Family planning acceptor survey
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 1977
Abstract: The objective of this survey is to evaluate the on-going family planning programme and to identify factor that are helpful for the successful implementation of The National Programme in terms of better acceptance and continuity of contraception.This study covering a total of 3,750 family...[Read...[Read More]
Family and health survey in the intensive input demonstration areas (IIDA II)
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 1976
Abstract: The objective of this study is to subsequent evaluation to measure the impact of the integration of family planning and health services in rural areas. Some of the major findings in this survey are: 78% married below 20 years of age. The mean age at first marriage is 17 years old. One in...[Read More]
The report on West Malaysian Family Survey 1966-1967
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 1968
Abstract: The data presented in this report was collected under the Statistics Act, No 34, 1965 by the Department of Statistics. This report is the First Malaysia-Wide Family survey was conducted at the end of 1966 and the beginning of 1967 with the objective of the finding Knowledge, Attitude and...[Read...[Read More]