Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia (IKK) 2019 & 2022 : perbandingan skor keseluruhan, domain dan indikator (Malaysia dan Negeri Selangor)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: The overall IKK score for Malaysia is 7.72 (2019) while the score for 2022 is 7.93. The overall score of IKK for the State of Selangor is 7.99 in 2019 and the overall score of IKK in 2022 has decreased to 7.87.
Cabaran, kesejahteraan dan penglibatan ibu dalam keluarga : penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Ibu 2024
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: In conjunction with the 2024 National Mother's Day celebration, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) through the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) has conducted an online public opinion poll from 12 to 31 May 2024. In addition to finding out the issues and the current challenge of motherhood in managing the family and raising children, the focus of this study is to find out the level of mental well-being of mothers, and to know the extent of the important role and involvement of a mother in family institutions. With the theme "Terima KASIH Ibu", a total of 3,988 respondents consisting of mothers of Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above who have children were involved in this survey. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for the implementation of appropriate intervention programs towards the strengthening of family institutions.
Cabaran, kesejahteraan dan penglibatan bapa dalam keluarga : penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Bapa 2024
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: In conjunction with the 2024 National Father's Day Celebration, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has conducted an online public opinion poll from 12 to 30 June 2024. In addition to finding out the issues and the current challenges of fatherhood in managing the family and raising children, the focus of this study is to find out the level of mental well-being of fathers, and to know the extent of the important role and involvement of a father in family institutions. With the theme "Terima KASIH Ayah", a total of 1,238 respondents consisting of fathers of Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above who have children were involved in this survey. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for the implementation of appropriate intervention programs towards the strengthening of family institutions.
Population redistribution and concentration in Malaysia, 1970-2020
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: Migration, population redistribution and development are closely interrelated. Uneven population growth and distribution are the results and causes of religion and urban-rural disparities in development. Population distribution has changed significantly since 1970. 22% of the national population resided in Selangor in 2020. Urbanization level increased from 28% in 1970 to 75% in 2020, making Malaysia the second most urbanized country in SEA. This study is based on census reports and UN databases.
Fifty years of population ageing in Selangor: 1970-2020
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: According to the 2020 Cencus, Selangor Darul Ehsan is the most populous States in Malaysia with total population of 6,994,423 persons and 1,836,410 households (average household size= 3.8 persons). With a total GDP of RM 326,805 million (RM 48,606 per capita), the relatively young State has a positive net migration rate although the absolute number of older persons has reached a staggering 714.4 thousand, or in other words, 21.4% of all older persons aged 60 years or over in Malaysia resides in Selangor.
Penyakit Jangkitan Seksual= Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: This study examines the extent of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among married women aged between 15-49 years. The findings of the study show that the level of knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among women is moderate. Awareness campaigns about STDs that are more widespread and targeted especially at high-risk groups should be continued in an effort to increase their knowledge and awareness of the risks of STDs.
Project concept: a mixed method study of social psychological influences and affordability perception on fertility intentions in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: Malaysia, a culturally rich and economically strong Southeast Asian country, is experiencing a major demographic transition. In 1970, the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) was high at 4.9 children per woman, indicating a preference for larger families. By 2022, TFR has drastically reduced to 1.6 children per woman, below the replacement level of 2.1. Pronounced in urban areas especially Kuala Lumpur, with a TFR or just 1.2. The study aims to bridge gaps in understanding fertility intentions in urban Malaysia. Findings will inform public health policies and family planning programs, contributing to sustainable health systems.
Peningkatan penyalahgunaan dadah dan masalah kesuburan dalam kalangan belia dan kesan ke atas pertumbuhan penduduk : satu tinjauan awal
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: Drug abuse can have an adverse effect on fertility levels and subsequently affect the rate of population growth. The negative effect of drug abuse on the level of fertility is found to be more significant among the youth. More worrying in Malaysia, the youth group (19-39 years) who are in the reproductive age category are also the highest age category detected as drug abusers and addicts (>70% of the total number of addicts) and the percentage of the youth population involved in drugs remains high.
Descriptive analysis: family planning method in Klinik Nur Sejahtera ( National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia) in the year 2018-2022
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/11/2023
Abstract: Family Planning (FP) is a component of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and refers to the human right of individuals to regulate the number and spacing of birth. In Malaysia, contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) during the past three decades has remained stagnant, with only 34-35% of women practicing modern contraception, this number relatively low compared to global rate and neighboring countries. It has 49 clinics (Klinik Nur Sejahtera) located all around Malaysia whose services focus in Women’s Health particularly in family planning and reproductive cancer screening.
Source of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information among youths in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: A majority of respondents agreed that they sought for information on puberty topics and pregnancy to the teachers and mother as compared with other sources. While, peers and media were the second and third sources on sexual topics after teachers. However, the main sources of information on contraception were teachers and media instead of mother and father or siblings.
Achievement of desired fertility in Malaysia and association with sociodemographic characteristics
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This study aims to examine the patterns of desired fertility achievement and the differences according to socio - demographic characteristics among married women.
Socio economics factors that effect work life balance among women in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper seeks to determine the factors that influence work life balance among women in Malaysia. This is explored with regard to whether the factors recorded affect the work life balance among women in Malaysia. The scope of the study will be concentrated toward married working women aged from 15 to 59. This paper finally concludes with discussion on the alternatives that women in Malaysia can take to get a better work life balance.
Activities of daily living dependency among the elderly in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of activities of daily living (ADL) dependency among the elderly in Malaysia and to examine the factors that are associated with ADL dependency.
Youth and sex information: who they refer to?
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2015
Abstract: Youths who involved in sexual behaviors can result in unintended health outcomes and put them at risk for HIV infection, sexuality transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancy and very early childbearing. Factors associated to sexual risk behavior among youth are lack of sexual and reproductive health information and skills in negotiating sexual relationships, inaccessibility of youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services and peer pressure (Kaestle et Al., 2005). Hence, it is clearly stated that our youths need access to protective information and skills before they become sexually active (Bleakley et al., 2010) Previous research shows significant results on various source of sexual and reproductive health information among youth such as friends, teachers, parents, peers, religious members and media (Gombachika et al.,2013; Kamrani et al., 2011; Bleaky et al., 2009) therefore, there is a need to know and do more address what kind of sources utilized by young people in getting information on sexual and reproductive health, in Malaysia specifically. The purpose of this study was to identify the individuals source of information related to sexual and reproductive health among Malaysia youth, as well as to examine the association of these sources with social demographic information.
Why do men and women remain single? Findings from the Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-5)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 01/07/2015
Abstract: Marriage is one of the most important social institutions. In Malaysia, the marriage pattern has changed a lot over the past few decades. Socioeconomic development, rising educational level and financial independence have led to the increase in delayed marriage and non-marriage. Between 1980 and 2010, the singulate mean age at first marriage among men and women increased from 26.6 years and 23.5 years to 28.0 years and 25.7 years, respectively. Among men aged 25-29, the proportion never married had increased from 40 percent in 1980 to 53 percent in 2010, while that of the women had also increased from 21 percent to 38 percent. The proportion remaining single at aged 30-34 almost doubled from 15 percent to 28 percent among the men and from 10 percent to 18 percent among the women. The objective of this study is to identify the reasons why men and women remain single and the criteria for choosing a life partner.
Unmet fertility desires: a case study among working women in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: Malaysia population will be estimated to reach aging population by 2035. This projection was inflated by many factors. One of the factors that influence the demographic changes is fertility. Malaysia is already at the level of substitute of total fertility rate (TFR) and this number was decreasing by time. From previous studies showed that fertility desires can predict the subsequent fertility behavior. There is always a disjoint between desired and actual family size. The difference between the actual number of children and the desired number of children is called unmet fertility desired. Since Malaysia is having a declining Total Fertility Rate (TFR), the dynamics of the difference between actual number of children and the desired number of children must be examined. Past research on fertility desires found that the rising age at marriage, economic factors, infertility, and social factors were the important factors that will affect the fertility desired. Also, education level, early and late childbearing, locality and household income influenced the unmet fertility desires.
Factors associated with duration of breastfeeding in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: Breastfeeding is the natural way of feeding a baby, so it should be easy and trouble free for most mothers. It is recommended that mothers to breastfeed their babies exclusively, without giving any other food or drink, for the first six months and continue breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods up to two years old and beyond [1]. An exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life was also being emphasized in the Malaysian National Breastfeeding Policy which was formulated in 1993 and revised in 2005 in accordance with the World Health Assembly Resolution 54.2. Breastfeeding is beneficial to both, baby and mother. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) [2], if every baby were exclusively breastfed from birth, an estimated 1.5 million lives would be saved each year. And not just saved, but enhanced, because breast milk is the perfect food for a baby’s first six months of life. Beral et al. [3] reported that the longer women breastfeed the more they are protected against breast cancer. In addition, according to Danforth et al. [4], mothers who breastfeed their babies of 18 or more months are associated with a significant decrease in ovarian cancer risk compared to those never breastfeed. Other than health benefits of breastfeeding, it offers a natural opportunity to communicate love at the very beginning of a child’s life by providing hours of closeness and nurturing every day, laying the foundation for a caring and trusting relationship between mother and child [2]. Despite the vast benefits of breastfeeding for both mothers and babies, breastfeeding rates are declining worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) [5], the decline in duration of breastfeeding in the twentieth century as a result of rapid social and economic change, including urbanization and marketing of breast milk substitutes. Malaysia faces a similar phenomenon where not all mothers choose to breastfeed according to the suggested duration. Findings of the Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Surveys showed that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding had declined from 29.0 % in year 1996 to 14.5 % in year 2006 [6]. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the duration of breastfeeding and also to explore the determinants of the duration of breastfeeding in Peninsular Malaysia.
Risk and protective factors affecting youth sexual and reproductive health in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/01/2014
Abstract: Over the last 10 years, youth sexual and reproductive health (SRH) had raised a lot of concern on the national agenda. This concern has been driven by increasing proportion of young people who had sex at early age, increasing prevalence of HIV/AIDS and STI particularly in Malaysia.
Intention to limit childbearing among working women
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/11/2013
Abstract: Malaysia's population growth the rate has dropped from 2.6 percent in 2000 to 1.9 percent in 2010. This declining trends has been in evidence since 1970. Fertility is one of the major indicator and determinant of demographic change. Fertility, expressed as total fertility rate (TFR), in Malaysia decreased from 4.9 in 1970 to 2.3 in 2010. However, in 2011, the TFR has reached replacement level (2.1). Changes in socio-economic status, education and participation of women in the labour force, increasing age at first marriage, practice of family planning and urbanization are among factors that affect women's fertility pattern.
The impact of Indonesian migrants from the locals' perception: a study in Sabah, Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/08/2012
Abstract: Being a developed country, Malaysia has been receiving a large number of labour migrants from other neighboring countries. Statistics show that the total number of non-Malaysians in 2010 is 2.3 million compared to 1.3 million in the year 2000. It is over 8 percent of the total population in Malaysia and comprises mostly of Indonesian migrants. This phenomena has a great impact on Malaysia and its people. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of Indonesian migrants from the locals' perception and also to determine if gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, job industry and monthly income make a difference in their perception. The data used for this study were obtained from the Study on Indonesian Migrants in Tawau, Sabah conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) Malaysia in 2010. The survey managed to obtain information from 787 locals in Tawau. The dependent variable is the overall perception of the locals on the impact of the Indonesian migrants while the independent variables are gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, job industry and monthly income. Independent t-test and analysis of variances (ANOVA) were applied to the data set. As a result, this study indicates that the locals in Tawau feel that the presence of the Indonesian migrants does have an effect on them. The mean score obtained was 95.053 out of a total of 135. The results of ANOVA showed that ethnicity (F = 6.950, df = 7), marital status (F = 12.320, df = 3), education level (F = 4.058, df = 7), job industry (F = 27.374, df = 3), and monthly income (F = 15.201, df = 6) contributed to the differences in the locals' perception on the impact of Indonesian migrants. Only gender and religion does not affect their perception. Thus, the entrance of Indonesian workers needs to be monitored as their presence are affecting the locals.
Remittance behaviour among Indonesian migrant workers in Sabah, Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/08/2012
Abstract: Malaysia is both a country of origin and destination for migration especially among the labour migrants both documented and undocumented. According to The World Bank's Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, the stock of immigrants in Malaysia is estimated at 2.4 million as at 2010 and the top source countries include Indonesia, Philippines, China, Bangladesh, India, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Myanmar, and Pakistan. Generally, Malaysia is the major destination country for Indonesian migrants because of its geographical, cultural, and religous proximity to Indonesia.
The objective of this study is to investigate remittance behaviour among Indonesian migrants including the decision to remit and use of informal methods of transferring remittance. The data used was obtained from the Study of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Tawau, Sabah conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia in 2010. Three different sets of questionnaire-based survey were conducted on both migrants and non-migrants, namely 896 Indonesian migrant workers, 37 employers who hired the Indonesian migrant workers, and 787 locals in Sabah. Both descriptive and multivariate analyses have been applied in order to study the remittance behaviour of the migrants. At the initial stage, the descriptive analysis explained the percentage of migrants who send remittance and migrants who use informal channels according to their characteristics. Then, logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the factors that influence migrants' decision to send remittance and the use of informal methods of transferring remittance. The results of this study showed that age, monthly income, number of children residing in Indonesia, having own house in Indonesia and sending goods to Indonesia are the main factors contributing to the migrants' decision to remit. It was found that the likelihood to remit among migrants increased with age, income and number of children residing in Indonesia. Those who own house in their origin country and sending goods to the country are more likely to remit. In the analysis of methods of transferring remittance, it was found that birth place, number of children residing in Indonesia and the total amount of money remitted have significant relationship with the use of informal channels. The likelihood of using informal channels is higher among migrants from Sulawesi as compared to the other parts of Indonesia. As the number of children residing in Indonesia and amount of money remitted increased, the likelihood of using informal channels had decreased.