National Family Policy
Item Type: Act & Policy
Year: 00/03/2011
Abstract: Malaysia is one of the few countries that has an explicit policy on family. The National Family Policy (NFP) was launched on 19 March 2011. It advocates the concept of family wellbeing based on family values such as caring, honesty, justice and equity regardless of status, gender and age. At the macro level, the policy will be the catalyst to urge all stakeholders to take into account the family perspective in all their planning, strategy formulation or development efforts, either through their commitment, formulation or review of policies and laws that are not family friendly to ensure that programmes, services and family friendly facilities are accessible.
New Zealand indigenous people and resilience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: Indigenous peoples throughout the world have used strengths and resiliency to preserve the ongoing effects of colonizations and as tools for sovereignty. The 'Tangata Whenua' of New Zealand, along side other indigenous and minority groups throughout the world, continue to progress the development of their own cultural frameworks and models of practice. More recently in New Zealand, particularly within the health and social services sectors, 'tangata whenua' have begun to examine resiliency research and practices which contribute to the body of knowledge in the area of 'whanau ora', and the cultural capacities and capabilities which assist families to build resiliency and protective factors and processes. This presentation examines what has been learned from the theory and practice experiences of a 'Tangata Whenua' social work practitioner and trainer.