged between 31 to 35 years old; mean age was 33.2. majority were Malays (71.2%), resided in Selangor (64.3%) and professionals (41.6%). Semen quality showed a negative relationship (p<0.05) with age. Meanwhile, sperm motility varied significantly for different ethnic group. Chinese (57.75%) had the highest motile-sperm compared to Malays (53.44%) and Indians (46.60%). Among lifestyles variables, frequency of sexual intercourse had a posive relationship (p<0.05) with sperm motility, whilst sedentary position had negative relationship (p<0.05) with the latter. Regression analysis was used to predict the risk factors of poor semen quality. This study found that men above 30 years old were two times more likely to have low sperm motility than men in the twenties. Moreover, less frequent sexual activity between couples was more likely (p<0.05) to have abnormal sperm compared to those who had sexual intercourse more frequently. In conclusion, this study suggested that age over 30 years and infrequent sexual activity were the risk factors to lower semen quality. Even though not regarded as a risk factor, sedentary work position had a negative impact on sperm motility. These factors may affect male fertility and cause difficulty in conception. Public awareness through advocacy programs and talks on infertility and its risk factors should be carried out regularly. Public education should be carried out to advice men to practice a healthy lifestyle and work life balance. This study has shown encouraging results, and should be replicated in the general population in Malaysia
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Report on Malaysian Family Well-Being Index 2016
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2017
Abstract:  The NPFDB (2011) defined family well-being as a safe, healthy, comfortable, harmonious and satisfying family condition. This definition covers various aspects, such as spiritual satisfaction and comfort in respect of their economy and finance; mental, psychosocial, and health; political: and sustainability. Family Well-Being Index (FWBI) 2016 measured the level of family well-being through a household's assessment by the father or mother regarding the well-being of their families. This index examined the level of well-being in terms of family relationships, family economy, family relationships, family economy, family health, family safety, family and community involvement, religious and spiritual practices, housing and the environment, and family and communications technologies in the country. The overall FWBI 2016 score was 7.33 out of a maximum score of 10.
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2016 (8)

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Report on key findings Fifth Malaysian Population and Family survey (MPFS-5) 2014
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  01/12/2016
Abstract:  The 2014 Malaysian Population and Family Survey is the fifth in a series of surveys conducted by the NPFDB every 10 years since 1974. This fifth survey was funded by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department under the 10th Malaysia Plan allocation. In conducting the survey, the NPFDB received tremendous cooperation and support from various agencies at federal and state levels as well as from nongovernmental organisations. The purpose of this survey was to collect the latest information and time series data in respect of demography, family and reproductive health of the Malaysian population. It also aimed to update the indicators obtained based on the previous surveys in the series. The MPFS-5 provides specific information on the population, household, family formation, fertility, family planning, family life, health practices, elderly as well as the social and sexual behaviours of the adolescents. It also collected the latest information on career and family balance, well-being, breastfeeding, secondary infertility, financial management, intergenerational assistance and the use of social media.
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Research on risk and protective factors affecting adolescents' sexual and reproductive health in Sabah & Sarawak 2015
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  09/09/2016
Abstract:  A quarter of the world population (1.8 billion) consists of people aged 10-24 years (UN DESA, 2009). Adolescents is a phase of life whereby they have opportunities for developing healthy behaviours, which can determine the future pattern of adulth health. However, for most adolescents, this is the phase of self-discovery whereby they undergo biological, psychological, social and economic changes in their life. Curiosity and experimentation are normal among them where certain behaviours would place adolescents at risk of undesired consequences of their activity. There are various biological, social, educational and psychological risk factors that predispose adolescents to unhealthy and unsafe sexual phenomena such as premarital sex, having multiple sexual partners, unwanted pregnancy, early childbearing and illegal abortion. In terms of biological factors, early menarche, being male men and older age were found to be the significant risk factors. In addition, social factors including unemployment, peer influence (peer/ friends who have had sexual experience) and use of the substance such as alcohol, tend to increase the tendency of unsafe and unhealthy sexual practices (WHO, 2004). Besides, lack of sexual reproductive health information and skills in negotiating sexual relationship, inaccessibility of youth-friendly SRH services are other risk factors that had been identified (Low, 2006). Although there is limited data on teenage pregnancy in Malaysia, the increasing reports on incidences of abandoned babies indicate that increased premarital sexual intercourse resulted in unwanted pregnancies among unmarried adolescents. From 2005 to March 2014, it was reported that there were 561 cases of baby dumping (RMP, 2014; Mansoor, 2014). the number of reports of abortion indicates that there is an increase in the number of extramarital sex among unmarried adolescents. Many 51 cases of infant abandonment were reported in 2005 to March 2014 (PDRM, 2014; Mansoor, 2014). In 2012, a study was conducted to identify the risk and protective factors of adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia (NPFDB, 2015). There has been a dearth of studies on adolescents’ SRH in Sabah and Sarawak. Therefore, studies on SRH among this sub-population are warranted. Furthermore, there are differences in terms of demographic characteristics compared to Peninsular Malaysia. Based on these findings, more specific educational and intervention programmes tailored to the needs of the adolescents in Sabah and Sarawak need to be planned and implemented in order to prevent them from engaging in risky sexual behaviours. The objective of this study was to determine the risk and protective factors related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of adolescents in Sabah and Sarawak.
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The 49th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: "strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post - 2015 development agenda", New York
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has been responsible for undertaking the Population and Housing Censuses of Malaysia every years since 1970. The Census remains the main source of data collection aimed at providing a comprehensive set of statistical information about the population in the country in terms of its size and spatial distribution, its demographic, social and economic characteristics as well as housing stock at a specific time reference. The census provides essential information not only for policy development and planning, but also for managing, monitoring and evaluating programs and activities across a broad spectrum of sectors. The 2010 Census round utilized improved ICT technologies and new approaches in the different phases of the census operation. The emerging technologies are transforming the way the Census is conducted in terms of operations management, quality assurance, data capture, mapping (GIS, GPS), data processing and storage. With the ever increasing individual privacy and accessibility of internet, the e-Census was introduced in 2010. An internet based questionnaire for data collection, was found to be more effective to capture respondents mainly in large urban areas and the gated communities.
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2015 (2)

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Family Well-Being Index Report Malaysia 2011
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2015
Abstract:  In the past few decades, Malaysia has and is still undergoing a process of rapid social and economic development. This is a result of policies implemented by the government such as the New Development Policy (1991-2000), National Vision Policy (2001-2010) and Government Transformation Programme (2010-2020) which all aim to transform Malaysia into a developed and competitive country. However, the processes has imposed increased demands on the family institution because of the responsibilities and the challenges faced by the family itself. The family institution must be strengthened to offset the rapid process of social and economic development. This is important because family is the basic social unit which prepares and supplies human capital resources for national development. Given the importance of family well-being to the future of the country, a scientific study needs to be conducted to measure the level of well-being of families in Malaysia. Measuring family well-being is crucial as it can indirectly measure the impact of the implementation of national social and economic development policies on families and the extent to which the implemented policies and programmes are successful or otherwise. Hence, this study has identified suitable indicators that can provide information about the well-being of families in Malaysia. Subsequently, based on the identified indicators, a Family Well-Being Index (FWI) was developed to measure the current well-being of the family as well as to be used in policy formulation, planning for implementation of future research, the development of new programmes and services, and expansion of the existing programmes.
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2014 (2)

2013 (2)

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Family education@LPPKN = Pendidikan kekeluargaan@LPPKN
Item Type: Book
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  The National Population and Family Board (NPFDB), agency under the Ministry of Women Family and Community Development which was initially known as the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) was established in 1966 as a statutory body. Its main objective was to implement the National Family Planning Programme but its scope has now been expanded to Population, Family Development and Reproductive Health which is in line with 1984 Amendments Act. The Malaysian family today is facing numerous challenges due to rapid socio-economic development and globalization. New challenges have emerged in the social and economic arena, which have had an impact on Malaysian families. Among the challenges experienced by the family institution are changing family structure and dynamics, balancing family and career, fulfilling economic needs parenting of young children and adolecents as well as weakening marital and family relationships. Parallel with the Government's emphasis on strengthening the family institution, the NPFDB has developed and implemented a wide range of family development programmes encompassing advocacy activities and promotion, training and education, services, research and development (R&D) as well as policy formulation. In December 2010, the Government approved the National Family Policy and its Plan of Action, thus mainstreaming the family perspective in all socio-economic planning and development.
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2012 (5)

2011 (2)

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The 44th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: fertility, reproductive health and development, 11th April, 2011
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  11/04/2011
Abstract:  Fertility among Malaysian women is declining faster than expected due to the increase in the average age at first marriage for women that has risen from 24.7 years in 1991 to 25.3 in 2004. Malaysia's total fertility rate (TFR) is expected to reach the replacement level by year 2015. With more and more women participating in the labour force and prioritising career development, this has also led to many highly educated women choosing to marry late or not to marry at all. Malaysia hopes to sustain the current fertility rate and not let it fall below replacement level. Sustaining the current TFR of 2.3 is one of the major challenges that has to be monitored as it can lead to contraction of labour supply, rapid aging of the population and other social implications.
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2010 (4)

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A Study on health status of youth in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2010
Abstract:  This study analyzed health screening of 22,840 youths, who were distributed equally by ethnicity and camp sessions. Based on the analysis, 21.6% of youths were underweight, 18.1% pre-obese and 10.3% obese, with 0.3% perceived having body image disorders. With regards to sexual and reproductive health issues, 39.6% admitted viewing pornographic materials, 28.5% practiced masturbation, 6.5% engaged in premarital sexual relationships, 5.5% had multiple partners and 1.6% had been involved in homosexual relationships. History of abortion was discovered by 0.5% of the respondents. Almost a quarter of the youths were smokers, while 8.7% had consumed alcohol and 1.4% admitted taking drugs. The study also revealed that 6.2% of respondents reported to have past involvement in bully and 14.1% in fight. About 7.1% of the respondents revealed they had been physically abused while 1.2% of them had been sexually abused. Mental health problems were noted in 27.5% of the youths, with depression in 9.8% of the youths, anxiety in 20.7% and suicidal ideation in 11.8%. Psycho-social problems such as substance use, antisocial behavior, physical/sexual abuse and mental health problems among youth are interrelated with common risk and protective factors. Management of psycho-social problems in youths should be holistic; looking into risk and protective factors. Programs and interventions should focus on strengthening of protective factors among youth such as family connectedness and religiosity.

2009 (1)

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The 42nd session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: contribution of the programme of action of the international conference on population and development to the internationally agreed development goals, including the millenium development goals, New York, 31st March, 2009
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  31/03/2009
Abstract:  Malaysia has achieved most of the goals set in the ICPO-PoA, other development goals including the MDGs in the areas of poverty reduction, universal education, reductions in maternal and child mortality, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. The challenge for Malaysia is to maintain the momentum in dealing decisively the remainder of the MOG goals especially in reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, and to identify the next set of priorities that will keep the nation moving ahead towards its ultimate objective of becoming a fully developed nation.
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2008 (4)

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Malaysian country report 3rd East Asia Ministerial Forum on Families 2008, "Strengthening family resilience: moving from policy to action"
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/11/2008
Abstract:  Social policies and programmes affecting families have been revised and improved from time to time since Independence in 1957 to adapt to new challenges and needs of families. The importance of the family as a foundation for a strong Malaysia was first given prominence when Vision 2020 (now renamed the National Vision Policy–NVP) was announced in 1991 which strived to make Malaysia an industrialised nation by the year 2020. This vision recognizes that PEOPLE are the center of development and the critical element of this Vision is to produce citizens of good character embedded with an appropriate balance of suitable knowledge and skills and the inculcation of positive moral values, ethics and innovativeness. It particularly identified a “social system in which society will come before self, in which the welfare of the people will revolve not around the state or the individual but around a strong and resilient family system.”
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2006 (2)

2004 (1)

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Implementation of the ICPD-PoA in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2004
Abstract:  The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 was regarded as a landmark in the population and development field. At this conference,179 countries,including Malaysia,adopted a 20-year Programme of Action(PoA).The ICPD-PoA calls for empowering of women and providing them with more choices through access to education and health services and promoting skill development and employment.The PoA includes goals in regard to education, especially for girls, and for further reduction of infant, child and maternal mortality levels. It also addresses issues relating population;the environment and consumption patterns; the family; internal and international migration; prevention and control of the HIV/AIDS pandemic; information,education and communication;and research and development.This report assesses the progress made by Malaysia in the implementation of ICPD-PoA and in meeting the Millennium Development goals (MDGs). It provides a situational analysis of the population,development,reproductive health and gender related issues, and discusses the various policies and programmes implemented to achieve the objectives of ICPD-PoA. It also emerging challenges and opportunities and put forth some recommended strategies to further strengthen ICPD-PoA implementation in Malaysia.
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2000 (4)

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KASIH Package module
Item Type: Module
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2000
Abstract:  The KASIH package consists of five key modules based on the family life cycle which is Module On Preparation For Marriage - (Bahtera Kasih) - Focuses on enhancing knowledge and skills on marriage preparation and developing a strong foundation for marriages, Module On Fatherhood - (Pancaran Kasih) - Focuses on sharpening the parenting skills of fathers in shaping their children's development, Module On Parenting of Young Children - (Belaian Kasih) - Equips parents with techniques and skills for parenting their young children, Module On Parenting Adolescents - (Mutiara Kasih) - Assists parents to develop effective communication and relationship skills in guiding their adolescent children to be resilient in facing challenges and Module On Adolescent Development - (Permata Kasih) - Adolescent are guided to develop positive values such as being caring and sensitive, loving, responsible and having good personalities in line with the family, society and country's aspiration.

1998 (2)

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Study on childcare & parenting styles among working parents in Peninsular Malaysia 1998
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/1998
Abstract:  The Study on Childcare and Parenting Styles among working Parents in Malaysia is one of the three research issues on the family that has been identified by the Ministry of National Unity and Social Development under the "Pelan Induk Tindakan Sosial (PINTAS)". This survey is timely in view of the many challenges faced by Malaysian families who have been affected directly or indirectly by modernisation, urbanisation and industrialisation as a result of socio-economic development. Female labour force participation has increased from 37 per cent in 1970 to 42 per cent in 1991 and is expected to reach 52 per cent by year 2000. The objectives of the study were: • To study the current situation in childcare arrangements among working parents and to elicit suggestions from them regarding improvements in childcare. • To study parenting styles among working parents and to make recommendations for better parenting practices. • To use findings from the study as an input towards designing strategies and programs for the betterment of families. • To obtain indicators on childcare and parenting for the monitoring of goals and targets in the National Plan of Action on Children.
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1996 (1)

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The National Study on reproductive health and sexuality of adolescents in Malaysia 1994/1995
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/1996
Abstract:  The National Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescents in Malaysia was initiated with the aim of formulating a National Programme on Reproductive Health for Adolescents. The specific objectives of the study are: i. to establish the status of the knowledge, attitude and practice of adolescents with regard to sexual and reproductive health, ii. to identify the constraints that adolescents face in seeking information and service relating to sexual and reproductive health, iii. to obtain the participation of adolescents in the design and implementation of programmes and activities for their own welfare. The single most expected outcome of the Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescents in Malaysia is a Cabinet memorandum which will propose appropriate policy and programme changes for the promotion and maintenance of optimal reproductive health among Malaysian adolescents geared towards the year 2020. This Memorandum will serve as a vital national reference and benchmark for evaluating future trends and patterns. It will be the basis for the reorientation of values, attitudes and approaches for the management of sexuality and reproductive health of adolescents in the country.
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1992 (3)

1984 (2)