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2024 (2)

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The 57th Session of The Commission On Population And Development, United Nations New York, 29 April – 3 May 2024
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/05/2024
Abstract:  Malaysia like many other countries is becoming an aging nation due to declining fertility and increasing life expectancy. As 10.7 per cent of its population aged above 60 in 2020, Malaysia is expected to reach aged nation status by 2030. In this regard, Malaysia has revised its National Policy for Older Persons to enhance the integration of the elderly into society and introduced measures to boost the number of geriatricians and aged care health professionals under the National Health Policy for Older Persons. Malaysia's commitment to adolescent healthcare is evident in the National Adolescent Health Plan of Action (2015-2020) and the revised National Policy and Plan of Action on Social and Reproductive Health Education (2022-2025). These initiatives emphasize sexual and reproductive health education rooted in religious and moral principles across different settings and age groups. The Government also provides comprehensive health care services which includes contraceptive and sexual and reproductive health services that are integrated into primary health-care facilities nationwide. Family planning services are also provided by the National Population and Family Development Board of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, NGOs such as the Family Planning Associations as well as private practitioners.
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The development of Family Well-Being Index: Malaysia experience. EGM on interlinkages between migration, urbanization, new technologies, demographic trends and climate change in Asia.
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mahpul, Irwan Nadzif and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Year:  00/05/2024
Abstract:  The Malaysian Family Well-Being Index (MFWBI) was initiated in 2011 by the NPFDB with the aim to measure the levels of family well-being in the country and to recommend strategic initiatives to strengthen the implementation of future family intervention programs in Malaysia. In 2016, measurement of the MFWBI was repeated using an improvised instrument. The MFWBI 2016 had maintained all the 7 domain in the MFWBI 2011 and added one more domain, namely, Family and Communication Technology. The instrument’s refinement exercise was repeated again in 2019, and 2022 in order to measure the family well-being. The purpose of the refinement exercise was to ensure that the questionnaire was valid and relevant for current and near future use. The domain in the MFWBI are Family Relationship, Family Economy, Family Health, Family Safety, Family and Community Engagement, Role of Religion & Spiritual Practice, Housing and Environment, Family and Communication Technology. At the national level, the MFWBI has been recognized by the federal government as one of the national KPI in the country’s 5-year development planning (Eleventh Malaysia Plan, 2016 -2020 and Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2012 – 2025).
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2023 (4)

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The 56th Session of The Commission On Population And Development, United Nations New York, 10-14 April 2023
Item Type: Country Statement
Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia,  and
Year:  11/04/2023
Abstract:  Education is a longstanding right enshrined in human rights and developmental instruments, including in the Plan of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The ICPD Plan of Action also recognizes the key role of education in sustainable development, as well as the responsibilities of different stakeholders, particularly parents, in this regard. Investments in education systems are of utmost importance for population growth, as it empowers people to lead better, healthier and sustainable lives. For Malaysia, the education system serves as a fundamental component in our quest to be a developed nation, and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Strengthening of human capital through education is a priority to Malaysia, with the Government providing free education to citizens up to secondary level.
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2022 (5)

2021 (4)

2020 (4)

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The well-being of adolescents in divorced families
Item Type: Thesis
R. Subramaniam, Sarada Devi and
Year:  00/00/2020
Abstract:  This study aimed to explore an in-depth understanding on the wellness of teenagers in divorced families. This qualitative study used the phenomenological approach to explore the experience of ten teenagers living with single mothers after the divorce of their parents. Participants in this research are 10 teenagers age between 16 to 18 years’ old who lived with their mothers after their parents' divorce. The duration of their parents' divorce during the data collection was in the range of one to ten years. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and document analysis by social media. Data were analysed using NVIVO12 software. Nine themes and 26 sub-themes emerged from this study. Three main themes and ten subthemes answered the first research question on, what is the meaning of wellness among teenagers in divorced families? Another three more theme and eight sub themes answered the second research question on, what are the perception of teenagers towards wellness in divorced families? The remaining three themes and eight sub themes answered the third research question on, how does divorce changes the wellness in teenager’s life? In conclusion, teenagers’ in this study accepted the changes that occurred as a result of parental divorce. The implications of this study is viewed from three aspects; 1) practical implications for professions such as counselors, 2) theoretical implications for future research, and 3) implications in the field of education for the wellness of the community. The information extracted from the findings of this study can help counselors to understand better on the actual living experience of teenagers in divorced families. The study also helps counsellors to understand how some teenagers manage to live a successful life and fulfilling all the wellness of life in spite of living in divorced families. As this study only focus on teenagers living with their mother after their parents’ divorce, it recommends future researchers to consider exploring areas of wellness among teenagers in joint custody parents or teenagers living with their single father after the parental divorce.
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2019 (3)

2018 (2)

2017 (2)

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The socioeconomic factors in constructing women fertility index: a Malaysian case study
Item Type: Article
Wan Abd Jalil, Wan Aznie Fatihah and
Sharif, Shamshuritawati and
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Year:  01/06/2017
Abstract:  Women fertility is rated by the average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years. Malaysia is now facing a population crisis and the fertility rate continues to decline. This situation will have implications for the age structure of the population. Malaysia is expected to reach aging population status by the year 2035. As the aging population has a very long average life expectancy, the government needs to spend a lot on medical costs for senior citizens and need to increase budgets for pensions. The government may be required to increase tax revenues to support the growing older population. The falling fertility rate requires proper control by relevant authorities, especially through planning and implementation of strategic and effective measures. Hence, this paper aims to develop a fertility index using correlation and Shannon's entropy method. There are two main results from this analysis which are the factor rank and fertility index for each state. The three most important factors that influence fertility in Malaysia based on correlation method listed the number of females living in urban areas, number of females employed, and family planning methods while Shannon's entropy method listed female tertiary education attainments, number of divorces, and family planning methods. Next, the fertility index show that Selangor, Johor, and Sarawak are among the states with the highest values. On the other end of the spectrum, Terengganu, W.P. Labuan, and Perlis are ranked in the last positions. As a summary, the weighted calculation based on the correlation and entropy give different results in terms of rank the factors influencing the fertility. However, the results of both methods show that Selangor has the highest fertility index. From this study, the government may design the appropriate policies to mitigate dwindling fertility rates among Malaysian women.
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2016 (2)

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The 49th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: "strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post - 2015 development agenda", New York
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has been responsible for undertaking the Population and Housing Censuses of Malaysia every years since 1970. The Census remains the main source of data collection aimed at providing a comprehensive set of statistical information about the population in the country in terms of its size and spatial distribution, its demographic, social and economic characteristics as well as housing stock at a specific time reference. The census provides essential information not only for policy development and planning, but also for managing, monitoring and evaluating programs and activities across a broad spectrum of sectors. The 2010 Census round utilized improved ICT technologies and new approaches in the different phases of the census operation. The emerging technologies are transforming the way the Census is conducted in terms of operations management, quality assurance, data capture, mapping (GIS, GPS), data processing and storage. With the ever increasing individual privacy and accessibility of internet, the e-Census was introduced in 2010. An internet based questionnaire for data collection, was found to be more effective to capture respondents mainly in large urban areas and the gated communities.
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2015 (2)

2014 (2)

2012 (4)

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The effectiveness of human resource training programme at the National Population and Family Development Board
Item Type: Thesis
Ismail, Adzhar and
Year:  10/12/2012
Abstract:  Training is a part of human basic needs to achieve perfects or efficiency in doing task. In the public service, training is a must for everyone in order to enhance their skills, knowledge and attitude. This study is to find out the effectiveness of Human Resource Training Policy. The study was done at the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), one of the Government agency under a Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development. The data is collected through distributed questionnaire among the officers and staffs at NPFDB. The questionnaire is divided into 3 part consists respondent profile, effectiveness of training program (13 question) and employee attitude towards training (13 question) and ended with comment or suggestion from respondent if any. Secondary data also is used provided by the Human Resource Department, NPFDB. Quantitative analysis is carried out on this data and standard SPSS (version 18.0) is used to run the analysis. Descriptive statistic is used to analyse respondent's profile. The study shows that independent variable are negative significant with dependent variable. The perception and perceived outcome of the study point that the human resource training policy is significant and acceptable.
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The impact of Indonesian migrants from the locals' perception: a study in Sabah, Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Azman, Nur Airena Aireen and
Muda, Syafina and
Year:  00/08/2012
Abstract:  Being a developed country, Malaysia has been receiving a large number of labour migrants from other neighboring countries. Statistics show that the total number of non-Malaysians in 2010 is 2.3 million compared to 1.3 million in the year 2000. It is over 8 percent of the total population in Malaysia and comprises mostly of Indonesian migrants. This phenomena has a great impact on Malaysia and its people. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of Indonesian migrants from the locals' perception and also to determine if gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, job industry and monthly income make a difference in their perception. The data used for this study were obtained from the Study on Indonesian Migrants in Tawau, Sabah conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) Malaysia in 2010. The survey managed to obtain information from 787 locals in Tawau. The dependent variable is the overall perception of the locals on the impact of the Indonesian migrants while the independent variables are gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, job industry and monthly income. Independent t-test and analysis of variances (ANOVA) were applied to the data set. As a result, this study indicates that the locals in Tawau feel that the presence of the Indonesian migrants does have an effect on them. The mean score obtained was 95.053 out of a total of 135. The results of ANOVA showed that ethnicity (F = 6.950, df = 7), marital status (F = 12.320, df = 3), education level (F = 4.058, df = 7), job industry (F = 27.374, df = 3), and monthly income (F = 15.201, df = 6) contributed to the differences in the locals' perception on the impact of Indonesian migrants. Only gender and religion does not affect their perception. Thus, the entrance of Indonesian workers needs to be monitored as their presence are affecting the locals.
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The Philippine pension system: promoting fairness and sustainability
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Estrada, Gemma and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  This paper presentation about sharing knowledge on the retirement system in the Phillippines, currently characterized by a four-pillar structure. The first pillar refers to social assistance programs created to address the needs of the elderly poor. The second pillar covers the following mandatory defined-benefit programs: (i) the Social Security System (SSS) for private sector workers, (ii) the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) for public sector workers, and (iii) the Armed Forces of the Philippines Retirement Service Benefit System for the military, which altogether cover about 79% of the labor force. The third pillar encompasses mandatory defined contribution programs, which can be further expanded. The fourth and final pillar covers voluntary pension programs, involving various forms of savings instrument. Because the pension system is fragmented, contributions and benefits vary depending on the program.
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2011 (2)

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The prevalence of work-family conflict among mothers in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Mahpul, Irwan Nadzif and
Abdullah, Nor Azaian and
Year:  00/11/2011
Abstract:  Achieving work-family balance is dependent on managing the conflict between work and family roles. This study focuses on the prevalence of work-family conflict among mothers in Peninsular Malaysia. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived work-family conflict and socio-demographic and family characteristics of the mothers. Data were obtained from 801 currently working mothers (with at least having one child) who were between 15 and 49 years old in Peninsular Malaysia interviewed in the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-4), 2004. The result of this study showed that ethnicity, age and employment are the main factors contributing to the prevalence of work-family conflict. However, there is no significant relationship between the prevalence of conflict and the studied family characteristics, namely, number of children, childcare arrangement and presence of children aged 7 to 24 years.
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The 44th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: fertility, reproductive health and development, 11th April, 2011
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  11/04/2011
Abstract:  Fertility among Malaysian women is declining faster than expected due to the increase in the average age at first marriage for women that has risen from 24.7 years in 1991 to 25.3 in 2004. Malaysia's total fertility rate (TFR) is expected to reach the replacement level by year 2015. With more and more women participating in the labour force and prioritising career development, this has also led to many highly educated women choosing to marry late or not to marry at all. Malaysia hopes to sustain the current fertility rate and not let it fall below replacement level. Sustaining the current TFR of 2.3 is one of the major challenges that has to be monitored as it can lead to contraction of labour supply, rapid aging of the population and other social implications.
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2009 (2)

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The 42nd session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: contribution of the programme of action of the international conference on population and development to the internationally agreed development goals, including the millenium development goals, New York, 31st March, 2009
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  31/03/2009
Abstract:  Malaysia has achieved most of the goals set in the ICPO-PoA, other development goals including the MDGs in the areas of poverty reduction, universal education, reductions in maternal and child mortality, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. The challenge for Malaysia is to maintain the momentum in dealing decisively the remainder of the MOG goals especially in reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, and to identify the next set of priorities that will keep the nation moving ahead towards its ultimate objective of becoming a fully developed nation.
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The effect of negative and supportive behaviors of their parents and friends on substance abuse risk among Korean adolescents and implications for family resilience intervention: gender differences
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Soo, Kyung Park and
Year:  00/00/2009
Abstract:  Substances use among adolescents is particularly because early initiation of substance not only leads to many detrimental impacts on their lives but also is predictive of both increased use and more serious patterns of use in their adulthood. Thus, it is important to identify potential substance users and factors related to substance use because these efforts may provide important information to help adolescents who are at high risk for substance use. Many studies documented that parental alcoholism and peer substance use are the most predictive risk factors for substance use among adolescents. On the other hand, there is ongoing debate among researchers on the influence of social support from family and friends on substance use by adolescents. Also, individual factors such as self-esteem, emotional coping, and academic performance have been shown to be associated with substance use among adolescents. Unlike western society, little is known about gender difference in the prevalence and correlates of substance use among adolescents in South Korea. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the prevalence of substance abuse risk among South Korean adolescents and to examine the effects of negative and supportive of parents on their substance abuse risk by gender. The participants were 1,981 high school youths between the ages of 16 and 19 years (mean, 17.69) residing in Seoul city. Data collection was conducted conveniently choosing high schools in Seoul. Participants completed a self-report survey which included measures of substances abuse risk of adolescent and his or her best friend (using a POSIT scale), parental alcoholism (using the CAST), supportive behaviors from either parent or friend (using multidimensional scale of Perceived Social Support), Rosenberg's self-esteem scale, COPE scale developed by Carver et al. and gender, age, perceived economic status and academic performance.
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2008 (3)

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The changing age structures of population and their implications for development: the case of Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ab. Razak, Rohani and
Year:  00/00/2008
Abstract:  The transition from a regime of high mortality and high fertility to one of low mortality and low fertility in Malaysia is a relative recent phenomenon compared to the experience of developed countries. Unlike most developed countries where the demographic transition occurred in the early or mid-nineteenth century, in Malaysia the transition started in the immediate post World War II period, beginning with a reduction in mortality. The crude death rate in 1947 was about 20 deaths per thousand population, which has since declined drastically to a very low level of 4.5 deaths per thousand population in 2006. At present, the crude death rate in Malaysia is much lower than those of the developed countries. Such rapid decline was due to the availability of modern medical and health facilities besides the general improvement in socio-economic conditions of the country. This very low rate is attributed to the young age structure of the Malaysian population.
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2007 (2)

2006 (3)

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Tingkah laku seks di kalangan warga 45 tahun dan ke atas
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2006
Abstract:  An opinion survey on 'Sexual Behavior Among Citizens 45 Years and Above' which was first conducted by the Human Reproduction Division (BRM) was conducted in the Klang Valley area from February to June 2003. The 'Convenience Sampling' sampling method was used where respondents who meet certain criteria fill in the questionnaire themselves. A total of 473 respondents consisting of 50.1% Malays, Indians (26.6%) and Chinese (23.3%) where men (53.5%) outnumber than women (46.5%). The majority of respondents comprised the age group of 50-59 years (41.25%). From the 220 female respondents, only 7.3% took hormone replacement therapy. The results of the study found that the importance and satisfaction of sex decreases with age where it is more pronounced among women than men. The frequency of sexual intercourse is performed in the range of 4-8 times a month (46.3%). Although only 16.7% of respondents had sex-related problems, 70.9% of them did not know the source of help and treatment for their problems. Among those who received treatment, 56.4% chose to seek modern treatment. 55.7% of respondents with sexual problems have at least one chronic disease. A total of 85.6% disagreed and looked for another partner as a way out of sex -related problems. Expectations for better sex in the future are still high at 69.1%. In conclusion, for middle-aged and above despite the declining importance of sexual intercourse, their right to access to knowledge and services related to sexual problems needs to be addressed immediately, especially by medical practitioners, especially the Human Reproduction Division and LPPKN in general. A systematic and ‘gender-sensitive’ approach can help overcome the problem of family institutional breakdown and problems related to incest.
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The development of antisocial behaviour in adolescence: child,family, peer and school influences
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Smart, Diana and
Year:  00/00/2006
Abstract:  This paper focuses on pathways to antisocial behaviour in adolescence, as well as resilience against antisocial behaviour, with particular attention being given to family influences on these pathways. Findings are presented from an ongoing, 23-year longitudinal study that has followed a large sample of Australian children from infancy to early adulthood thus far. Some of the important messages emerging from the three large reports completed between 2002 and 2005 are discussed, including: there is not one single pathway to antisocial behaviour, rather there are multiple pathways that can begin in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. Many children seem to embark on problematic pathways early in life, but there is considerable change at key transition points; the detection of sensitive periods of change can provide opportunities to intervene to help children move off problematic pathways; many at-risk children are resilient to the development of antisocial behaviour and we can learn from them what supports are needed; and finally, particular parenting styles can ameliorate or amplify the influence of child characteristics on antisocial behaviour.
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2004 (1)

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The effects of economic hardship on parenting behavior of Rungus in Sabah
Item Type: Article
Ismail, Rosnah and
Baharudin, Rozumah and
Juhari, Rumaya and
Porodong, Paul and
Bahari, Ferlis and
Year:  00/01/2004
Abstract:  Economic hardship has detrimental effect on parenting behavior. Parents with low and unstable incomes experience more emotional stress, more depressive symptoms and less involved in the children's lives (McLoyd,1990;Taylor et al, 1970). The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between economic hardship and parenting behavior of Rungus families in urban and rural areas in Sabah. The sample consists of 243 respondents, (115 husbands and 128 wives) with 111 respondents live in urban and 132 respondents live in rural areas. The instrument used for this study were the Economic Strain Questionnaire (ESQ) to measure economic hardship, and Parent,s report (PR) to measure parenting behavior. Analysis of data was done using t-test and Pearson correlation. The result of the study revealed that economic hardship was significantly correlated to parenting behavior. There are no relationship between financial hardship and parenting behavior. Implications of these findings and future research are discussed.
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1996 (1)

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The National Study on reproductive health and sexuality of adolescents in Malaysia 1994/1995
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/1996
Abstract:  The National Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescents in Malaysia was initiated with the aim of formulating a National Programme on Reproductive Health for Adolescents. The specific objectives of the study are: i. to establish the status of the knowledge, attitude and practice of adolescents with regard to sexual and reproductive health, ii. to identify the constraints that adolescents face in seeking information and service relating to sexual and reproductive health, iii. to obtain the participation of adolescents in the design and implementation of programmes and activities for their own welfare. The single most expected outcome of the Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescents in Malaysia is a Cabinet memorandum which will propose appropriate policy and programme changes for the promotion and maintenance of optimal reproductive health among Malaysian adolescents geared towards the year 2020. This Memorandum will serve as a vital national reference and benchmark for evaluating future trends and patterns. It will be the basis for the reorientation of values, attitudes and approaches for the management of sexuality and reproductive health of adolescents in the country.
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1990 (1)

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The detection of estrogen-dependent proteins in monkey oviductal fluid
Item Type: Article
A., Paliwal and
V.P., Kamboj and
B., Malaviya and
Year:  00/12/1990
Abstract:  To detect hormone induced changes in oviductal fluid protein pattern, flushings obtained from ovariectomized untreated and estradiol or estradiol plus progesterone treated monkeys were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Superimposed densitometric scans of coomassie blue and periodic acid Schiff's (PAS) stained electrophoretic patterns revealed that estradiol treatment results in the appearance of a new protein (130 K) with maximum carbohydrate content as compared to other proteins present in the luminal milieu. The concentration of 85 and 95 K proteins also increase significantly after estradiol treatment. However, progesterone supplementation in estradiol primed monkeys results in the disappearance of 85 and 95 K proteins and decreased the 130 K glycoprotein considerably. Thus while estrogen acts as an inducer,progesterone antagonizes its action in monkey fallopian tubes and inhibits the synthesis of proteins which may have a role in early reproductive events.
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