Apparent benefit from corticosteroids in bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a case report
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/00/1984
Abstract: A case of bronchopulmonary dysplasia complicating the ventilatory management of respiratory distress syndrome is described. The diagnosis was documented by typical clinical radiological and cytopathologic criteria. The infant's abrupt clinical deterioration was reversed by the use of high dosage steroids and attempt at reducing the dose of steroids initially was associated with clinical and radiological deterioration. We conclude that steroid administration seemed beneficial in our patient.
Age of biological maturity of Malaysian girls by ethnicity
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: This study tries to estimate the age of biological maturity of Malaysian girls by ethnicity by employing an indirect methodology. Age at biological maturity is estimated by considering retrospective fertility and family survey data on marriage, first birth, and contraceptive use. The waiting time for the biological mature females to conceive is 3.0 months; 3.2 months among the Malays, 2.7 months among the Chinese, and 2.8 months among the Indians.The maximum age of attaining biological maturity is 20 for all ethnic groups except Indians (19 years). The expected age biological maturity at birth is 15.6 years; 15.3 years for the Malays, 15.4 for the Chinese and 14.8 years for the Indians.The mean age of attaining biological maturity coincides with the expected age of attaining biological maturity at birth.
Actinomyces-like organisms in the cervical smears of IUCD users
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: Cervical smears of 128 intrauterine contraceptive device users were stained by Gram stain and screened for the presence of Actinomyces-like organisms. Actinomyces-like organisms were observed in 5.5 percent, pus cell in 20.1 percent and yeast cells in 10.2 percent of the smears examined. The average duration of insertion was 8 months. Smears of 103 controls were negative for Actinomyces-like organisms, pus cells were observed in 8.7 percent and yeasts in 4.8 percent.
Female sterilization using filshie clip in private practice
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: The findings of a trial clip female sterilization program in private practice in Malaysia is presented. The Filshie clips were successfully applied in 382 subjects. Complications encountered were minimal. Only one subject presented with an intrauterine pregnancy following sterilization (0.3 percent). The success rate was very high in the region of 99.7 percent. This study also strengthens the view that private practitioners can play a very important role in the delivery of family planning advice and services to the masses in developing countries.