Family development module for Institutions of Higher Education
Item Type: Module
Year: 01/12/2000
Abstract: The NPFDB has initiated a family development programme (MOPKITP) for students from Institutions of Higher Education. The Family Development Module will be offered through the co-curriculum programme. This Family Development Module Package is a combination of the NPFDB's existing modules, that is Permata Kasih, Youth Exploration, SMARTbelanja, SMARTSTART, Bahtera Kasih, Belaian Kasih, Mutiara Kasih and POP Community. The outcome of this collaborative effort with the Institutions of Higher Education will be a pool of student who are "trained facilitators". Hence the NPFDB will be able to use these students to further expand its family development programmes to the grassroots.
KASIH Package module
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/00/2000
Abstract: The KASIH package consists of five key modules based on the family life cycle which is Module On Preparation For Marriage - (Bahtera Kasih) - Focuses on enhancing knowledge and skills on marriage preparation and developing a strong foundation for marriages, Module On Fatherhood - (Pancaran Kasih) - Focuses on sharpening the parenting skills of fathers in shaping their children's development, Module On Parenting of Young Children - (Belaian Kasih) - Equips parents with techniques and skills for parenting their young children, Module On Parenting Adolescents - (Mutiara Kasih) - Assists parents to develop effective communication and relationship skills in guiding their adolescent children to be resilient in facing challenges and Module On Adolescent Development - (Permata Kasih) - Adolescent are guided to develop positive values such as being caring and sensitive, loving, responsible and having good personalities in line with the family, society and country's aspiration.
Profil keluarga/Family profile Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1999
Abstract: The book on Family Profile: Findings of studies contains information from studies done by NPFDB namely Population and Family Survey,1984 and 1994, The socio-Economic effects of population Ageing in Malaysia,1986, Malaysian Family life Survey 1988, Sub-National District population Survey (Kajian Penduduk Daerah) 1992. A survey on the Effects of Socio-Economic Development on Family and Gender Relations in Kuala Lumpur,1995, Adolescents Social Behaviour in Malaysia 1994/95, Adolescents Social Behaviour 1993 and Terengganu, 1995 and Adolescents Reproductive Health and Sexual Behaviour in Malaysia, 1994/95.The findings of these studies have been analysed and arranged according to the changing patterns and trends that have occurred to families since 1986. Some of these studies are representative of Peninsular Malaysia while others are confined only to certain areas of the Peninsular. Nevertheless, the description of situations derived from these findings are consistent and reliable.
Effects of socio-economic development on family and gender relations in Malaysia, 1995: focussing on Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/04/1998
Abstract: This study attempts to inquire into the effects of socio economic development on families and gender relations in Malaysia societies living in urban areas, focusing on the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. These effects which the research attempts to study are found in the everyday lives of the Malaysian families such as family bonds, family satisfactions, identities, attitudes, norms, conjugal relations, parent and child relations and the family's support network. A total of 1,200 respondents consisting of males and females, aged 18 years and above living in and around Kuala Lumpur and within the Klang Valley had been selected for the survey.
Study on childcare & parenting styles among working parents in Peninsular Malaysia 1998
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1998
Abstract: The Study on Childcare and Parenting Styles among working Parents in Malaysia is one of the three research issues on the family that has been identified by the Ministry of National Unity and Social Development under the "Pelan Induk Tindakan Sosial (PINTAS)". This survey is timely in view of the many challenges faced by Malaysian families who have been affected directly or indirectly by modernisation, urbanisation and industrialisation as a result of socio-economic development. Female labour force participation has increased from 37 per cent in 1970 to 42 per cent in 1991 and is expected to reach 52 per cent by year 2000. The objectives of the study were: • To study the current situation in childcare arrangements among working parents and to elicit suggestions from them regarding improvements in childcare. • To study parenting styles among working parents and to make recommendations for better parenting practices. • To use findings from the study as an input towards designing strategies and programs for the betterment of families. • To obtain indicators on childcare and parenting for the monitoring of goals and targets in the National Plan of Action on Children.
Laporan kajian kekeluargaan dan pelajar sekolah menengah Semenanjung Malaysia 1994/95
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1996
Abstract: Disciplinary problems among the student are the hot issue that being discuss in our community nowadays. If this problem is not prevented immediately, misbehaviour or disciplinary cases will continue to increase and is about to expose students to more misbehaviour such as theft, blackmail, molesting, involved in triad ,drug addiction and so on. Many discussions about student discipline problems was held, either by the related agencies, associations, schools, parent or communities. According to the report of the Ministry of Education, several key factors are identified as the main cause of disciplinary problems such as school climate less attractive, psychological and familial factors. Detailed and comprehensive study should be conducted to identify family factors that may contribute to or cause students to behave as such. Consequently,a Family Studies and Student Discipline covering high school student and parent / guardian has been carried out in Peninsular Malaysia by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) in collaboration with the School Division, Ministry of Education and the State Education Departments