Laporan kajian kekeluargaan dan pelajar sekolah menengah Semenanjung Malaysia 1994/95
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1996
Abstract: Disciplinary problems among the student are the hot issue that being discuss in our community nowadays. If this problem is not prevented immediately, misbehaviour or disciplinary cases will continue to increase and is about to expose students to more misbehaviour such as theft, blackmail, molesting, involved in triad ,drug addiction and so on. Many discussions about student discipline problems was held, either by the related agencies, associations, schools, parent or communities. According to the report of the Ministry of Education, several key factors are identified as the main cause of disciplinary problems such as school climate less attractive, psychological and familial factors. Detailed and comprehensive study should be conducted to identify family factors that may contribute to or cause students to behave as such. Consequently,a Family Studies and Student Discipline covering high school student and parent / guardian has been carried out in Peninsular Malaysia by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) in collaboration with the School Division, Ministry of Education and the State Education Departments
Kajian kekeluargaan dan pelajar sekolah menengah Semenanjung Malaysia 1994/95: penemuan penting
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1994
Abstract: This report summarized the key findings from the report of Family and High School Students Study conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Malaysia in 1994. The study covered a total of 1089 students from levels two to five selected from 91 secondary schools in Peninsular Malaysia. Among the 535 students who were selected from those having a record of misconduct while the other 554 did not have a record of misconduct. This study also includes parents of students selected to obtain status information that can be related to the behavior of the students surveyed.