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Results for Topics : "Adolescent"

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Effect of Sexting Intervention Module (SIM) using prototype willingness to sext among undergraduate students.
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ahmad, Norliza and
Mansor, Norain and
Md Said, Salmiah and
Tan, Kit-Aun and
Sutan, Rosnah and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Sexting exchanging sexually explicit messages (texts, images, videos) via online. High sexting prevalence was used to rationalized the need for intervention. Implication of sexting are correlated with cyberbullying, sexual risk behavior, and mental health issues. Objectives of this research is to develop Sexting Intervention Module (SIM) using the Prototype Willingness Model, implement the intervention and evaluate the effectiveness of SIM on intention and willingness to sext among undergraduates in a public higher education institution in Melaka State. Research impact provide new evidence of effectiveness of Prototype Willingness Model (PWM) in reducing intention and willingness to sext. Previously PWM known to be effective in intervention that focus on prevention of smoking, alcohol drinking, sunless tanning, and sexual harassment. The effectiveness of PWM based intervention and animated videos supported future public health intervention toward digitalization of health education on sexting related topics among young adult. In community its increase awareness on sexting related issues and early prevention of negative implication of sexting.
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Executive Summary: youth intervention study: best practices of youth intervention programmes in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  01/07/2020
Abstract:  In the decades, Malaysia has undergone rapid economic, social and cultural changes which impacted not only the daily lives of its people but also their worldview and values. This is particularly so for young people, as excessive exposure to information from the social media, internet and pornography had inevitably influence their lifestyle and behaviour. The socio-cultural changes are likely associated with an increased rates of non-marital sexual activity, increased rates of sex partner change and increased rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In 2005, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through NPFDB introduced the PEKERTI Programme to be implemented at KafeTEEN adolescents centres. The programme provides reproductive health services, counseling services and education and skill building to promote a healthy life and inculcate positive attitudes and moral values among young people.
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