Dasar dan Pelan Tindakan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial Kebangsaan (PEKERTI) 2022-2025
Item Type: Act & Policy
Year: 08/09/2022
Abstract: This new PEKERTI policy is applicable to every individual regardless of age and gender and takes into account ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Focus will be given to producing a healthy population in terms of reproductive and sexual health based on high moral values and practicing responsible behavior and mutual respect for each other.
This PEKERTI policy has been streamlined to achieve 5 objectives which are to (i) increase the awareness of Malaysians regarding the importance of reproductive and social health education, (ii) develop evidence-based reproductive and social health education programs, (iii) develop human expertise and modernity in aspects reproductive and social health education, (iv) carry out research in aspects of reproductive and social health education and (v) ensure programs and services under this policy are continuously monitored and evaluated.
In order to achieve these 5 objectives that have been set, 5 Cores have been identified as policy implementation machinery namely (i) Advocacy, Promotion and Prevention, (ii) Comprehensive Reproductive and Social Health Education Covering All Age Levels, (iii) Human Capital and other Resources for Reproductive and Social Health education, (iv) Research and Development and (v) Monitoring and Evaluation.
National Family Policy
Item Type: Act & Policy
Year: 00/03/2011
Abstract: Malaysia is one of the few countries that has an explicit policy on family. The National Family Policy (NFP) was launched on 19 March 2011. It advocates the concept of family wellbeing based on family values such as caring, honesty, justice and equity regardless of status, gender and age. At the macro level, the policy will be the catalyst to urge all stakeholders to take into account the family perspective in all their planning, strategy formulation or development efforts, either through their commitment, formulation or review of policies and laws that are not family friendly to ensure that programmes, services and family friendly facilities are accessible.
Konseptual kualiti hidup dalam konteks golongan pesara di Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Quality of life carries a more complex meaning in explaining the context of an individual's life status, whether they are satisfied and happy with their living conditions or not. The phenomenon of quality of life can be measured by looking at indicators in various aspects whether monetary or non-monetary. This study was conducted to examine what the meaning of quality of life is in the context of retirees in Malaysia. In addition, this study was also conducted to see what indicators affect the quality of life, especially for retirees in Malaysia. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a qualitative method was used, particularly working on reading sources from previous studies. The sources were screened through Scopus access. The main findings of this study found that there are various indicators that affect the quality of life
retirees in Malaysia and can be divided into two categories, namely monetary which consists of economic indicators, and
residence. While non-monetary consists of indicators of social support, health and family life. Therefore, this study will analyze and conceptually describe the quality of life of the retirees in Malaysia in a more comprehensive way through research on national policies and policies, as well as see a brief comparison with other countries.
Impak positif daripada pandemik covid-19 kepada institusi kekeluargaan
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: The world was shocked by the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic which changed the norms of human life from the usual. This effect also
felt by every family institution which is the basic group in a community. The routine in family life that has become a habit had to be changed because of it. Previous studies have found that there are various negative or positive impacts from this epidemic. This article places special emphasis on the positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on family institutions. The study is exploratory because it is a new issue with limited resources. The study literature is based on references obtained from reading sources related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the concept of new norms for family institutions. In addition to that, independent observation and experience are also the results of the study. The focus of the positive impact of this pandemic on family institutions is seen from a spiritual perspective, habits and attitudes. The result of this writing found that there are several lessons referring to the positive impact useful to be used as a reference or guide in the future. The concept of understanding and returning to religious teachings is the key to getting a positive impact from any form of calamity or disaster.
Cabaran kesejahteraan suri rumah berpendidikan tinggi
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Highly educated women have crossed the mainstream by choosing housewife as a preferred career over a professional career. This step was taken as a solution to the problems of the household, a solution to the weakness of the childcare center and a preparation of children’s ability to meet the demands of a challenging world. This difficult decision was made as a struggle and investment of time to develop human capital as a national development asset. This conceptual paper uses library review techniques to understand and identify the challenges faced by highly educated housewives in developing well-being in life. Suggestions for developing the well-being of housewives are also discussed.
Ordinal regression for modelling the family well- being among the Malaysians
Item Type: Article
Year: 30/06/2021
Abstract: Understanding factors which affect the level of family well-being is important as it contributes to effective decision making among the policymakers to improve the family lives as well as to strengthen the family institution. This study develops an ordinal regression model which identifies demographic, economic and social factors that are significant in explaining the status of family well-being.
Women subjective well-being In Malaysia: findings from Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (Mpfs-5)
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/10/2019
Abstract: The subjective well-being is defined as one's cognitive and affective assessment of a person's life (Diener, Lucas & Oshi, 2002). This article aims to measure the subjective well-being of women between age 20 to 59 years old in Malaysia. For measurement purposes, this article has adopted the Personal Well-being Index (PWI) instrument developed by the International Wellbeing Group.
Panduan keselamatan di dalam dan luar rumah
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/11/2018
Abstract: These tips are taken from the “Pendidikan Keselamatan Keluarga dan Anak (PEKA)” module that was introduced by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) last year. It aims to provide knowledge and raise awareness about child safety issues as well as provide basic rescue skills including cybersecurity among parents, guardians and community.
Pedofilia: selamatkah anak-anak kita?
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/05/2017
Abstract: Recently, we were shocked by a news that was very foreign to us. A British man has been convicted of molesting and sexually abusing children, including in Malaysia. The psychological disorder is called pedophilia, while the perpetrators of child sexual harassment are called pedophiles. A person who suffers from pedophilia, may also not be a pedophiles (for not committing any sexual behavior against children), but a pedophile turns out to be a person suffering from pedophilia.
10 saat pelukan keluarga
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/07/2016
Abstract: “10 saat pelukan keluarga” is the best gift a child can give to their parents. This gift is more meaningful than money and diamond gold. When a person does a hug, it will stimulate the skin cells that are detected through touch and caress that will be channeled through the nerves to the brain. Next, the brain will release three hormones that act as "natural transmitters" that cause us to feel happier and less stressed. The three hormones are serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.
Disconnect digitally, reconnect emotionally
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/00/2016
Abstract: Without a doubt, digital is the future. However, we do need to know where to draw the line and prevent ourselves from overindulging in it. Failure to do so could lead to digital addiction. It is fairly common nowadays to see parents handing their smartphone or tablet to their child to keep them entertained.
However, this is where parents will need to exercise self discipline on their part to avoid the pitfalls. As parents, you should lead by example and serve as a role model for your child to emulate as he grows. As the saying goes “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing!”
Lima teras keluarga bahagia
Item Type: Article
Year: 16/11/2015
Abstract: Each of us has our own values to describe a happy family. Happiness in the family is very important and it is the goal of all of us to build family institutions. National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has outlined five (5) Happy Family Thrusts based on the concept of KASIH, namely Love, Morality, Health, Knowledge and Harmony. Let there be different recipes and molds of pure values that are practiced in the family but the purpose is to create a happy family.
Antara hak dan tanggungjawab membimbing anak bertanggungjawab
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/10/2015
Abstract: Rights can be defined as belonging to each individual while responsibilities are something that must be exercised. Kids who like to take people’s stuff have impulsive traits. Impulsive means someone who has a strong urge to have something. When the desire peaked, he had to get it right away. Some tips are shared to parents when faced with this situation such as encouraging children to ask permission every time they want to borrow items that do not belong to them, explaining to children about the difference between borrowing and taking other people's items without permission and consistent and firm in correcting actions. misconduct of children.
Yang mana satu pilihan: keluarga kecil atau besar
Item Type: Article
Year: 10/07/2015
Abstract: In the current of modernization, many couples are planning to limit the number of their family members. Among the factors that push them to plan a family are getting married at a late age and the rising cost of living. The practice of family planning is very helpful in determining the birth distance between children and the size of the appropriate number of children for a family. This contraceptive practice can also prevent pregnancy in high-risk women, i.e. women with serious health problems or hereditary diseases.
10 tips luangkan masa berkualiti bersama keluarga
Item Type: Article
Year: 03/06/2015
Abstract: Quality time with family is when family members can spend time with mutual benefits. The time is filled with activities or interactions that can further strengthen the relationship between family members. This article shares about 10 tips to spend quality time with family such as, praying together, eating, tidying and cleaning the house together, studying children's lessons, shopping, doing leisure activities together, traveling, family reunions, doing hobbies together, and corner mini library.
Toleh kiri dan toleh kanan
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/06/2015
Abstract: The aspect of safety in the family needs to be educated and made a daily practice and needs to be educated with patience without despair. There are some simple tips to practice in family safety such as don’t stop praying, keep dangerous and important equipment in a special place, safe zone to explore and consensus brings blessings.
Imbangi keluarga dan kerjaya
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/05/2015
Abstract: Based on the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-4), it was found that overall, mothers do more leisure activities with their children, especially children under seven years old. This study found that the percentage of parents who often spend special time with their children is higher among mothers (80.2%) than fathers (65.3%). However, the percentage of those who frequently took their children on outings was almost the same between mothers (52.2%) and fathers (52.4%).
Apa wanita perlu tahu: subur@tidak subur?
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/05/2015
Abstract: Fertility is the ability to conceive naturally. As a measure, fertility rate is the number of children born per individual, household or population. Fertility varies according to fertility, i.e. the potential to reproduce (which is influenced by gamete production, fertilization and the ability to conceive long enough). There are several types of ovulation disorders that are 35% of the cause of infertility in women, namely anovulation. Anovulation is a condition where no ovulation process occurs or the egg process is released from the ovaries, oligovulation is an irregular ovulation process that sometimes occurs, sometimes not and the anovulation cycle is a menstrual cycle in which no ovulation process occurs at the cycle.
Defining child abuse and neglect
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: Abuse and neglect are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, these terms represent two different types of abuse- abuse occurs when a person acts against a child (e.g. physical abuse) while neglect occurs when a person fails to act for a child (e.g. leaving a child at home without care.
Ethnicity and support for parents in Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2013
Abstract: This study analyzed support as reported by adult women to parents and parents-in-law in a multi-ethnic setting. It examined ethnic diversity and other influencing factors in the provision of support. Data utilized came from the Women sample of the 2004 Malaysian Population and Family Survey and was filtered to include the three largest ethnic groups in Malaysia- Malays, Chinesse and Indians.
Factors influencing family life satisfaction among parents in Malaysia: the structural equation modeling approach (SEM))
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/00/2013
Abstract: The study attempts to investigate the factors that influence family life satisfaction (FLS) among parents in Malaysia. The study modeled the variable of parental involvement, family functioning, family resilience and time with family as independent constructs. Data for the study was gathered from nationally representative survey of “Family Well-Being Index” study conducted by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia. Response from 2808 sampled households which involved about 1484 (52.8%) fathers and 1324 (47.2%) mothers of having a child aged at least 13 years old were utilized for the purpose of the current study. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) software. The study found all the modeled independent constructs tested had a significant and direct influence on family life satisfaction among the respondents except for parental involvement construct. The findings of the study suggests that some improvement should be made for the parental involvement constructs which covers different aspects of family life satisfaction which will lead the measurement model be more heterogeneous.
The prevalence of work-family conflict among mothers in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/11/2011
Abstract: Achieving work-family balance is dependent on managing the conflict between work and family roles. This study focuses on the prevalence of work-family conflict among mothers in Peninsular Malaysia. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived work-family conflict and socio-demographic and family characteristics of the mothers. Data were obtained from 801 currently working mothers (with at least having one child) who were between 15 and 49 years old in Peninsular Malaysia interviewed in the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-4), 2004. The result of this study showed that ethnicity, age and employment are the main factors contributing to the prevalence of work-family conflict. However, there is no significant relationship between the prevalence of conflict and the studied family characteristics, namely, number of children, childcare arrangement and presence of children aged 7 to 24 years.
Hemorrheology and fibrinolytic response in women taking oral contraceptive pills
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/1987
Abstract: A study was conducted on a total of 107 women attending the National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia (NPFDB) Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. The subjects were divided into 3 groups. Group I and II consisted of woman on a low-dose combined estrogen and progestagen pills for a duration of 3-6 months and 1-2 year respectively. Group III was a control group consisting of women not on pills. A series of tests to evaluate hemorrheology and the fibrinolytic response were carried out. The results obtained showed no definite or significant difference in the two systems for all the three groups investigated. These findings are comparable to those reported by other investigators, implying relative safety of these pills in the local population.
Determinants of neonatal outcome in a Malaysian Maternity Hospital, 1980-1981
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: The compilation and analysis of basic perinatal statistics in the Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur is described. The study period covers the years 1980-1981. Determinants of neonatal mortality include very low birthweight (<1.5 kg), a gestational age of less than 32 weeks and clinical conditions of asphyxia, bacterial sepsis and respiratory distress syndrome. A proposal for a clinical classification of neonatal mortality is advanced and implications for a wider applicability of this approach is suggested to better evaluate perinatal performance in hospitals all over the country.
Prosiding Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2022 (PERKKS 22): “Pemerkasaan Penduduk dan Keluarga, Teras Negara Maju”
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/12/2022
Abstract: Collection of papers presented during the 2022 National Population Conference (PERKKS 22), 10-11 November 2022, Bangi Resort Hotel, Selangor.
Pelan Strategik LPPKN 2021-2025
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/01/2021
Abstract: NPFDB was established under the Population and Family Development Act 1966 as a leader in the field of family development, population and human reproductive in Malaysia and in 2021 is NPFDB’s 55th anniversary celebration. During more than five decades of its establishment, NPFDB has faced several changes in organizational structure, but this agency has remained steadfast in its mandate and responsibility in strengthening family institutions to produce quality Malaysians in the era of change and current challenges. Various high-impact studies, programs and services have been introduced and will be implemented from year to year with the aim of ensuring the well-being of Malaysians regardless of race, religion and socioeconomics. NPFDB’s flagship programs such as the Family and Community Empowerment Program (FACE), Mamacare and KafeTEEN have recognition from the public in dealing with social problems among target groups at the community level, thus elevating NPFDB as a family and population leader.
2005-2019 NPFDB research activity report
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/00/2019
Abstract: This report highlights the research programmes and activities conducted by NPFDB over the past 15 years. One of the primary functions of NPFDB is to identify, promote and conduct research and studies on population, family development and reproductive health. NPFDB is responsible to advise the government on matters relating to policies and programmes through the findings of research in these three thematic areas. The Board established the Research Committee in 2009 to identify priority research, provide guidance and monitor the research activities in NPFDB. The first Research Committee meeting was held on 13th January 2010 comprising of selected NPFDB Board Members including Associate Professor Tey Nai Peng as Chairman (University of Malaya), Associate Professor Normah Mohd Dali (MARA University of Technology), Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Haji Ismail (Selangor Medical Center), Associate Professor Siti Hawa Ali (University Science Malaysia), Dato’ Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (FRHAM) and Mr. Lee Wee Min (Focus on the Family) and several division directors of NPFDB.
Portrait of 1Malaysia Family First (1MFF)
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/01/2015
Abstract: The 1MFF movement is a national agenda to increase commitment and invite all levels of society to return to giving priority to the family institution in all efforts, planning and actions. It is hoped that the 1Malaysia Family First (1MFF) element will create a lasting bond of love in family and community institutions. The initiatives introduced under the 1MFF Movement are implemented based on the 3 thrusts outlined in the National Family Policy, namely to increase the commitment and social responsibility of all parties in implementing family -friendly policies and programs; review and ensure existing laws, policies and regulations prioritize the family perspective; and provide family services and facilities that are easily accessible and accessible to families.
Family education@LPPKN = Pendidikan kekeluargaan@LPPKN
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/00/2013
Abstract: The National Population and Family Board (NPFDB), agency under the Ministry of Women Family and Community Development which was initially known as the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) was established in 1966 as a statutory body. Its main objective was to implement the National Family Planning Programme but its scope has now been expanded to Population, Family Development and Reproductive Health which is in line with 1984 Amendments Act. The Malaysian family today is facing numerous challenges due to rapid socio-economic development and globalization. New challenges have emerged in the social and economic arena, which have had an impact on Malaysian families. Among the challenges experienced by the family institution are changing family structure and dynamics, balancing family and career, fulfilling economic needs parenting of young children and adolecents as well as weakening marital and family relationships. Parallel with the Government's emphasis on strengthening the family institution, the NPFDB has developed and implemented a wide range of family development programmes encompassing advocacy activities and promotion, training and education, services, research and development (R&D) as well as policy formulation. In December 2010, the Government approved the National Family Policy and its Plan of Action, thus mainstreaming the family perspective in all socio-economic planning and development.
Malaysian Journal of Family Studies ( Volume 1, Number 1, January 2004)
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/01/2004
Abstract: The publication of the Malaysian Journal of Family Studies (MJFS)
by the National Population and Family Development Board marks
another milestone for the Ministry of Women, Family and
Community Development in our quest towards intellectual
excellence. As we strive to be o knowledge-based society,
information derived from scientific studies enables us to understand
better the social milieu in which we live. Thus it is hoped that this
journal could serve as a useful reference for all those interested
and concerned with family issues.
The linkage of government assistance programs towards digital and financial well-being of small household income families in urban area during covid-19 pandemic
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/12/2023
Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic and the Movement Control Order (MCO) have had a negative impact on the financial well-being and digital well-being of B40 or small household income families in urban areas. In responding to the crisis, the government had launched multiple assistance programs to assist the group. Hence, the study intends to examine the relationship of government assistance towards digital and financial well-being of the group.
Analisis literatur menangani isu keganasan rumah tangga demi membangun Malaysia Madani
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/12/2023
Abstract: Domestic violence is one of the branches of the discussion of family counseling issues among counselors in Malaysia. Domestic violence is a social problem that has adverse effects on women and children from physical, psychological and social aspects. This study was conducted to detail the findings of a semi-structured interview with an Information Officer of the Nur Sejahtera Clinic of the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) and an Assistant Officer of the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia (JKMM) as well as a literature review related to definitions, propositions / Nas Al-Quran, factors , elements of legislation, intervention, Islamic approach, and measures to overcome the issue of domestic violence.
Employability skill model development for people with disability (PWD): A Mixed-Methods Approach
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/12/2023
Abstract: A disability of a human being does not define their identity and capabilities, the skillset does. Employability skills are one of the skills which are highly valued by employers and essential for effective workforce performance. The National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019 report stated that 11.1% of Malaysians above 18 years old who have disabilities in Malaysia are ready for working in industry. However, employers frequently disregard PWD chances due to 'red tape' and challenges in hiring PWDs to work in their company.
Factors affecting financial wellbeing among informal sector workers in Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/12/2023
Abstract: Challenges in the employment sector have become a global concern since the country was hit by the COVID-19 epidemic which caused a financial crisis, threatened the survival and wellbeing of the people and resulted in many individuals moving from the formal employment sector to the informal employment sector. The large size of the informal sector can hinder national development due to lower overall productivity, less tax revenue to the government, and lack of access to social safety nets and can lead to poverty, income inequality, and economic vulnerability.
Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan golongan wanita dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik covid-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/06/2023
Abstract: Towards post COVID-19, most of the daily routines of Malaysian women's life have changed. The change in routine includes the management of household affairs, work routine to work from home (work from home) and socializing routine. As a result, society, especially women, is seen as increasingly depressed due to the loss of sources of income, limited involvement in outdoor activities and problems in balancing work and family time. Aware of this situation, the National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFDB) has taken the initiative to conduct a series of public opinion surveys throughout 2020 and 2021. This study aims to explore the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparations of women in facing the pandemic situation COVID-19 in Malaysia. This study is an online survey study. The findings of this study are a reflection of the current situation of society and family institutions in Malaysia in facing several new waves during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of the survey show that women are more affected than men, but the level of well-being of women in Malaysia is seen to be still at a satisfactory level. In addition, the results of the study also found that women stated that they are faced with various issues and challenges especially for those who are married. Issues of family management, children's education at home and more flexible working hours should be highlighted for consideration by the Government. It is hoped that various initiatives and development plans related to women can be planned in addition to strengthening existing policies towards achieving the aspiration of "Building a CIVIL Malaysia". In general, the chapters in this book contribute to knowledge related to the current situation of women in facing the new normal life. While in particular, the chapters in this book contribute to knowledge related to the role, well-being, challenges and preparation of Malaysian women in facing the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Daya tahan keluarga muda di Malaysia: penemuan kajian indeks kesejahteraan keluarga Malaysia 2019
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Every year, the number of divorce cases in the country is increasing, especially among young couples. Lack of understanding, narrowness of life and interference from outside parties are among the main factors in the occurance of household rifts at this time. In the face of challenges and crises related to family institutions, the element of family resilience needs to be strengthened.
Examining the wellbeing of families during the acute phase of covid-19
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent movement restriction order (MCO) imposed an acute threat to the well-being of families caused by the threats linked to the social disruption including financial insecurity, caregiving burden, and confinement-related stress (e.g., crowding, changes to the arrangement, and routine). Also, many people have needed help even if they were not infected. This paper investigates the wellbeing of families in Malaysia during the pandemic.
Relationship between family functioning, resilience and psychological well-being among B40 youths in the Klang Valley district
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Global economic uncertainties in the COVID-19 era have had an adverse impact on many households across nations, including Malaysian households. In particular, the B40 households have seen an upsurge in the cost of living, which puts a strain on their purchasing power. The Malaysian government has implemented various initiatives to alleviate the financial burdens of the B40 groups, such as Bantuan Prihatin Malaysia. Yet, the psychological wellbeing of the B40 group’s families are not under care.
Determining important factors in Malaysian family well-being using tree-based classification techniques
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/05/2021
Abstract: Tree-based classification techniques were used to identify the crucial factors influencing the Malaysian family well-being. Data from the nationwide survey, conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) of Malaysia in 2011 were used for the analysis. Two types of tree-based classification techniques, which are the decision tree and bagging decision tree, were considered for this study.
Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan ibu bapa dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik covid-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper describes the current situation in family institutions in particular related to the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparation of mothers and fathers in facing the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread in the country since early 2020. The subtopics in this paper are based on 10 public opinion polls conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) throughout 2020 and 2021. The survey, which involved nearly 13,000 respondents, focused on Malaysian mothers and fathers, who have children aged 3 to 24 years only. There are seven subtopics in this paper, namely (i) Introduction; (ii) Literature Review; (iii) New Norma Family; (iv) The Role of Parents in the Family; (v) Level of Parental Well -Being in Family Institutions; (vi) Challenges and Parental Preparation Related to the Use of Digital Technology; and (vii) Recommendations and Conclusions. The findings show that despite facing various issues and challenges such as health and safety of family members, education of children and family financial/economic management, majority of mothers and the father was found to still remain in a state of well -being good. Mothers and fathers as the main pillars of the family are seen continues to play an important role for adapting family members to a normative lifestyle new. However, some detailed assessments and assistance support needs to be reconsidered by the Government to help mothers and fathers especially in the home-based teaching and learning (PdPR), i.e. current methods and future learning for children. Based on the sharing of subtopics in this paper, it is hoped that various activities and programs can be planned as well as the formulation of new policies that are equally beneficial towards achieving the aspirations of the Malaysian Family. Generally, this paper contributes to the relevant knowledge about Malaysian Family well -being education in the face of new norm life. While in particular, this paper work contributes to role -related knowledge, well -being, challenges and preparation of parents in the situation of COVID-19.
Keluarga dan cabaran norma baharu
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper describes the current situation in family institutions during the pre-pandemic period of Covid-19 by also showing the pattern of family well-being in the country through the Malaysian Family Well-being Index (FWI), a special measurement that has been introduced by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) since 2011. Although there was an increase in scores in the third series of FWI in 2019, the situation in family institutions seemed to change with the start of the outbreak of the Covid-19 in the country at the beginning of 2020.
Malaysian Family Wellbeing Index
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Family institutions need to be strengthened to balance the rapid process of social and economic development of the country. This is important because the family is the basic social unit that prepares the supplies the human capital for the national development. Given the importance of family wellbeing for the future of the nation, scientific studies ought to be conducted to measure the wellbeing of families in this country.
Malaysia's initiatives for sustainable family development
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 01/01/2014
Abstract: Various initiatives to strengthen the family institution have been undertaken by the Government of Malaysia through the Ministry of Women, Family and Community
Development (MWFCD). Through its agency, the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), the MWFCD has formulated, developed and implemented policies and programmes such as the National Family Policy,
1Malaysia Family First (1MF1st) and 1Malaysia Youth Empowerment and Support (1MYes) programmes, One-Stop Family Centres, and family education programmes such as the Strengthening of Marriage Institution (SmartStart remarriage programme), Parenting@Work, Smart Belanja@Lppkn (family financial management programme), KASIH Parenting Modules and counselling services.
To ensure sustainable family development, the National Family Policy (NFP) and its accompanying plan of action was launched in March 2011 and implemented by the NPFDB in partnership with other ministries, departments and related non-government organizations (NGOs). The aim of this explicit policy is to develop prosperous, healthy and resilient families to ensure social stability. The NFP is
a key policy that focuses on aspects of family well-being and development, providing direction for the development of family-friendly programmes and services for nurturing healthy and resilient families in line with the aspirations
of Vision 2020.
Work-life balance among mothers in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 01/01/2011
Abstract: Achieving work-family balance is dependent on managing the conflict between work and family roles. This study focuses on the prevalence of work-family conflict among mothers in Peninsular Malaysia. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived work-family conflict and socio-demographic and family characteristics of the mothers.
Impak pandemik covid-19 terhadap kesejahteraan kewangan dan digital keluarga B40 di kawasan bandar
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: The pandemic and Movement Control Order (MCO) put significant pressure on low-income (B40) families in urban areas. Urban B40 families are exposed to the economic and digital impacts of the pandemic. The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between government assistance and the financial well-being of urban B40 families, as well as to assess the relationship between government assistance and the digital well-being of urban B40 families. The pandemic and MCO have had a profound effect on urban B40 families. Immediate action is needed to ensure their financial and digital well-being.
Mempertingkatkan komunikasi ibu bapa- remaja untuk menghalang tingkah laku seksual berisiko di kalangan remaja Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: Parental communication with teenagers regarding reproductive and sexual health (SRH) remains minimal in Malaysia, with the topic being considered taboo and sensitive, rarely discussed openly within families. Teenagers are exposed to high-risk sexual activities, with 10-15% having engaged in sexual activity. This study aims to develop a communication module specifically for guiding parents in discussing reproductive and sexual health with their teenage children. Additionally, it seeks to analyze the perspectives of both parents and teenagers regarding RS communication and design the "BICARA Kasih" Module for parents. The conclusion of this study is that the module can be used by parents when addressing sexual issues with their children, especially teenagers aged 10 and above, and this module has the potential to be made available in digital format.
Pembangunan dan kebolehlaksanaan program intervensi pasca-Covid untuk keluarga resilien di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: This study aims to develop a new, evidence-based family well-being intervention program in response to the challenges faced by families in Malaysia post-COVID-19. Marriage-related stress, particularly from external sources, can negatively affect relationship satisfaction and stability, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these pressures. Measures such as travel restrictions and social distancing have contributed to increased psychological stress, leading to deteriorating relationship quality due to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The impact of the pandemic highlights weaknesses and resilience in family dynamics, underscoring the need for support systems to maintain relationship quality during crises. A collaborative approach in designing the new intervention program should involve not only health experts but also representatives from fields such as education, psychology, and technology. This will ensure a comprehensive and effective intervention to address the various challenges families face.
SDGS and the impact of megatrends on Families: perspectives from Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/05/2024
Abstract: 57th Commissions on Population and Development (CPD57): Assessing the status of implementation of the Programmed of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and its contribution to the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development during the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development. Strengthening Malaysian Families in era of megatrends, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFBD) had LPPKN Family Centre, Nur Sejahtera Clinic Services, Population and Family Research, Training and education (family), Counseling service and program, online accessibility etc.
The development of Family Well-Being Index: Malaysia experience. EGM on interlinkages between migration, urbanization, new technologies, demographic trends and climate change in Asia.
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/05/2024
Abstract: The Malaysian Family Well-Being Index (MFWBI) was initiated in 2011 by the NPFDB with the aim to measure the levels of family well-being in the country and to recommend strategic initiatives to strengthen the implementation of future family intervention programs in Malaysia. In 2016, measurement of the MFWBI was repeated using an improvised instrument. The MFWBI 2016 had maintained all the 7 domain in the MFWBI 2011 and added one more domain, namely, Family and Communication Technology. The instrument’s refinement exercise was repeated again in 2019, and 2022 in order to measure the family well-being. The purpose of the refinement exercise was to ensure that the questionnaire was valid and relevant for current and near future use. The domain in the MFWBI are Family Relationship, Family Economy, Family Health, Family Safety, Family and Community Engagement, Role of Religion & Spiritual Practice, Housing and Environment, Family and Communication Technology. At the national level, the MFWBI has been recognized by the federal government as one of the national KPI in the country’s 5-year development planning (Eleventh Malaysia Plan, 2016 -2020 and Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2012 – 2025).
Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan golongan wanita dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik Covid-19 di Malaysia: Hasil penemuan siri kajian tinjauan pendapat umum LPPKN
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 26/02/2022
Abstract: Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country since early 2020, the economy and community life have been severely affected. The increase in the number of daily cases as a result of several new waves of COVID-19 has also prompted the Government to implement a series of Movement Control Orders (MCO) nationwide. As a result, society, especially women, are seen to be increasingly stressed due to the loss of sources of income, limited involvement in outdoor activities and problems in balancing between work and family hours. Aware of this situation, the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has taken the initiative to conduct a series of public opinion polls throughout 2020 and 2021. This study aims to explore the role, level of well -being, challenges and preparation of women in facing pandemic situations. COVID-19 in Malaysia. This study is an online survey study. The findings of this study are a reflection of the current situation of society and family institutions in the face of the new wave of COVID-19. The results of a survey that focused on women showed that women were more affected than men. Although the level of well -being of women in the country is still at a satisfactory level, various issues and challenges are faced especially for those who are married. Issues of family management, children's education at home and more flexible working hours should be highlighted for consideration by the Government. It is hoped that various initiatives and development plans related to women can be planned as well as further strengthen the existing policies towards achieving the aspirations of the Malaysian Family. In general, this paper contributes to the knowledge related to the current situation of women in the face of new normative life. While in particular, this paper contributes to knowledge related to the role, well-being, challenges and preparation of women in facing the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan ibu bapa dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik COVID-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 01/12/2021
Abstract: This slide describes the current situation in family institutions in particular related to the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparation of mothers and fathers in facing the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread in the country since early 2020. The subtopics in this slide are based on 10 public opinion polls conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) online throughout 2020 and 2021. The survey, which involved nearly 13,000 respondents, focused on Malaysian mothers and fathers who have children aged 3 to 24 years only. There are seven subtopics in this paper, namely (i) Introduction; (ii) Literature Review; (iii) New Norma Family; (iv) The Role of Parents in the Family; (v) Level of Parental Well -Being in Family Institutions; (vi) Challenges and Parental Preparation Related to the Use of Digital Technology; and (vii) Recommendations and Conclusions.
Keluarga dan cabaran norma baharu
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This slide describes the current situation in family institutions during the pre-pandemic COVID-19, by also showing the pattern of family well-being in the country through the Malaysian Family Well-Being Index (FWBI), a special measure introduced by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) since 2011. Despite the increase in scores in the third series of FWBI in 2019, the situation in family institutions seems to have changed with the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country in early 2020. Sensitive to the increasing number of daily cases of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic wave in the country, NPFDB has conducted a series of online public opinion poll studies to know some aspects of life including (i) the current situation of the pandemic era family; (ii) the family's behavior in facing a pandemic situation (iii) the role of mothers and fathers in the family during a pandemic; (iv) the level of well -being of mothers and fathers in the family institution; and (iv) the challenges and preparation of parents related to the use of digital technology. The results of this survey have been used as the main input to assist the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD), especially NPFDB to develop appropriate programs and services as well as disseminate findings through existing social media platforms to the general public. Various initiatives including economic and social stimulus packages have been implemented by the Government to address the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly to the affected groups, in line with the "No One Left Behind" statement. With the allocation that has been channeled, MWFCD through its agencies including the Social Welfare Department (JKM) and NPFDB has intensified efforts to help the affected target groups, in addition to continuing existing activities, programs and services. In general, these stimulus and assistance packages have not only had a positive impact on economic recovery, but also on the social development of the community. Recently, with the concept of "Malaysian Family" introduced by YAB Dato 'Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the Prime Minister of Malaysia is seen to be able to be a medium for the unification of society across religious, racial and ethnic boundaries to work together to solve the big problems facing the country when this. In addition, it can indirectly help further strengthen the family institution, as a basic unit that produces quality human capital for national development.
The association between work family conflict and social demographic characteristics among fathers in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: Those living in urban, Indian, age 30-44 years, higher educational level, single father, and non Muslim’s tend to face Work Family Conflict than their counterparts. More hectic/busy environment and higher cost of living in urban area compared to the rural area may contribute to the Work Family Conflict among fathers.
Insights into the well-being of dual earner families in Malaysia: findings from the Malaysian Family Well-Being Index Study 2019
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: Traditionally, GDP has been used as a measure of a country’s level of development, and the quality of life of citizens. Of late, the happiness index has gained increasing attention, as a measure of well-being, to include income distribution and non-financial aspects, such religious and spiritual well-being, and inter-personal relationship. Malaysia has conducted three rounds of the family well-being surveys to provide inputs for the five-year development plans. The overall family well-being score among dual earner families in Malaysia was 7.84 out of a maximum scale of 10, which is at the moderate level.
Women subjective well-being in Malaysia: findings from Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-5)
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2019
Abstract: This presentation slide aims to measure the subjective well-being of women between age 20 to 59 years old in Malaysia. A total of 8, 171 respondents in the Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-5) with different marital status, employment status, ethnic and strata who answered the PWI instrument were analyzed.
Analisis Situasi Kependudukan dan Kekeluargaan di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2019
Abstract: Population related program or policies have been introduced since 1966 and have gone through 3 series of studies. IN 1966, The National Family Planning Program was able to reduce the population growth rate from 3% per year to 2% (1985). On June 10 1966, LPKN was established under The National Family Planning Act No.42, 1966. The growth rate decreased to 2.8 in 1980. The 70 million population policy was announced in 1984 to reach 70 million population by 2100. This presentation slide describes the findings of the study of the analysis of the population and family situation in Malaysia, including the 7 main challenges of the population which include aspects of fertility, aging, labor force and productivity.
Perbandingan kesejahteraan psikologi wanita di kalangan keluarga komuter dan keluarga tradisional di Malaysia: satu kajian awal
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: The objective of this study was to make a comparison of the psychological well -being of women among commuter families and not from commuter families based on the factors that contribute to the psychological well -being of each category. The study was also to compare female fertility levels among commuter families and non -commuter families.
Ke arah memantapkan sistem sokongan keluarga di Malaysia: pendekatan holistik dalam penyelesaian pertikaian keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: This topic gives an overview of the institutions that are dealing with family disputes in Malaysia. Generally, these institutions can be divided into judicial institutions and non-judicial institutions. Judicial institutions refer to the civil courts and Syariah courts. While non-judicial institutions refer to the other bodies that provide family services, including the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, LPPKN, Legal Aid Department, Malaysian Mediation Centre, religious institutions, private counsellors and NGOs. However, one of the downsides in the present system is lack of cooperation between judicial and non-judicial institutions that are dealing with family matters. In the meantime, resolution of legal disputes does not necessarily indicate that the disputes have been treated from the root. In order to promote holistic resolution of family disputes, family members need to be given further treatment outside of the courts, to tackle other non-legal issues, such as emotional and mental conflicts. The family support system can facilitate the individuals, particularly by giving social support and counselling. In fact, the family support institutions are able to deal with family conflicts at the early stage, thus reducing the number of cases that need to go for court trial. Family service centres that have been established in other countries such as Singapore and Australia indicated a high success rate in the resolution of family disputes. It is viewed that a cooperation between judicial and non-judicial institutions can provide a holistic approach to the resolution of family disputes. Therefore, it is suggested that a strong networking to be established between these institutions, so as to improve the referral function between them. At the same time, it is important to create awareness among the society regarding family services that are available and how these services can help them in handling their family disputes.
Pengenalan Kajian Penduduk dan Keluarga Malaysia Kelima 2014
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2016
Abstract: The objective of this study to provide time series data related to demographic and socioeconomic information and to be source of data for national socioeconomic planning. Tha last objective is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of planning and implementation of policies, programs and activities. This slide presentation is about the introduction and key findings of the Malaysian Population and Family Survey-5, 2014.
Highlights of family and social issues : Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS 5-2014)
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: This slide Highlights of Family and Social Issues from finding of the Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS 5-2014).
Population and Family Policies in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 26/06/2014
Abstract: One of the objectives of development in the country is to improve the quality of life for all the people. Therefore, populations are at the core of development. Understanding demographic trends provides policy-makers with the tools to design interventions that lead to development especially in social sectors (family, health, education and labour) and providing infrastructure services. Knowledge on the population is crucial for planning resource allocation and designing appropriate policies. This paper intends to provide a review of population trends and population-related policies in Malaysia.It considers descriptions of Malaysia demographic changes, and then turns to the 1966 family planning programmes, the 70 million Population Policy in 1984 and to the recent Family Policy. This paper also attempts to provide insight into these policies by their evolutions, patterns and approaches, characteristics and provide recommendations for the future challenges.
Factors influencing family life satisfaction among parents in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: The study attempts to investigate the factors that influence family life satisfaction (FLS) among parents in Malaysia. The study modeled the variable of parental involvement, family functioning, family resilience and time with family as independent constructs. Data for the study was gathered from nationally representative survey of “Family Well-Being Index” study conducted by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia. Response from 2808 sampled households which involved about 1484 (52.8%) fathers and 1324 (47.2%) mothers of having a child aged at least 13 years old were utilized for the purpose of the current study. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) software. The study found all the modeled independent constructs tested had a significant and direct influence on family life satisfaction among the respondents except for parental involvement construct.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan wanita berkahwin dalam tenaga buruh di Semenanjung Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: This study is to identify the influences of socio-economic factors towards the labour force participation among married women in Peninsular Malaysia. Bivariate correlations and logistic regression analysis was applied to the data set containing 2,366 married women aged 15-49 years, interviewed during the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 2004. It was found that only half of the women were currently working. Chinese had the highest percentage who were currently working as compared to the Malays and Indians. The logistic statistical analysis had also identified several variables which were important determinants of the current work status of married women. Based on logistic statistical analysis, it was found that stratum, previous occupation prior to marriage and presence of young children had significant relationships to women’s participation in the labour force.
Family-based on drug abuse prevention: know your child programme
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Drug Prevention Program from family perceptive. The respondents was the participants who attended the Know your Child (Kenali Anak Kita) Drug prevention program and sampled by convinence in all the six zones in Malaysia. The aim of this program is to create awareness of family to prevent deviant behaviours, particularly substance abuse among teenagers. The campaign had been implemented phase by phase in six zone involve from various organization, agencies and individual.
Kajian keseimbangan kerjaya dan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to investigate the time arrangement between career and family among working peoples. This study leads to identifying the trend of work and family life balance in today’s families. As the result of this study, average time spent by respondent on working hour is 9 hours and 36 minutes per day, 48 hours 3 minutes per week. That duration is approach the result of the International Labor Organization ( ILO ) in 2000 which is Malaysia was ranked the longest spend time for working after South Korea. The findings also obtained the annual leave by respondent was high (26 days per year) compared to some other countries in the world . The duration of travels time to work is not much different in urban areas where respondents took 46 minutes commuting to work and the respondent metro-urban was takes about 55 minutes. This phenomena was influence the time management in their family life daily. The average time of sleep duration about 6 hours 41 minutes. Which is respondent went to sleep at 11:07 pm and wake up at 5:43 am by average. An important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Overall in average in OECD Country, men spend more hours in paid work and the percentage of male employees working very long hours across OECD countries is 12%, compared with less than 5% for women. Finding a suitable balance between work and life balance is a challenge for all employee, especially working parents. The amount and quality of leisure time is important for people’s overall well-being, and can bring additional physical and mental health benefits. A full-time worker in the OECD works 1765 hours a year and devotes 62% of the day on average or close to 15 hours, to personal care (eating, sleeping and others) and leisure (socialising with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use and others).
Future study- understanding the puzzling trend of high birth rate among contraceptive users in Malaysia: A case study from Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 2004
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: In 1957-1966, Family Planning Association has pioneering the family planning services in most of the states of Malaysia. At that time, the family planning services were mostly available only in urban areas (NPFDB: Kuala Lumpur, Report on Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 1974). Family planning was first made as an official policy during the First Malaysia Plan in 1966, successfully through the National Planning Programme (NPP). The objectives of this study is to examine the fertility levels of respondents whose practiced family planning compared to that of who have never practiced it and this study also to study the link between socio-economic and cultural variables with those eight intermediate variables on fertility in Malaysia.
Mengharmonikan intergenerasi
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: The purpose of the presentation is to give an overview of the differences between the older and younger generations in Malaysia and suggest some steps to bring the old and the young together. The formulation of more policies that consider the needs of the younger generation such as in sports, education, tourism, politics and media. Among the steps that can be taken to bridge the gap between the old and young is to increase public awareness of the issue aging and intergenerational unity through seminars, conferences, writings, films or hold special activities such as concerts, exhibitions, competitions video-games and others.
Strengthening Malaysian families: evidence based interventions
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Malaysian families today are facing numerous challenges related to changing family relationships, values, need for work life balance and support systems. Some of these key challenges are as a result of a new family forms, postponement of marriage, declining fertility and effects of inflation on family economic stability. At the same time, the impact of globalization has led to different values accepted by the young. Indeed, the challenges that Malaysian families will be facing in the future will be enormous. Despite changes in the structure, families remain the most basic unit of society and this has led to the formulation of the National Family Policy (NFP). The NFP seeks to increase the family perspective in all socio-economic development design by engaging the public, private and people sectors. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), lead the family programme which includes formulation, review as well as getting the commitment of all stakeholders. Current programmes were value added based on knowledge and information from censuses, surveys, opinion polls, local views and assessment of programmes.
Gaya datuk nenek masa kini
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Based on conversative views of grandparents, grandparents are individuals who have gray hair, weak, wearing glasses and sitting on a rocking chair. Nevertheless, advances in health and socio-economic conditions have led to healthy, highly educated, still working and active seniors. Statistics show men and women spend longer time as grandparents (25years) compared to being parents with responsibilities to children (18 years). Research indicates there are substantial benefits to children interacting with grandparents. This slide presentation discuss about style of grandparenting today.
Innovative programs and services to enhance family well-being: Malaysia's experience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Families constantly face new pressures and challenges due to rapid Industrialisation, modernisation and globalisation. Globalization in general brings benefits to families but it also creates risks and challenges that must be anticipated and adapted to. Hence, we have to be alert and responsive to future challenges that families will face and equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills as well as provide the needed services. As family is the most fundamental and important social unit, commitments at the highest level should be sought. Family well-being in Malaysia has been affected positively or negatively by development. Currently, Malaysian families face many challenges as a consequence of the changes in its structure, the increase in the proportion of nuclear families and changing lifestyles. Adaptations will have to be made so as not to lose the family support system, such as for child care, care of the elderly and the infirmed. Hence, the 3P Approach (Public, Private and People) which involves the partnership of multiple stakeholders such as the government, civil society and CSOs in ensuring that the present and future generation is more peaceful, secure, tolerant, prosperous and sustainable is most paramount in nation building. There are various innovative initiatives that have been undertaken in strengthening the family institution such as the National Family Policy, 1Malaysia Family First (1MF1st) and 1 Malaysia Youth and Empowerment Support (1MYes) under the National Blue Ocean Strategy, Strengthening of Marriage Institution (SmartStart Pre-Marriage Program), 1 Stop Family Centre, family education programmes such as KASIH Modules, Parenting@Work, Smart Belanja@Lppkn, Lppkn@Community and counselling programmes. Realizing that the happiness of the people and wellbeing of the family is an important goal in becoming a high income country by 2020, the government is developing its own model of the United Nations World Happiness Index. Currently, Malaysia is placed 51st among 156 countries. Meanwhile, a National Family Wellbeing Index developed by the Ministry Of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board in 2011 found that the Family Wellbeing Index is 7.55 out of 10. The Family Well-Being (FWB) Index consists of seven domains; Family Functioning, Economy, Health, Safety, Community, Religion and Spirituality, and Housing and Environment. The FWB Index indicates that Malaysian families have a relatively high level of wellbeing but more still needs to be done.
Keibubapaan datuk nenek - terokai keindahannya? menguruskan konflik intergenerasi
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: This topic discusses conflicts that occur involving intergeneration. Among the conflict that occur are in term of acceptance (as a non-son/daughter-in-law of choice), trust (ability to look after the child’s welfare) and confidence (do not wanting the heirs to be ‘damaged’). Some of the steps that can be taken to overcome this conflict are to understand the roles and responsibilities of each as well as perform the role with full responsibility and tolerance.
Indikator kesejahteraan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Family well-being is a multi-dimensional concept that covers various aspects of an individual or family's living situation. To date, there is no specific measure that can describe the state of family well -being in Malaysia. Thus, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) and the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) has implemented a research project called the Study of Family Well -Being Indicators in 2011 to understand more comprehensively about family well -being where at the end of this project, an index will be developed. In total, after going through several formative processes such as literature review, focus group discussion and pilot study, there are 7 domains and 23 indicators have been identified. The development of such domains and indicators of family well-being has focused on subjective well-being where each family is asked to provide an assessment on certain aspects related to their family. The study was conducted on 2,808 households involving a total of 5,616 respondents, consisting of 1,484 fathers, 1,324 mothers and 2,808 adolescents aged between 13 to 24 years. The selection of households in this study has used stratified random sampling method and done by face -to -face interviews. The results show that the Family Well -Being Index is at 75.5 which means that the well -being of Malaysian families is quite high. The Family and Religion/Spirituality domain recorded the highest domain score of 82.5. This was followed by the domain scores Family and Community (78.3), Family Relationships (78.2), Family Safety (73.9), Family Health (73.8), Family and Environment (72.8) and Family Economics (69.0). Based on the results of the IKK study, some suggestions that can be taken into account to improve the level of family well -being are to improve family living standards, increase family resilience, balance work and family demands as well as increase awareness on family safety.
Bantuan sokongan dari wanita kepada ibubapa dan ibubapa mertua
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: This study investigated ethnic diversity and other influencing factors among Malaysian women in Peninsular Malaysia in providing tangible support to their parents and parents-in-law. Data from the Women Sample of Malaysian Population and Family Survey (2004) was utilized. Tangible support was defined as either co-residing with parents (or in-laws), or financial/material transfers. Using logistic regression, we estimated the support to parents and parents-in-law separately. All possible pairwise interactions were tested using likelihood ratio test and Wald statistics, and significant interactions were added into each main effects model. Results revealed ethnic diversity in support. More offspring of women reduced support to parents only, while higher socioeconomic status of women increased support to both parents. Results also revealed that most divorcees co-resided with parents. Overall, most Malaysian women provide support to both sets of parents. Social policy should address opportunities for improving social mobility in women.
Perkongsian pengalaman tok ma tok pa
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: This presentation shares experiences on how to empower family institutions as well as how these changes are impacting the current scenario such as increasing social or negative symptoms. A new culture that is not filtered to the family. The institution of the family is increasingly challenging, parents are unaware of the condition of the children. Parents, grandparents and the community are unprepared from the knowledge, mentality and awareness to cope with new scenarios. Actions that can be taken to cope with the transition of new scenarios are through continuous learning for parents, grandparents and the community, creating a mutually supportive growing environment, enabling grandparents to assist in parenting, more integrated, more knowledgeable and sustainable family governance and a more caring community.
Civil society and family well being: sharing of experience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Focus on the Family Malaysia is a non-profit organization set up with a clear vision to strengthen families. The vision of focus on the Famliy Malaysia is to enriched families and communities nationwide. Meanwhile, to assist families to gain practical skills and support at the same time to equip and strengthen their relationship through the program like bonding program. For example, Father & Son Adventure Camps, Mother & Son Connections, Father & Daughter Banquet and Mother & Daughter connection. This program is design to help enhance relationships and foster a greater understanding between parent and child. Besides, No Apologies program, is a character-based abstinence program for youths aged 13-24 years as well as providing support for individuals and families through counseling.
Proses kaunseling keluarga di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Family counseling is one of the interventions in family services for built a healthy family in Malaysia. This is a qualitative case study of a variety of 'settings' aims to explore the phenomenon of family counseling process conducted by practitioners in Malaysia with an in-depth interview technique, observation and document analysis. Study participants in the study were 12 family counseling practitioners from three counseling service centers. This study has five research questions namely to (i) identify the type of cases handled, number of cases and causes of problems in the family counseling process (ii) identify the initial relationship in the family counseling process (iii) explore the family counseling process (iv) identify approaches and skills used in family counseling and (v) explore the impetus and challenges of the family counseling process among family counseling practitioners in various settings in Malaysia. Cross -case analysis method based on interviews, observations and document analysis on family counseling practitioners was implemented using Nvivo 8 software. In this study, 190 themes and sub -themes were produced from 12 study participants. The results show that there are some similarities and differences between the family counseling process in Malaysia and the process framework in Western countries. These similarities and differences occur at all levels of the counseling process, skills, use of techniques, application of theory, and challenges in practice. The results of the study also show that the family counseling process among practitioners in Malaysia is tied to the education and training received by the practitioner, the context of religion, culture, values and SES of the family and community in Malaysia. Therefore, this study contributes to the provision of family counseling process that is very necessary in strengthening the family institution and can be an intervention in building a generation of excellent Malaysian society.
Innovative programmes and service delivery that enhanced family wellbeing: sharing of experiences
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: While India has been on the path of economic progress over the last decade, our health system is at crossroads today. Even though Government initiatives in public health have recorded some noteworthy successes over time, the Indian health system is ranked 118 among 191 WHO member countries on overall health performance. There are wide variations in health indicators across the States (11 states with a population of 60%, still have a TFR of over 3 whereas 6 states with 11.4% of the population have already achieved replacement levels of fertility of 2.1. Some of the flagship programmes to improve the availability of and access to quality health care, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor, women, and children, have been National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). This paper discusses the sharing of information on the health system in India.
How internet and communication technologies affect both family and society
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: This slide presentation shares about 65.1% Malaysians using the internet more than 9 hours. The population of internet users is 17.5 million out of a total of 28.6 million. Broadband penetration is 65% of the population in 2012. The positive impact on family is to enhance communication, strengthens relationships, enable parents to work from home and monitoring of children. Meanwhile, the negative impact on family are such as internet addiction, weakening family relationship, “narcissistic” behavior, excessive self-admiration especially among teens. Playing on the computer in the long term can lead to addiction, ill tempered nature and becoming antisocial. Children also can become more aggressive due to expose to violent games.
A short summary of Pengasih
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: This paper discuss about a short story summary of PENGASIH. Persatuan PENGASIH Malaysia is registered as an NGO in 1991. Our main activities for the past 22 years are Rumah PENGASIH which is a rehab and treatment centre for recovering addicts using the Peer-Pressure Community System. Seruan Kasih refers a continuous drug intervention and prevention campaign to students, youth and communities. Sidang Kasih is a monthly Family Support Group for family members of recovering users. Teduhan Kasih refers to half-way houses for recovering users to re-enter their mainstream societies by way of work, schooling and training. Finally, Khidmat Kasih is an economic projects towards self-sustenance for PENGASIH and members of PENGASIH.
Pengkelasan keberkesanan perancang keluarga menggunakan pepohon keputusan
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: Awareness of the importance of family planning practices for a family institution in Malaysia began around the 1960s. In order to plan family size it is important to determine the appropriate and effective method of family planning. Therefore, this study was conducted to develop a best classification model and identify the factors of effectiveness of such methods and also for women who do not use any family planning method, factors that influence the effectiveness of non-use of methods are also identified. Classification techniques in data mining were used to obtain patterns of effectiveness of the family planning methods used. The classification techniques used are result trees J48, ID3, Random Tree, REPTree and Bayes classifier Naive Bayes. Secondary data from the fourth set of the Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS) obtained from the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) were used in this study. To obtain the best classification model, 10-fold cross validation method, Weka and Mynda applications were used. The test results found that the J48 result tree was selected as the best classification model because this model provides the highest accuracy values for both data sets of 87.83% and 80.42% compared to other techniques. The study has produced a decision tree that can generate a set of tips to identify the effectiveness of family planning methods used and a set of tips to identify the effectiveness of those who do not use family planning methods. In conclusion, this study does not cover women who are using family planning methods and it is hoped that future studies will cover the effectiveness of the method for women who are using family planning methods and make pattern comparisons based on MPFS 1, MPFS 2, MPFS 3 and MPFS 4 data sets.
Profil keluarga di Malaysia & kesannya kepada masyarakat
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: Family institution in Malaysia is facing many changes and challenges. Functional families and the role of institutions is crucial to the development of human capital formation, human and potential development of each family members and influence the development and well-being of the people. Formation patterns and family relationships as well as family lifestyle can be seen in the demographic trends in Malaysia. Formation and family structure that encountered evolution has influenced some aspects of family life. Now family institutions are required to be more resilient in dealing with the challenges of life such as child care, dual-career couples, financial management, parenting teens and responsibilities to elderly parents.
Penduduk dan keluarga: penemuan Kajian Penduduk dan Keluarga Keempat
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: This paper discusses the important findings of the Fourth Population and Family Survey conducted by NPFDB in 2004. This study is the fourth in a series of Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS) conducted every ten years since 1974. In 2004, this study was for the first time conducted simultaneously for the whole of Malaysia. In contrast to the previous MPFS, MPFS-4 interviewed households consisting of five (5) categories, (a) Women aged 15 to 49 years, (b) Husbands of married women, (c) Adolescents aged 13 to 24 years, (d) Citizens aged 50 years and above, and (e) single residents aged 25 to 49 years. This study aims to provide time series data related to demographic and socio-economic information in particular the relationship between population, family and human reproduction with development. The results of the study are used to evaluate the effectiveness of existing development programs and also used as input in the preparation of the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP). In this study data analysis was performed for the three areas separately. Among the important findings include: 1) Age structure of the population, 2) burden of dependents, 3) Delayed marriages, 4) Fertility, 5) Family planning, 6) Health practices, 7) Household composition, 8) Female labor force participation, 9) Child care, 10) The elderly, and 11) Adolescent social and sexual behavior.
Families resilience and children and families of low income: maximizing opportunities through PERMATA ECEC Program
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: PERMATA Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Program in Malaysia was launched on the basis of evidence from research and practice which illustrates that early intervention through high quality program enhances children's social, emotional, spiritual, physical, and cognitive development. PERMATA is a child-focused, community integrated program with the overall goal of increasing school readiness in young children in low-income families, particularly in deprived areas. Despite its various learning outcomes, ECEC main underpinning goal is to produce generations of youth who are able to manage and regulate emotion, possess high EQ skill, and resillient in facing different challenges in life. Its long-term effect can be better understood as children develop into responsible citizens who will take a much more positive role in the society and are free of social ills that now seem to beset the country. This paper presents some strategies of best practices that have been applied in this program to foster and instill resilience in children mainly, increasing caring relationship, developing social competence, encouraging, self-help skills, create partnerships with family and community, and awareness of the existence and supremacy of God.
Resilient families coping with sudden demise husband: an exploratory and empirical study of 50 nuclear urban middle class families in North India
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: The paper offers research based Resilient Indian Family Template' culled from the coping practices adopted by 50 Nuclear Urban Middle Class Families in North India in the eventuality of sudden loss of husband. Convenient random sampling technique of data collection was employed for choosing the 50 families in question. Further interview and narrative methodology was used to elicit information from the families. Sudden loss of husband was accompanied by emotional and health problems for the surviving spouse, acute feeling of loneliness, decreased standard of living for the family, increased moral support from close relatives, children especially grown ups showing more restraint and responsibility in their habits and one member (in most cases it was wife) taking up income generating activity. Coping practices adopted by these families helped them rebound from crisis.
Family functioning and child well-being amongst urban Malay single mother families: resilence despite challenges
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: This study was designed to determine the contribution of risk and protective factors in predicting urban Malay single mother's family functioning and child well being. In addition, this study examine the moderating role of protective factors (risk x protective factor interaction) on the relationship between risk factors and family functioning and child well-being. Result highlight the role of protective factors in promoting better family functioning and child well-being and the extent to which protective factor buffer risk factors in the design of intervention aimed at strengthening family functioning and enhancing child well-being in urban Malay single mother families.
New Zealand indigenous people and resilience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: Indigenous peoples throughout the world have used strengths and resiliency to preserve the ongoing effects of colonizations and as tools for sovereignty. The 'Tangata Whenua' of New Zealand, along side other indigenous and minority groups throughout the world, continue to progress the development of their own cultural frameworks and models of practice. More recently in New Zealand, particularly within the health and social services sectors, 'tangata whenua' have begun to examine resiliency research and practices which contribute to the body of knowledge in the area of 'whanau ora', and the cultural capacities and capabilities which assist families to build resiliency and protective factors and processes. This presentation examines what has been learned from the theory and practice experiences of a 'Tangata Whenua' social work practitioner and trainer.
Coping mechanisms of families in transition: insights from Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: The main purpose is to document and analyze the families that are migrated to Kathmandu City during the decade long in surgency in Nepal and their coping strategies. With in the family the children were the most effected. The analysis indicates that families have used different coping mechanisms. One of that is surprisingly offering children for adoptions outside the country. Children under 18 comprise almost 50 percent of Nepal's populations. As research evidence shows more than 300,000 orphans are in Nepal. There are various reasons behind the increasing trend of orphan and abandoned children. It includes armed conflict, domestic violence, natural disasters and displacement. These reasons directly or indirectly have an influence on the structure, size and coping mechanism of families in Nepal. The other mechanisms are earning daily wages, leaving old members of the family back home, male and female out migration. There are important policy lessons can also be derived and as a result government and non governmental programs can be designed that will enhance the resilience of families in transition. The paper is structured in five sections. After a brief introduction, section one presents the Statement of Problem and Objectives of the Study. The second section presents the findings from a brief literature review. Third section presents the analysis and findings for the primary research. Fourth section is about structures and process that are required to enhance the coping mechanism of the families in question. The paper is concluded in the fifth section.
Factors contributing to resilient attitude formation among excellent children from low SES single parent family
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: The present study aims to identify the factors that contribute to resilient attitude formation among children who scored excellent results in UPSR. This study used a descriptive research design (Issac, 1995; Kerlinger, 1979). Samples were selected using purposive sampling since the study is only limited to single parent's family from low sosio-economic status (SES). Samples consisted of low SES single parents (mothers) from rural areas. This study was carried out in two phases; (i) structed interview with single parents (n=15) and (ii) handing out questionnaires and interviewing children (boys, n=6 and girls, n=9). The researcher has divided the interview into two types, namely the unstructured interview and the structured interview. Samples were interviewed and their stories were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Transcript data were coded and analyzed using the grounded theory approach (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Recurring words, phrases and themes in the transcripts were coded commonalities and contradictions within and among the interviews were noted. While constantly comparing the data, themes and meanings were analyzed to develop theoretical, interpretations and implications of the data. After the data had been analyzed, results were compared with the literature to determine the degree to which the findings confirmed prior research.
The effect of negative and supportive behaviors of their parents and friends on substance abuse risk among Korean adolescents and implications for family resilience intervention: gender differences
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: Substances use among adolescents is particularly because early initiation of substance not only leads to many detrimental impacts on their lives but also is predictive of both increased use and more serious patterns of use in their adulthood. Thus, it is important to identify potential substance users and factors related to substance use because these efforts may provide important information to help adolescents who are at high risk for substance use. Many studies documented that parental alcoholism and peer substance use are the most predictive risk factors for substance use among adolescents. On the other hand, there is ongoing debate among researchers on the influence of social support from family and friends on substance use by adolescents. Also, individual factors such as self-esteem, emotional coping, and academic performance have been shown to be associated with substance use among adolescents. Unlike western society, little is known about gender difference in the prevalence and correlates of substance use among adolescents in South Korea. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the prevalence of substance abuse risk among South Korean adolescents and to examine the effects of negative and supportive of parents on their substance abuse risk by gender. The participants were 1,981 high school youths between the ages of 16 and 19 years (mean, 17.69) residing in Seoul city. Data collection was conducted conveniently choosing high schools in Seoul. Participants completed a self-report survey which included measures of substances abuse risk of adolescent and his or her best friend (using a POSIT scale), parental alcoholism (using the CAST), supportive behaviors from either parent or friend (using multidimensional scale of Perceived Social Support), Rosenberg's self-esteem scale, COPE scale developed by Carver et al. and gender, age, perceived economic status and academic performance.
Families exposed to poverty-asssociated and parent effectiveness service
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2009
Abstract: Economic problem ranks highest as a source of family stress among the poor families which are often addressed with functional coping activities such as borrowing money, getting extra job or overtime work. Frequently, loans are availed of from relatives, employer or co-employees, friend and "5-6" lenders. Oftentimes, earning children and close relatives offer support or are tapped in times of financial crisis. Likewise, there is a thin line interfacing economic problem with situational and relationship stressors such as spouse having vices of drinking alcohol, misunderstanding about house rules and differences in discipline children, spouse's in difference; children misbehaviour, work related pressures and wife's nagging and etc. by and large, these families exposed to proverty-associated risks still value family life and spirituality tend to permeate their response towards difficulties. Efforts at addressing the socio-economic conditions and other concomitant problems of these families should be seen within the family framework. In this context, Parent Effectiveness Service (PES) is being implemented by an NGO in six (6) poor villages in a rural area in the Philippines alongside with other service. The main reference for the conduct of parent effectiveness sessions is the Manual on Effective Parenting developed by Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and UNICEF Philippines. Each module was written with the end-in-view of what Filipino parents need to know to better preserve the family. Despite the slow implementation, there are promising signs thet PES can serve as a preventive program that builds and strengthen the families to transcend proverty-associated risks when facilitated by professional helpers, specifically the field social workers. Awareness and raising the consciousness of parents on their role in childs socialization and it's implication to upholding society's convictions, values systems and norms are necessary in achieving a wholesome family and community life. Moreover, it is also a venue to identify and assess family functioning that may need imperative and appropriate social work intervention. Thus, interventions for children and the youth, women and the elderly should be within the framework of a family orientation to ensure integration rather than fragmentation of program efforts.
The changing age structures of population and their implications for development: the case of Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2008
Abstract: The transition from a regime of high mortality and high fertility to one of low mortality and low fertility in Malaysia is a relative recent phenomenon compared to the experience of developed countries. Unlike most developed countries where the demographic transition occurred in the early or mid-nineteenth century, in Malaysia the transition started in the immediate post World War II period, beginning with a reduction in mortality. The crude death rate in 1947 was about 20 deaths per thousand population, which has since declined drastically to a very low level of 4.5 deaths per thousand population in 2006. At present, the crude death rate in Malaysia is much lower than those of the developed countries. Such rapid decline was due to the availability of modern medical and health facilities besides the general improvement in socio-economic conditions of the country. This very low rate is attributed to the young age structure of the Malaysian population.
"Helping the husband, maintaining harmony" : the share of Indonesian women in family decision making
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: The perceived role of women in the family is to be a good wife, mother, housekeeper, manager of family resources and household activities. Men are to provide financial support. But in many occasions, especially under poverty condition, women are compelled to work outside the house for additional family income. Women see this as helping the husband, even though many women are the sole breadwinner of the family. However, work outside the house does not reduce the expected role of women. In the meantime, women carry double burden of taking care of the family matters and family income. Further, due to culture and religious believe, women are also expected to maintain harmony, related to husband-wife relationship. In conflict situation, it is the women who should give in and follow husband's wishes and need. This kind of belief/principle is a potential for domestic violence. This paper aims at presenting quantitative and qualitative findings on husband-wife's relationship, women's household autonomy, perception about domestic violence and refusal to have sex with husband. Data are derived from author's research finding in 1996 and the recent 2002/3 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. The paper also provide ways to protect women through the provision of NGO services, integrated medical centers, police women's desk, and the Law on Anti-Domestic Violence number 23 of 2004.
Indicators on Family Well-Being
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: With globalization, challenges facing the Filipino families have become more complex. Families try to cope with these challenges the best way they can, and, in the process, endangers the cohesiveness of families with children the hardest hit victims of such conditions. Governments try to provide programs and interventions to help families but oftentimes, these interventions are not sufficient since the problems are more deeply-rooted in the family system and is something that mere provision of services cannot simply address. And yet, the family remains to be an enduring institution in Philippine society. It is for these reasons that a study on possible indicators on the well-being of the Filipino family was conducted to track changes on family life over time. Family stability, parenting effectiveness, social responsibility, and rights perspective were the four major rights initially identified and discussed. This study is expected to lead towards the development of a score card for the Filipino Family Well-Being which can be done on a periodic basis.
Protecting and strengthening families: challenges and strategies - Malaysian perspective
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: Over the past decade rapid transitions in Malaysian family structure and family life have occurred due to globalization, industrialization and socio-economic development. Education, economic activities, infusion of cultures, religion, migration, urbanization plus improvements in living standards all tend to have an impact on families and loosen the traditional structure. Some of the key changes that have reshaped Malaysian families include a smaller family size due to declining birth rate, increase in nuclear families, rise in marital break-up and single parent households and increased participation of women in the labour force by women. The traditional picture of a male breadwinner and female homemaker characterizes a smaller proportion of Malaysian families today. This paper focuses on the profile, issues and challenges confronting Malaysian Families, marriage, family relationships, need for balancing work and family life, role of father and impact of technology on the family. The role of the family in Malaysia is very crucial as the development of the human potential is a key component of the nine challenges as promulgated in Vision 2020. Various promotive, preventive and advocacy programmes and activities have been initiatives undertaken together with NG0s, the private and public sector as well as education and training institutions to ensure the strengthening of the family unit as well as helping families cope with the demands of contemporary living.
Recent changes in Korean families: demographic, social and cultural perspective
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: This paper deals with recent changes in Korean families from diverse perspectives. Demographic conditions affecting family structure and family life in contemporary Korean society can be characterized as lowest-low fertility and speeding aging. Fertility in Korea drastically dropped to 1.08 of total fertility rate in 2005, one of the lowest records in the world. On the other hand, as a result of lowering fertility in part, aging has been proceeding too rapidly to adapt to new social environment. If aging continues with the current speed, it is easily predicted that Korean people will face financially unprecedented burden to support elderly within a short time. Lowest-low fertility and rapid aging have been clearly observed since the 1997 economic crisis in Korean society. In my view, Korean society has become an absolutely different society from that before the economic crisis. Not only social structure but also individual attitudes and behaviors and familial life had to be under restructuration right after the economic crisis. Thus, the economic crisis has to be regarded as a critical factor in recent family changes in Korea. Educational attainment for female has been expanded and comparable works for women have been increased. Thus, women had to have difficulties in finding marriageable men after the economic crisis. This has led to increasing age at first birth for both men and women, in other word delay marriage and family formation. Korean family has shown several new features in the late 1990s and early 2000s. One is the decreasing family formation. Another is increasing remarriage in Korea. Remarriage, in particular women's remarriage was negatively stigmatized according to a Confucian legacy to prohibit women's remarriage in traditional times. This custom has been remained for a long time. However, increasing divorce not only at younger ages but at middle and older ages has widened the possibility of remarriage for both men and women. Tolerance toward remarriage at the societal level has also greatly increased according to various family surveys. Even first-time marriage by men has been made with divorced or bereaved women. Another feature in contemporary marriage in Korea is a soaring international or interracial marriage, especially for Korean men. Single men in rural area have had so many difficulties in finding marriage partner because Korean women would not like to marry farmers or men residing in rural area. Under the shortage of marriageable women, rural men began to seek foreign bride, firstly from China and then Vietnam these day. Thus, more than one to ten marriages are now an interracial marriage in Korea. Changing demographic and familial conditions results in small size of family in Korea. The average number of household members is now less than three. On the other hand, one-person household is remarkably increasing in both urban and rural areas because of increasing divorce, deepening aging and increasing number of the female bereaved, and wide pursuit of independent life by younger generation. Also, with this trend, the proportion of female head of household is steadily increasing. However, female household heads are more suffering from poverty than male counterparts because of sex-discriminatory labor market, lack of women-friendly welfare policy and dual burden by the traditional patriarchal family system.
Emerging role of daughters in the context of new challenges and opportunities of maintaining family system
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: My paper is based upon a long term study of the role of educated working women in the maintenance and revitatlisation of the institution of family in India in the urban settings in the era of modernisation. The institution of family has been stressed due to the pressures of nuclearisation and/or downward mobility in urban India. It is more pronounced among the lower-middle and middle classes where the women belonging to these sections are making large scale entry into the spheres of modern education and age employment. It has affected the norms about marriage and family in many ways for women including increase in the age at marriage and remaining unmarried due to the imperatives of career of family responsibilities. But my study has resulted into the conclusion that there is increasing visibility of 'daughter supported families' where the working daughters are performing a) central, b) crucial, and c) useful role in maintenance of the family system inspite of their remaining unmarried. This is a significant change where failure of patrilineality is duly compensated by the constructive role of unmarried working daughters in the continuity of family system.
Protecting and strengthening the family through National Family Planning Programme: Indonesia's experience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: Indonesia, similar to other countries in the region, has been experiencing problems that threaten family cohesiveness, such as: poverty, prolonged socio-economic crisis, modernization and globalization. If not addressed adequately these threats to family cohesiveness will also be potential threat to the development of human resources in Indonesia. Thus protecting the family becomes an important aspects for the development of the nation, requiring contribution of three major parties, namely: government commitment; family motivation; and community support. The paper examines the Indonesian government's efforts to protect and strengthen families through the national family planning program. The Indonesia's family Planning program was established in early 1970. After the ICPD 1994, the program has expanded its mission and dealt not only with contraceptive services and family welfare but also other aspects of reproductive health and reproductive rights as well, shifting its vision to become quality family, instead of small and happy family. High commitment of the Government towards promoting Family Planning and Welfare is expressed through legal policy aspects and the programmatic interventions.
Protecting and strengthening the family: challenges and opportunies
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: Findings from the Malaysian Population and Family Survey 2004. Perceptions of relationships among family members found that as many as 98.5% of women said they had good family relationships comprising 99% Malays, 98% Chinese and 95% Indians. A total of 99% of men also stated that they have good family relationships, namely 99.2% Malays, 98.0% Chinese and 98.2% Indians. Meanwhile, 99.3% of women who did not have financial problems stated that they had good family relationships compared to 98.3% who had financial problems.
Interaction among family members: a Malaysian case study
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: The perceived relationship among family members are 98.5% of women said that they have good family relationship while 99% of men said the same. Meanwhile, 99.3% of women who did not have financial difficulty stated that they have good family relationship compared to those who have financial difficulty represented by 98.3%.
The 55th session of the Commission on Population and Development United Nations, New York, 25-29 April 2022
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 00/04/2022
Abstract: Malaysia’s socio-economic development has been significant in transforming our economy from a low income to an upper-middle-income status. We have achieved significant progress in eradicating poverty and narrowing inequalities. However, the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in vulnerable households falling into poverty and hardship.
The 4th East Asia Ministerial Forum on Families, "safe and resilient families: protecting and empowering at-risk and high risk families", Kuala Lumpur, 7-10 November 2010
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 00/11/2010
Abstract: A family is a living, evolving institution, affected by socio-economic factors as well as by the changes that shape the social environment in which it functions. More often, the changes and transformations have brought both gains and losses to family institutions. Hence, the challenge today is to reinforce positive changes and secure those in the new environment, and at the same time, to mitigate the negative consequences of changes, without dampening the momentum for positive evolution.
Malaysia country report at 4th East Asia Ministerial Forum on Families, "Safe and resilient families: protecting and empowering at-risk and high risk families", Kuala Lumpur, 7-10 November 2010
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 00/00/2010
Abstract: Malaysia recognizes the family as a natural and fundamental
social unit that provides valuable human resource and forms the
backbone for solidarity, security and nation building. Malaysia
believes in the importance of family development in line with the
objective of creating a caring society ; Family is PRIORITY NO. 1
Malaysian country report 3rd East Asia Ministerial Forum on Families 2008, "Strengthening family resilience: moving from policy to action"
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 00/11/2008
Abstract: Social policies and programmes affecting families have been revised and improved from time to time since Independence in 1957 to adapt to new challenges and needs of families. The importance of the family as a foundation for a strong Malaysia was first given prominence when Vision 2020 (now renamed the National Vision Policy–NVP) was announced in 1991 which strived to make Malaysia an industrialised nation by the year 2020. This vision recognizes that PEOPLE are the center of development and the critical element of this Vision is to produce citizens of good character embedded with an appropriate balance of suitable knowledge and skills and the inculcation of positive moral values, ethics and innovativeness. It particularly identified a “social system in which society will come before self, in which the welfare of the people will revolve not around the state or the individual but around a strong and resilient family system.”
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan November Bulan Keluarga Kebangsaan 2024
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: In conjunction with the National Family Month celebration in November 2024, themed “KASIH Keluarga, Jiwa MADANI”, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFBD) conducted a survey on the family situation in Malaysia from November 7 to 30, 2024. A total of 5,430 respondents, consisting of Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above, participated in this survey. The purpose of the survey was to gain a deeper understanding of the well-being, challenges, and perspectives of families in Malaysia, as well as to gain further insight into the social dynamics of families in the current context.
Hari Penduduk Sedunia 2024 : “kuasa data yang inklusif ke arah masa depan yang berdaya tahan dan saksama untuk semua”
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: Since 1994, the "data revolution" initiative has often been repeated including the UN Secretary General's call to equip countries with comprehensive data systems to achieve sustainable development goals. The main messages of World Population Day 2024 are progress in sexual and reproductive health, the importance of reliable population data, information gaps and the risk of data misuse, and the importance of inclusive data collection processes.
Penemuan Tinjauan Pendapat Umum Bersempena Sambutan Hari Ibu 2024
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: In conjunction with the 2024 National Mother's Day celebration, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has conducted an online public opinion poll from 12 to 31 May 2024. With the theme "Terima KASIH Ibu", a total of 3,988 respondents consisting of mothers of Malaysian citizens aged 18 years and above who have children were involved in this survey.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Bapa 2024
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: In conjunction with the 2024 National Father's Day Celebration, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has conducted an online public opinion poll from 12 to 30 June 2024. With the theme "Terima KASIH Ayah", a total of 1,238 respondents consisting of fathers of Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above who have children were involved in this survey.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Bapa Peringkat Kebangsaan 2021 "Bapa Pemimpin Keluarga Sejahtera"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/06/2021
Abstract: The findings of an opinion survey conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) in conjunction with the National Father's Day 2021 celebration.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat bersempena sambutan Hari Ibu Peringkat Kebangsaan 2021 "Ibu Pelindung, Ibu Dilindungi"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/05/2021
Abstract: In conjunction with the National Mother's Day 2021 celebration, LPPKN conducted a public opinion poll through online survey. The objective of this study is to obtain the latest information related to mothers and family institutions in the country, especially in living the new norms of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat tekanan dan cabaran keibubapaan dalam mendepani gelombang baharu pandemik Covid 19
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/03/2021
Abstract: This infographic is about of the findings of the Opinion Survey "Stresses and challenges of parenting in the face of the new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic".
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Johor
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Johor was 7.85 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Kedah
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Kedah was 7.79 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Kelantan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Kelantan was 7.43 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Melaka
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Malacca was 7.99 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Sembilan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Negeri Sembilan was 8.03 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the high level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019)Negeri Pahang
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. .The Family Well-Being Index Score for Pahang was 7.70 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Pulau Pinang
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Penang was 7.96 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Perak
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. .The Family Well-Being Index Score for Perak was 7.17 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Perlis
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Perlis was 7.99 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Sabah
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Sabah was 7.67 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Sarawak
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Sarawak was 7.78 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019(IKK 2019) Negeri Selangor
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Selangor was 7.68 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Negeri Terengganu
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for Terengganu was 8.10 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the high level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur was 7.59 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for the Federal Territory of Labuan was 7.82 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the moderate level.
Indeks Kesejahteraan keluarga Malaysia 2019 (IKK 2019) Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The Family Well -Being Index (FWBI) is a multi-dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well-being. The Family Well-Being Index Score for the Federal Territory of Putrajaya was 8.37 from a maximum score of 10, which was at the high level.
Amalan perancangan keluarga sepanjang tempoh perintah kawalan pergerakan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/12/2020
Abstract: A total of 740 respondents of married women aged 15 to 49 years were involved in this public opinion poll to find out family planning practices and problems faced by married couples in obtaining family planning methods during the period of Movement Control Order (MCO).
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat mengenai perubahan tingkah laku dan persekitaran keluarga serta persepsi keluarga berkaitan gelombang ketiga pandemik Covid-19
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/11/2020
Abstract: This infographic is about findings from public opinion poll that was conducted in conjunction with the 2020 National Family Month celebration themed "Kita Jaga Keluarga". The survey involved a total of 741 respondents who are parents of Malaysian citizens aged 18 years and above.
Public opinion: impact of covid-19 on behavioural and lifestyle changes, work from home (WFH) and family planning
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 27/07/2020
Abstract: This infographic shows the findings from the study covered the below areas: changes in Malaysians’ personal lives, emotional health / stress levels observed during the pandemic, financial adjustments during and since the pandemic, benefits from employers during the pandemic, changes in working conditions, environment and styles and family planning amidst COVID-19.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat sempena sambutan Hari Bapa Peringkat Kebangsaan 2020 "Bapaku Pemimpin, Keluarga Sejahtera"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 22/06/2020
Abstract: This infographic is about findings from public opinion: Bapaku Pemimpin, Keluarga Sejahtera. In observance of National Father's Day 2020.
Parental involvement in children's home-based learning (HBL)
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/05/2020
Abstract: This infographic is about findings of the online public poll carried out by National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) to look at the parent’s readiness, involvement and challenges with their children’s home-based learning during the movement control order (MCO) period.
Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia 2019
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2020
Abstract: The Malaysian Family Well-Being Index is a multi -dimensional benchmark that specially developed to measure levels family well-being in Malaysia. Index is generated through maternal or paternal assessment to the well -being of their families. The Family Well-being Index 2019 score has increased to 7.72 from a maximum scale of 10 compared to 7.33 in 2016.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat sempena sambutan Hari Ibu Bapa Peringkat Kebangsaan 2019 "Keibubapaan Kreatif Mendepani Cabaran Alaf Baru"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/07/2019
Abstract: The survey involved a total of 753 respondents .The survey was conducted from 5 -9 July 2019 using the online survey method.
International Day of Families 2019: families and climate action: focus on SDG13
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2019
Abstract: Climate change and global warming are caused by human activities such as discruption to ecosystem balances and carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) resulting from activities such as transport, household activity and industrialization. If this activity is not contained, it can threaten our way of life and the future of our planet.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat sempena Bulan Keluarga Kebangsaan 1 Malaysia (BKK1M) 2017
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 01/06/2018
Abstract: This survey was conducted in conjunction with the National Family Month 1 Malaysia. The survey involved 1165 parents ( Malaysian citizens with children aged 5 to 17 year).
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat sempena sambutan hari ibu bapa peringkat kebangsaan 2018 "Ibu dan bapa anugerah terindah"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2018
Abstract: This infographic is about the findings of the opinion poll in conjunction with the 2018 national Parents' days celebration with the theme "Ibu dan bapa anugerah terindah". 9 out of 10 parents state having a good relationship with children.
Malaysian Family Well-Being Index 2016
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/02/2017
Abstract: Recognising the importance of the family institution as a social basic unit in national development, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Board (NPFDB) has developed Family Well-Being Index (FWI) 2016. The consist of 8 domains and 23 indicators registered 7.33 out of a maximum score of 10.
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Johor.
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Johor
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Kedah
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family-programs in Kedah
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Kelantan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family-programs in Kelantan
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Melaka
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Melaka
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Negeri Sembilan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family-program in Negeri Sembilan
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Pahang
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family-programs in Pahang
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Perak
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Perak
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Perlis
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Perlis.
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Pulau Pinang
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family-programs in Pulau Pinang
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Sabah
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family-programs in Sabah
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Sarawak
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Sarawak
Pengetahuan,sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Selangor
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Selangor
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Terengganu
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Terengganu
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ahli komuniti mengenai penjagaan alam sekitar dan amalan 3R di Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Findings of the opinion survey knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on environmental care and 3R practices during eco family -programs in Kuala Lumpur
Modul My Therapeutic Family: Family Psychological First Aid
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/01/2023
KASIH Keluarga Ceria Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed to bolster the family institution in Malaysia, which is a cornerstone of national well-being. This program comprises two modules, namely:
i. Psychoeducation Module
ii. Support Group "My Therapeutic Family" Module
These modules were based on the Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA) model, jointly developed by NPFDB and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). The model integrated fundamental family dynamics, functional family systems, and Psychological First Aid principles recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Support Group "My Therapeutic Family" Module complements the Psychoeducation Module by focusing on maintenance, particularly in the post-intervention phase, addressing crisis management within the family unit.
The objectives of this program are:
1. Enhance parents' awareness regarding mental health and adaptive skills;
2. Educate parents with knowledge of Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA);
3. Empower parents with referral skills for psychological assistance;
4. Establish support groups platform for parents; and
5. Forge intelligent collaborative network between NGOs, agencies, and referral experts.
Modul Psiko-Pendidikan "Family Psychological First Aid"
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/01/2023
Abstract: KASIH Keluarga Ceria Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed to bolster the family institution in Malaysia, which is a cornerstone of national well-being. This program comprises two modules, namely:
i. Psychoeducation Module
ii. Support Group "My Therapeutic Family" Module
These modules were based on the Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA) model, jointly developed by LPPKN and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). The model integrates fundamental family dynamics, functional family systems, and Psychological First Aid principles recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Psychoeducation Module serves to impart knowledge on F-PFA concepts and skills necessary during the preparation and intervention phases of managing crises within the family unit. The module encompasses mental health screening, psychosocial intervention, and referral skill. Families, armed with F-PFA knowledge and skills, gain the capacity to adeptly respond during family crisis.
The objectives of this program are:
1. Enhance parents' awareness regarding mental health and adaptive skills;
2. Educate parents with knowledge of Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA);
3. Empower parents with referral skills for psychological assistance;
4. Establish support groups platform for parents; and
5. Forge intelligent collaborative network between NGOs, agencies, and referral experts.
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Family development module for Institutions of Higher Education
Item Type: Module
Year: 01/12/2000
Abstract: The NPFDB has initiated a family development programme (MOPKITP) for students from Institutions of Higher Education. The Family Development Module will be offered through the co-curriculum programme. This Family Development Module Package is a combination of the NPFDB's existing modules, that is Permata Kasih, Youth Exploration, SMARTbelanja, SMARTSTART, Bahtera Kasih, Belaian Kasih, Mutiara Kasih and POP Community. The outcome of this collaborative effort with the Institutions of Higher Education will be a pool of student who are "trained facilitators". Hence the NPFDB will be able to use these students to further expand its family development programmes to the grassroots.
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KASIH Package module
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/00/2000
Abstract: The KASIH package consists of five key modules based on the family life cycle which is Module On Preparation For Marriage - (Bahtera Kasih) - Focuses on enhancing knowledge and skills on marriage preparation and developing a strong foundation for marriages, Module On Fatherhood - (Pancaran Kasih) - Focuses on sharpening the parenting skills of fathers in shaping their children's development, Module On Parenting of Young Children - (Belaian Kasih) - Equips parents with techniques and skills for parenting their young children, Module On Parenting Adolescents - (Mutiara Kasih) - Assists parents to develop effective communication and relationship skills in guiding their adolescent children to be resilient in facing challenges and Module On Adolescent Development - (Permata Kasih) - Adolescent are guided to develop positive values such as being caring and sensitive, loving, responsible and having good personalities in line with the family, society and country's aspiration.
A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future, harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/11/2022
Abstract: The world's population is projected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022. The best way to ensure demographic resilience is to support human rights, including individuals' reproductive rights and choices.
Population and sustainable development, in particular sustained and inclusive economic growth
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/05/2022
Abstract: In 2020, Malaysia's population was at 32.4 million, growing at an average annual rate of 1.7 per cent for the period from 2010 to 2020. Driven by a decline in fertility rate accompanied by a sustained rise in life expectancy. Malaysia will become an aged nation by 2030.
The role of the state in empowering family: Malaysia experience
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2019
Abstract: Malaysia families today are facing numerous challenges related to changing of population and family structure as well as pressure of complex family responsibilities. The advent of modern lifestyle has witnessing the issues on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, changing attitudes towards marriage, work-life balance and intergenerational between elderly parents and young children. In view of the above trends and challenges, a National Family Policy will continue to be empowered.
The role of families and family policies in achieving inclusive societies: Malaysia experiences
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2018
Abstract: With an ever increasing proportion of elder population, today’s family are being pressured to provide multi generation family support, known as “sandwich family”. Hence, Malaysia has introduced a National Family Policy with a comprehensive set of plan of action for the year 2010 until 2020, a complement to the family well-being index. Next, community based intervention program called Family and Community Empowerment Program (FACE) and Family Impact Assessment (FIA) where an evaluation on the impact of family-related policies and program will be accessed.
Malaysian family well-being index study 2011
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: Realizing that the wellbeing of the family is the primary goal in the development of the country, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has pioneered the development of the Malaysian Family Wellbeing Index (FWB). The aim of the FWB index is to measure and monitor the subjective wellbeing of Malaysian families as well as to suggest and provide directions to develop family friendly policies, programs and services. The study was conducted on 2,808 households involving of 5,616 respondents. Through this study, the Family Wellbeing Index (FWB) was recorded at 7.55 out of a maximum score of 10 indicating that Malaysian families have a relatively high level of wellbeing and are able to manage the challenges of development. Of the seven domains identified, the Family and Religion / Spirituality domain recorded the highest score of 8.25.
'Family first: bringing the heart home': the Malaysian concept of strengthening the family institution
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/01/2004
Abstract: "Family First: Bringing the Heart Home" was selected in recognition of the importance of having strong, resilient and cohesive families as the key to building peaceful, prosperous and stable communities. It reflects what matters most to all of us and our countries; the family place in centre of our lives.