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Results for Topics : "Contraception"

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Development of family planning mobile application and its usage potential among healthcare workers and public users
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Mohamad Nor, Nadeeya Ayn Umaisara and
Zainal, Nur Zaireena and
Mustapha, Wan Hilya Munira and
Mohd Said, Nur ‘Arifah and
Amin, Noor Azlina and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Family planning education is vital towards improvement of women’s health. In Malaysia, family planning counselling is delivered at both pre-pregnancy and postpartum care management. Traditionally, postpartum mothers are counselled at 6 weeks postpartum. However, “one off” health education activity may limits retained of information as compared to repetitive and reinforcement method using digital communication. Development of Rancanglah application brings great potential to complement current method in promoting family planning. It is followed by a usability study of the application among 34 healthcare workers (HCWs) and 100 public users in identifying its usage potential. Malay-mHealth Usability Questionnaire (M-MAUQ) is used and the questions are tailored to HCWs and public users. Higher mean usability score were found for both HCWs and public users. For all three main domains in M-MAUQ, both groups of respondents provide higher mean score. The high usability score of mobile application promotes more user attention and prone to be used in the long term. Essentially, RancangLah complements current method of family planning promotion. An intervention study shall be planned to enhance its usage and measure its effectiveness in reducing the unmet needs of family planning in the population.
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The impact of covid-19 lockdown on family planning services in Selangor: pattern and geo-demographic profiles
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Samat, Nor Azah and
Ismail, Kamarul and
Muhammad Sapri, Noor Azlin and
Amin, Noor Azlina and
Zunikasma, Amira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  The Movement Control Order (MCO) or lockdown implemented in Malaysia as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, affects all sectors including education, business, health, and more. Family planning services are among those affected by these restrictions. Family planning is important in improving family well-being and is one of the main objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), 2015-2030, and the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (RMK-12). Therefore, this study aims to identify the trend and distribution of contraceptive use in Selangor, before, during, and after the MCO. In this study, the geo-demographic profile of contraceptive users was also investigated. The methodology of this study involves the use of descriptive analysis and the K-means clustering method in determining the client's geo-demographic profile. The data used in this study is the new contraceptive user for five Klinik Nur Sejahtera (KNS) in Selangor, for the years 2019 and 2020. The results of the analysis found that the use of contraceptives in Selangor showed a fluctuating trend before and after the MCO, with service interruptions during the MCO in 2020. Findings from the contraceptive user distribution mapping showed that more than 50 percent of KNS clients were within a 20 km radius according to the five districts for the year 2020. The analysis of the original pattern on the map shows the need for a clinic to be built in the northern part of Selangor. In addition, the geo-demographic profile findings provide five clusters of KNS client characteristics for the year 2020. In conclusion, the results of this study are significant and can be used by the authorities, especially family planning service providers to identify areas that need further scrutiny such as the allocation of resources, training, and awareness campaigns. The geo-demographic profiling of clients can provide authorities with a deeper understanding of their client's characteristics thereby enabling them to improve family planning services.
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Impak sekatan pergerakan Covid-19 terhadap perkhidmatan perancangan keluarga di Selangor: trend dan profil geo-demografi
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Samat, Nor Azah and
Ismail, Kamarul and
Muhammad Sapri, Noor Azlin and
Amin, Noor Azlina and
Zunikasma., Amira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  This study aims to identify the trends in contraceptive use among new users before, during, and after the Movement Control Order (MCO), as well as to determine the distribution of contraceptive use among new users based on radius and origin. Additionally, it seeks to assess the percentage differences in new contraceptive users between the years 2020 and 2019. The findings show that there were no new contraceptive users during the MCO period (March 18 – May 3, 2020). Implants emerged as the preferred family planning method among clients at the Klinik Nur Sejahtera Selangor, while condoms were the least used method. The 'Long Married Mothers' profile refers to women who have been married for 14 to 22 years. This group may have chosen not to have children, and using contraceptives is seen as the best alternative. The geo-demographic profile and the distribution map of contraceptive users developed in this study can serve as a guide for planning and decision-making, such as health policies, educational programs, population projections, reproductive health research, and family planning.
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Dasar dan Pelan Tindakan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial Kebangsaan (PEKERTI) 2022-2025
Item Type: Act & Policy
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Malaysia,  and
Year:  08/09/2022
Abstract:  This new PEKERTI policy is applicable to every individual regardless of age and gender and takes into account ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Focus will be given to producing a healthy population in terms of reproductive and sexual health based on high moral values and practicing responsible behavior and mutual respect for each other. This PEKERTI policy has been streamlined to achieve 5 objectives which are to (i) increase the awareness of Malaysians regarding the importance of reproductive and social health education, (ii) develop evidence-based reproductive and social health education programs, (iii) develop human expertise and modernity in aspects reproductive and social health education, (iv) carry out research in aspects of reproductive and social health education and (v) ensure programs and services under this policy are continuously monitored and evaluated. In order to achieve these 5 objectives that have been set, 5 Cores have been identified as policy implementation machinery namely (i) Advocacy, Promotion and Prevention, (ii) Comprehensive Reproductive and Social Health Education Covering All Age Levels, (iii) Human Capital and other Resources for Reproductive and Social Health education, (iv) Research and Development and (v) Monitoring and Evaluation.
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Statistik data perkhidmatan perancang keluarga LPPKN tahun 2015-2019
Item Type: Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2022
Abstract:  National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFDB) have prepared a statistic report on family planning services at the NPFDB level according to the number of new recipients, type of contraceptive, state, age group, ethnicity, strata and employment status for 2015 to 2019. This report only consist new recipients, which is new clients who have not registered with any of family planning agency such as NPFDB, Ministry of Health (MOH), Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) and Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia (FRHAM). The breakdown of statistic report by type of contraceptive have included implant, injection, condom, pill, intrauterine device and non-modern methods. Meanwhile, the breakdown of family planning data by age have covered the range of 15 years to 49 years. The breakdown of data by ethnicity also have included Malay, Chinese, Indian, other bumiputera and other ethnicities. These statistic data were also have provided by strata (urban and rural), employment status (employed and unemployed) and education breakdown including college/ university, secondary school, primary school and non formal education.
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