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Results for Topics : "Family"

2024 (31)

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Pembangunan Modul Psikopendidikan untuk memperkasa resiliensi belia B40 dan kefungsian keluarga dalam era Covid-19
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Mohd Jaladin, Rafidah Aga and
Jani, Rohana and
Mohd Hedzir, Annita and
Sulaiman, Rasidah and
Kamal Shari, Ratna Safura and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  The global economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has had a negative impact on B40 households in Malaysia, resulting in increased unemployment, poverty, and crime. Therefore, efforts are needed to empower the B40 families in the country. The aim of this research is to develop a psychoeducational module that can improve the well-being and functioning of B40 families as well as the development of youth. Methodology: This research includes four methodological stages: (i) needs assessment (psychological well-being, concerns, resilience, and family functioning); (ii) design and development of the module; (iii) trial/implementation of the module; and (iv) module evaluation. Study Findings: The results of the research are expected to increase knowledge on the well-being and functioning of families, particularly marginalized groups (urban B40 households) that have been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: LPPKN can utilize the results of this research to strengthen family and community development initiatives, particularly focusing on the psychological needs of urban B40 families, in line with the 12th Malaysia Plan (RMK-12).
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Mempertingkatkan komunikasi ibu bapa- remaja untuk menghalang tingkah laku seksual berisiko di kalangan remaja Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Muhammad, Noor Azimah and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Parental communication with teenagers regarding reproductive and sexual health (SRH) remains minimal in Malaysia, with the topic being considered taboo and sensitive, rarely discussed openly within families. Teenagers are exposed to high-risk sexual activities, with 10-15% having engaged in sexual activity. This study aims to develop a communication module specifically for guiding parents in discussing reproductive and sexual health with their teenage children. Additionally, it seeks to analyze the perspectives of both parents and teenagers regarding RS communication and design the "BICARA Kasih" Module for parents. The conclusion of this study is that the module can be used by parents when addressing sexual issues with their children, especially teenagers aged 10 and above, and this module has the potential to be made available in digital format.
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Pembangunan dan kebolehlaksanaan program intervensi pasca-Covid untuk keluarga resilien di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abdullah, Sarinah Low and
Mohd Hairi, Noran Naqiah and
Fitriana, Mimi and
Siau, Ching Sin and
Awang Bono, Suzanna and
Chua, Bee Seok and
Vithilingam, Geetha and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  This study aims to develop a new, evidence-based family well-being intervention program in response to the challenges faced by families in Malaysia post-COVID-19. Marriage-related stress, particularly from external sources, can negatively affect relationship satisfaction and stability, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these pressures. Measures such as travel restrictions and social distancing have contributed to increased psychological stress, leading to deteriorating relationship quality due to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The impact of the pandemic highlights weaknesses and resilience in family dynamics, underscoring the need for support systems to maintain relationship quality during crises. A collaborative approach in designing the new intervention program should involve not only health experts but also representatives from fields such as education, psychology, and technology. This will ensure a comprehensive and effective intervention to address the various challenges families face.
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Cabaran, kesejahteraan dan penglibatan ibu dalam keluarga : penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Ibu 2024
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Bahagian Penyelidikan Pendudukan dan Keluarga, Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/07/2024
Abstract:  In conjunction with the 2024 National Mother's Day celebration, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) through the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) has conducted an online public opinion poll from 12 to 31 May 2024. In addition to finding out the issues and the current challenge of motherhood in managing the family and raising children, the focus of this study is to find out the level of mental well-being of mothers, and to know the extent of the important role and involvement of a mother in family institutions. With the theme "Terima KASIH Ibu", a total of 3,988 respondents consisting of mothers of Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above who have children were involved in this survey. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for the implementation of appropriate intervention programs towards the strengthening of family institutions.
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Cabaran, kesejahteraan dan penglibatan bapa dalam keluarga : penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Bapa 2024
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Bahagian Penyelidikan Pendudukan dan Keluarga, Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/07/2024
Abstract:  In conjunction with the 2024 National Father's Day Celebration, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has conducted an online public opinion poll from 12 to 30 June 2024. In addition to finding out the issues and the current challenges of fatherhood in managing the family and raising children, the focus of this study is to find out the level of mental well-being of fathers, and to know the extent of the important role and involvement of a father in family institutions. With the theme "Terima KASIH Ayah", a total of 1,238 respondents consisting of fathers of Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above who have children were involved in this survey. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for the implementation of appropriate intervention programs towards the strengthening of family institutions.
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The development of Family Well-Being Index: Malaysia experience. EGM on interlinkages between migration, urbanization, new technologies, demographic trends and climate change in Asia.
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mahpul, Irwan Nadzif and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Year:  00/05/2024
Abstract:  The Malaysian Family Well-Being Index (MFWBI) was initiated in 2011 by the NPFDB with the aim to measure the levels of family well-being in the country and to recommend strategic initiatives to strengthen the implementation of future family intervention programs in Malaysia. In 2016, measurement of the MFWBI was repeated using an improvised instrument. The MFWBI 2016 had maintained all the 7 domain in the MFWBI 2011 and added one more domain, namely, Family and Communication Technology. The instrument’s refinement exercise was repeated again in 2019, and 2022 in order to measure the family well-being. The purpose of the refinement exercise was to ensure that the questionnaire was valid and relevant for current and near future use. The domain in the MFWBI are Family Relationship, Family Economy, Family Health, Family Safety, Family and Community Engagement, Role of Religion & Spiritual Practice, Housing and Environment, Family and Communication Technology. At the national level, the MFWBI has been recognized by the federal government as one of the national KPI in the country’s 5-year development planning (Eleventh Malaysia Plan, 2016 -2020 and Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2012 – 2025).
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2023 (9)

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Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan golongan wanita dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik covid-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Omar, Nor Ezdianie and
Abdullah, Muhamad Noh and
Abdul Razak, Ahmad Rasyidee and
Mohammad Fuzi, Nur Ashikin and
Musa, Nurhafilah and
Husin, Asmak and
Year:  00/06/2023
Abstract:  Towards post COVID-19, most of the daily routines of Malaysian women's life have changed. The change in routine includes the management of household affairs, work routine to work from home (work from home) and socializing routine. As a result, society, especially women, is seen as increasingly depressed due to the loss of sources of income, limited involvement in outdoor activities and problems in balancing work and family time. Aware of this situation, the National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFDB) has taken the initiative to conduct a series of public opinion surveys throughout 2020 and 2021. This study aims to explore the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparations of women in facing the pandemic situation COVID-19 in Malaysia. This study is an online survey study. The findings of this study are a reflection of the current situation of society and family institutions in Malaysia in facing several new waves during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of the survey show that women are more affected than men, but the level of well-being of women in Malaysia is seen to be still at a satisfactory level. In addition, the results of the study also found that women stated that they are faced with various issues and challenges especially for those who are married. Issues of family management, children's education at home and more flexible working hours should be highlighted for consideration by the Government. It is hoped that various initiatives and development plans related to women can be planned in addition to strengthening existing policies towards achieving the aspiration of "Building a CIVIL Malaysia". In general, the chapters in this book contribute to knowledge related to the current situation of women in facing the new normal life. While in particular, the chapters in this book contribute to knowledge related to the role, well-being, challenges and preparation of Malaysian women in facing the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Modul My Therapeutic Family: Family Psychological First Aid
Item Type: Module
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/01/2023
Abstract:  INTRODUCTION:- KASIH Keluarga Ceria Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed to bolster the family institution in Malaysia, which is a cornerstone of national well-being. This program comprises two modules, namely: i. Psychoeducation Module ii. Support Group "My Therapeutic Family" Module These modules were based on the Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA) model, jointly developed by NPFDB and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). The model integrated fundamental family dynamics, functional family systems, and Psychological First Aid principles recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Support Group "My Therapeutic Family" Module complements the Psychoeducation Module by focusing on maintenance, particularly in the post-intervention phase, addressing crisis management within the family unit. The objectives of this program are: 1. Enhance parents' awareness regarding mental health and adaptive skills; 2. Educate parents with knowledge of Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA); 3. Empower parents with referral skills for psychological assistance; 4. Establish support groups platform for parents; and 5. Forge intelligent collaborative network between NGOs, agencies, and referral experts.
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Modul Psiko-Pendidikan "Family Psychological First Aid"
Item Type: Module
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/01/2023
Abstract:  KASIH Keluarga Ceria Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed to bolster the family institution in Malaysia, which is a cornerstone of national well-being. This program comprises two modules, namely: i. Psychoeducation Module ii. Support Group "My Therapeutic Family" Module These modules were based on the Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA) model, jointly developed by LPPKN and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). The model integrates fundamental family dynamics, functional family systems, and Psychological First Aid principles recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Psychoeducation Module serves to impart knowledge on F-PFA concepts and skills necessary during the preparation and intervention phases of managing crises within the family unit. The module encompasses mental health screening, psychosocial intervention, and referral skill. Families, armed with F-PFA knowledge and skills, gain the capacity to adeptly respond during family crisis. The objectives of this program are: 1. Enhance parents' awareness regarding mental health and adaptive skills; 2. Educate parents with knowledge of Family Psychological First Aid (F-PFA); 3. Empower parents with referral skills for psychological assistance; 4. Establish support groups platform for parents; and 5. Forge intelligent collaborative network between NGOs, agencies, and referral experts.
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2022 (14)

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Dasar dan Pelan Tindakan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial Kebangsaan (PEKERTI) 2022-2025
Item Type: Act & Policy
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Malaysia,  and
Year:  08/09/2022
Abstract:  This new PEKERTI policy is applicable to every individual regardless of age and gender and takes into account ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Focus will be given to producing a healthy population in terms of reproductive and sexual health based on high moral values and practicing responsible behavior and mutual respect for each other. This PEKERTI policy has been streamlined to achieve 5 objectives which are to (i) increase the awareness of Malaysians regarding the importance of reproductive and social health education, (ii) develop evidence-based reproductive and social health education programs, (iii) develop human expertise and modernity in aspects reproductive and social health education, (iv) carry out research in aspects of reproductive and social health education and (v) ensure programs and services under this policy are continuously monitored and evaluated. In order to achieve these 5 objectives that have been set, 5 Cores have been identified as policy implementation machinery namely (i) Advocacy, Promotion and Prevention, (ii) Comprehensive Reproductive and Social Health Education Covering All Age Levels, (iii) Human Capital and other Resources for Reproductive and Social Health education, (iv) Research and Development and (v) Monitoring and Evaluation.
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Autonomy in household decision-making among Malaysia women
Item Type: Thesis
Ismail, Najihah and
Year:  00/06/2022
Abstract:  The progress of Malaysian women has significantly improved since 1980, particularly in terms of educational achievement. However, women's labor force participation rate, level of women in decision-making at the household and industry levels, is still below that of men. These instances suggested that there were still obstacles to women's empowerment in Malaysia, particularly in decision-making. Hence, this study aims to identify factors affecting women's autonomy in household decision-making among married women in Malaysia. Data on women's autonomy in household decision-making were obtained from Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey in 2014 and accounted for 2595 married women aged 15-59. Kishor's Conceptual Framework and Three-domains of Women's Empowerment were adopted as a research framework. The study framework consisted of ten exogenous factors and endogenous variables of women's autonomy in household decisions. The household decision-making was divided into eight domains: household expenses, buying a house, making assets, family savings, family holidays, children's discipline, children's education, and woman's career. Each household decision domain had responses of three levels of women's autonomy (not involved, joint and sole participation) and was analyzed individually using the Multinomial Logistics Regression method. The study provides evidence that women's characteristics can restrict the autonomous power of women in a patriarchal society like Malaysia. All selected factors significantly impacted women's autonomy in at least one decision domain in the household. Women's education was the most substantial factor that positively influenced women's autonomy in all decisions in the household. In contrast, the spousal education gap and participation in the labor force could be a barrier to women's autonomy in the household. The family should be at the forefront of the empowering process as a woman's role in caring for the family's welfare is definite. Despite the continuous efforts to empower women, the study suggested that there is a need for a balance in shaping the positive patriarchal values among the communities, particularly among men. This can be achieved by promoting shared responsibility within a household, and this initiative has the same substantial weightage as a woman's education and economic status.
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Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan golongan wanita dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik Covid-19 di Malaysia: Hasil penemuan siri kajian tinjauan pendapat umum LPPKN
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abdul Razak, Ahmad Rasyidee and
Abdullah, Muhamad Noh and
Mohammad Fuzi, Nur Ashikin and
Omar, Nor Ezdianie and
Year:  26/02/2022
Abstract:  Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country since early 2020, the economy and community life have been severely affected. The increase in the number of daily cases as a result of several new waves of COVID-19 has also prompted the Government to implement a series of Movement Control Orders (MCO) nationwide. As a result, society, especially women, are seen to be increasingly stressed due to the loss of sources of income, limited involvement in outdoor activities and problems in balancing between work and family hours. Aware of this situation, the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has taken the initiative to conduct a series of public opinion polls throughout 2020 and 2021. This study aims to explore the role, level of well -being, challenges and preparation of women in facing pandemic situations. COVID-19 in Malaysia. This study is an online survey study. The findings of this study are a reflection of the current situation of society and family institutions in the face of the new wave of COVID-19. The results of a survey that focused on women showed that women were more affected than men. Although the level of well -being of women in the country is still at a satisfactory level, various issues and challenges are faced especially for those who are married. Issues of family management, children's education at home and more flexible working hours should be highlighted for consideration by the Government. It is hoped that various initiatives and development plans related to women can be planned as well as further strengthen the existing policies towards achieving the aspirations of the Malaysian Family. In general, this paper contributes to the knowledge related to the current situation of women in the face of new normative life. While in particular, this paper contributes to knowledge related to the role, well-being, challenges and preparation of women in facing the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
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2021 (33)

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Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan ibu bapa dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik COVID-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abdullah, Muhamad Noh and
Abdul Razak, Ahmad Rasyidee and
Omar, Nor Ezdianie and
Year:  01/12/2021
Abstract:  This slide describes the current situation in family institutions in particular related to the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparation of mothers and fathers in facing the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread in the country since early 2020. The subtopics in this slide are based on 10 public opinion polls conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) online throughout 2020 and 2021. The survey, which involved nearly 13,000 respondents, focused on Malaysian mothers and fathers who have children aged 3 to 24 years only. There are seven subtopics in this paper, namely (i) Introduction; (ii) Literature Review; (iii) New Norma Family; (iv) The Role of Parents in the Family; (v) Level of Parental Well -Being in Family Institutions; (vi) Challenges and Parental Preparation Related to the Use of Digital Technology; and (vii) Recommendations and Conclusions.
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Konseptual kualiti hidup dalam konteks golongan pesara di Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Godfrey, Amirah Saliha and
Ibrahim, Dzurizah and
Md Shah, Jalihah and
Kanyo, Nor Ina and
Year:  00/12/2021
Abstract:  Quality of life carries a more complex meaning in explaining the context of an individual's life status, whether they are satisfied and happy with their living conditions or not. The phenomenon of quality of life can be measured by looking at indicators in various aspects whether monetary or non-monetary. This study was conducted to examine what the meaning of quality of life is in the context of retirees in Malaysia. In addition, this study was also conducted to see what indicators affect the quality of life, especially for retirees in Malaysia. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a qualitative method was used, particularly working on reading sources from previous studies. The sources were screened through Scopus access. The main findings of this study found that there are various indicators that affect the quality of life retirees in Malaysia and can be divided into two categories, namely monetary which consists of economic indicators, and residence. While non-monetary consists of indicators of social support, health and family life. Therefore, this study will analyze and conceptually describe the quality of life of the retirees in Malaysia in a more comprehensive way through research on national policies and policies, as well as see a brief comparison with other countries.
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Impak positif daripada pandemik covid-19 kepada institusi kekeluargaan
Item Type: Article
Abdullah, Noor Fiteri and
Mukhtar, Masnisah and
Year:  00/12/2021
Abstract:  The world was shocked by the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic which changed the norms of human life from the usual. This effect also felt by every family institution which is the basic group in a community. The routine in family life that has become a habit had to be changed because of it. Previous studies have found that there are various negative or positive impacts from this epidemic. This article places special emphasis on the positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on family institutions. The study is exploratory because it is a new issue with limited resources. The study literature is based on references obtained from reading sources related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the concept of new norms for family institutions. In addition to that, independent observation and experience are also the results of the study. The focus of the positive impact of this pandemic on family institutions is seen from a spiritual perspective, habits and attitudes. The result of this writing found that there are several lessons referring to the positive impact useful to be used as a reference or guide in the future. The concept of understanding and returning to religious teachings is the key to getting a positive impact from any form of calamity or disaster.
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Pelan Strategik LPPKN 2021-2025
Item Type: Book
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/01/2021
Abstract:  NPFDB was established under the Population and Family Development Act 1966 as a leader in the field of family development, population and human reproductive in Malaysia and in 2021 is NPFDB’s 55th anniversary celebration. During more than five decades of its establishment, NPFDB has faced several changes in organizational structure, but this agency has remained steadfast in its mandate and responsibility in strengthening family institutions to produce quality Malaysians in the era of change and current challenges. Various high-impact studies, programs and services have been introduced and will be implemented from year to year with the aim of ensuring the well-being of Malaysians regardless of race, religion and socioeconomics. NPFDB’s flagship programs such as the Family and Community Empowerment Program (FACE), Mamacare and KafeTEEN have recognition from the public in dealing with social problems among target groups at the community level, thus elevating NPFDB as a family and population leader.
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Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan ibu bapa dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik covid-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Abdullah, Muhamad Noh and
Abdul Razak, Ahmad Rasyidee and
Omar, Nor Ezdianie and
Year:  00/00/2021
Abstract:  This paper describes the current situation in family institutions in particular related to the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparation of mothers and fathers in facing the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread in the country since early 2020. The subtopics in this paper are based on 10 public opinion polls conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) throughout 2020 and 2021. The survey, which involved nearly 13,000 respondents, focused on Malaysian mothers and fathers, who have children aged 3 to 24 years only. There are seven subtopics in this paper, namely (i) Introduction; (ii) Literature Review; (iii) New Norma Family; (iv) The Role of Parents in the Family; (v) Level of Parental Well -Being in Family Institutions; (vi) Challenges and Parental Preparation Related to the Use of Digital Technology; and (vii) Recommendations and Conclusions. The findings show that despite facing various issues and challenges such as health and safety of family members, education of children and family financial/economic management, majority of mothers and the father was found to still remain in a state of well -being good. Mothers and fathers as the main pillars of the family are seen continues to play an important role for adapting family members to a normative lifestyle new. However, some detailed assessments and assistance support needs to be reconsidered by the Government to help mothers and fathers especially in the home-based teaching and learning (PdPR), i.e. current methods and future learning for children. Based on the sharing of subtopics in this paper, it is hoped that various activities and programs can be planned as well as the formulation of new policies that are equally beneficial towards achieving the aspirations of the Malaysian Family. Generally, this paper contributes to the relevant knowledge about Malaysian Family well -being education in the face of new norm life. While in particular, this paper work contributes to role -related knowledge, well -being, challenges and preparation of parents in the situation of COVID-19.
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Keluarga dan cabaran norma baharu
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Md Akir, Hairil Fadzly and
Year:  00/00/2021
Abstract:  This slide describes the current situation in family institutions during the pre-pandemic COVID-19, by also showing the pattern of family well-being in the country through the Malaysian Family Well-Being Index (FWBI), a special measure introduced by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) since 2011. Despite the increase in scores in the third series of FWBI in 2019, the situation in family institutions seems to have changed with the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country in early 2020. Sensitive to the increasing number of daily cases of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic wave in the country, NPFDB has conducted a series of online public opinion poll studies to know some aspects of life including (i) the current situation of the pandemic era family; (ii) the family's behavior in facing a pandemic situation (iii) the role of mothers and fathers in the family during a pandemic; (iv) the level of well -being of mothers and fathers in the family institution; and (iv) the challenges and preparation of parents related to the use of digital technology. The results of this survey have been used as the main input to assist the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD), especially NPFDB to develop appropriate programs and services as well as disseminate findings through existing social media platforms to the general public. Various initiatives including economic and social stimulus packages have been implemented by the Government to address the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly to the affected groups, in line with the "No One Left Behind" statement. With the allocation that has been channeled, MWFCD through its agencies including the Social Welfare Department (JKM) and NPFDB has intensified efforts to help the affected target groups, in addition to continuing existing activities, programs and services. In general, these stimulus and assistance packages have not only had a positive impact on economic recovery, but also on the social development of the community. Recently, with the concept of "Malaysian Family" introduced by YAB Dato 'Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the Prime Minister of Malaysia is seen to be able to be a medium for the unification of society across religious, racial and ethnic boundaries to work together to solve the big problems facing the country when this. In addition, it can indirectly help further strengthen the family institution, as a basic unit that produces quality human capital for national development.
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2020 (8)

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Report on Malaysia Family Well-Being Index 2019
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2020
Abstract:  The Family Well -Being Index (FWI) is a multi -dimensional benchmark specially developed to measure the level of family well -being in Malaysia. This index is generated through a mother’s or father’s assessment of their family’s well -being. The 2019 Malaysian Family Well -Being Index score recorded in this study is 7.72 out of a maximum scale of 10. Of the eight domains that have been identified, the Family Relationship Domain recorded the highest domain score of 8.35. This is followed The study also found that the 2019 FWI score is increasing according to household income group. The 2019 FWI score is higher in families living in rural areas. In terms of family type, FWI 2019 scores were higher in family groups by Family Domain, Role of Religion and Spiritual Practice (8.25), Family Domain and Community Involvement (8.00), Family Safety Domain (7.86), Family Economics Domain (7.67), Family Health Domain (7.44), Housing and Environment Domain (7.35) and Family and Communication Technology Domain (6.82). Although the score of FWI 2019 is still at a moderate level but it has shown an increase of 0.39 points compared to 7.33 for FWI 2016.
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2019 (9)

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2005-2019 NPFDB research activity report
Item Type: Book
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2019
Abstract:  This report highlights the research programmes and activities conducted by NPFDB over the past 15 years. One of the primary functions of NPFDB is to identify, promote and conduct research and studies on population, family development and reproductive health. NPFDB is responsible to advise the government on matters relating to policies and programmes through the findings of research in these three thematic areas. The Board established the Research Committee in 2009 to identify priority research, provide guidance and monitor the research activities in NPFDB. The first Research Committee meeting was held on 13th January 2010 comprising of selected NPFDB Board Members including Associate Professor Tey Nai Peng as Chairman (University of Malaya), Associate Professor Normah Mohd Dali (MARA University of Technology), Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Haji Ismail (Selangor Medical Center), Associate Professor Siti Hawa Ali (University Science Malaysia), Dato’ Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (FRHAM) and Mr. Lee Wee Min (Focus on the Family) and several division directors of NPFDB.
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2018 (10)

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Fathers' bonding and self-esteem among trainees in the drugs treatment and rehabilitation center in Melaka
Item Type: Thesis
Bakri, Zaharin and
Year:  00/05/2018
Abstract:  The paper discusses a survey study that examined the father’s bonding and its relationship with self-esteem. A total of 97 trainees in Cure and Care Rehabilitation Centre (CCRC), Tiang Dua, Melaka who participated in the study had responded to questionnaires on aspects of fathers’ bonding and their self-esteem. Analysis of correlation between fathers’ bonding and self-esteem were performed. Frequency count, percentage and mean were also calculated to examine the parenting involvement among fathers. The Pearson r Value, the significant and t-Test were used to the objectives of the study. Results indicated that 65% have lower bonding with their father’s whereas only 35% have had a high father’s bonding. The t-test also showed there is non significant correlation in the index of father’s bonding with self-esteem (Sig=.402 and r value= -0.086). However, the respondents felt that their fathers were unfriendly and had little communication with them. The correlation between fathers’ bonding and their self-esteem was rather low. This implies that the roles of father in parenting need to be examined further.
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Relationship between family functioning, parenting behaviour, self-efficacy, and gender on risky behaviour amongst adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Item Type: Thesis
Mohd Hedzir, Annita and
Year:  00/00/2018
Abstract:  Adolescence is the developmental period marked by a rise in risk-taking behaviours. The high rate of adolescents’ involvement in risky behaviours in the past decades has created a vast amount of attention on the impact to their future. In Malaysia, the impact of risky behaviour has been alarming as evidenced by the media reports on baby dumping, unwanted pregnancies, drug addiction and juvenile delinquency. The increasing trend of adolescents’ involvement in risky behaviour may be associated with social- and self-factors. The current study was conducted to investigate the relationship between family functioning, parenting behaviours, self-efficacy, and gender on risky behaviours amongst adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This quantitative study utilised a descriptive and correlational research design. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. A total of 411 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years were recruited as respondents. Six instruments were used namely the Family Perception Scale, the Parental Monitoring Scale, the General SelfEfficacy Scale, the Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Involvement Scale, the Adolescent Sexual Activity Index, and the Self-Reported Delinquent-Problem Behaviour Frequency Scale to measure the respective variables. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate statistics were used in analyses to address the specific objectives of the study. The study found that 12.6% of adolescents reported engagement in substance use, 47.2% in risky sexual behaviour, and 52.1% in delinquency. The independent t-test analysis showed that the proportion of male adolescents who engaged in substance use was higher compared to female. There were no significant differences between male and female in risky sexual behaviour and delinquency. Findings of this study showed that self-efficacy only moderated the relationship between parental monitoring and substance use, whereby the effect is strongest among adolescents with low self-efficacy, and weakest among adolescents with high self-efficacy. This suggested that there is low risky for adolescents to involve in substance use if the adolescent has higher level of self-efficacy. Meanwhile, gender only moderated the relationship between parental monitoring and risky sexual behaviour, whereby the effect is stronger among male adolescents compared to female adolescents. This suggested that male adolescents tend to involve more with risky sexual behaviour compared to female adolescents. The present study conclude that family functioning (family cohesion, communication), parenting behaviour (parental monitoring and parental involvement), self-efficacy and gender influence risky behaviours (substance use, risky sexual behaviour and delinquency) amongst adolescents in Kuala Lumpur. The findings has implication for parents as well as individuals and professional working with adolescents. Parental monitoring was significantly correlated with substance use thus parents were suggested to provide appropriate monitoring to increase awareness that their involvement is crucial in reducing adolescents’ substance use. They also need to be equipped with appropriate skills to establish high quality relationship with their adolescent children. The finding also call for intervention to provide adolescents with necessary skills to help them avoid being involved in risky behaviour.
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2017 (20)

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Ke arah memantapkan sistem sokongan keluarga di Malaysia: pendekatan holistik dalam penyelesaian pertikaian keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mohd Arshad, Ain' Husna and
Year:  00/00/2017
Abstract:  This topic gives an overview of the institutions that are dealing with family disputes in Malaysia. Generally, these institutions can be divided into judicial institutions and non-judicial institutions. Judicial institutions refer to the civil courts and Syariah courts. While non-judicial institutions refer to the other bodies that provide family services, including the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, LPPKN, Legal Aid Department, Malaysian Mediation Centre, religious institutions, private counsellors and NGOs. However, one of the downsides in the present system is lack of cooperation between judicial and non-judicial institutions that are dealing with family matters. In the meantime, resolution of legal disputes does not necessarily indicate that the disputes have been treated from the root. In order to promote holistic resolution of family disputes, family members need to be given further treatment outside of the courts, to tackle other non-legal issues, such as emotional and mental conflicts. The family support system can facilitate the individuals, particularly by giving social support and counselling. In fact, the family support institutions are able to deal with family conflicts at the early stage, thus reducing the number of cases that need to go for court trial. Family service centres that have been established in other countries such as Singapore and Australia indicated a high success rate in the resolution of family disputes. It is viewed that a cooperation between judicial and non-judicial institutions can provide a holistic approach to the resolution of family disputes. Therefore, it is suggested that a strong networking to be established between these institutions, so as to improve the referral function between them. At the same time, it is important to create awareness among the society regarding family services that are available and how these services can help them in handling their family disputes.
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Report on Malaysian Family Well-Being Index 2016
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2017
Abstract:  The NPFDB (2011) defined family well-being as a safe, healthy, comfortable, harmonious and satisfying family condition. This definition covers various aspects, such as spiritual satisfaction and comfort in respect of their economy and finance; mental, psychosocial, and health; political: and sustainability. Family Well-Being Index (FWBI) 2016 measured the level of family well-being through a household's assessment by the father or mother regarding the well-being of their families. This index examined the level of well-being in terms of family relationships, family economy, family relationships, family economy, family health, family safety, family and community involvement, religious and spiritual practices, housing and the environment, and family and communications technologies in the country. The overall FWBI 2016 score was 7.33 out of a maximum score of 10.
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2016 (10)

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Report on key findings Fifth Malaysian Population and Family survey (MPFS-5) 2014
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  01/12/2016
Abstract:  The 2014 Malaysian Population and Family Survey is the fifth in a series of surveys conducted by the NPFDB every 10 years since 1974. This fifth survey was funded by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department under the 10th Malaysia Plan allocation. In conducting the survey, the NPFDB received tremendous cooperation and support from various agencies at federal and state levels as well as from nongovernmental organisations. The purpose of this survey was to collect the latest information and time series data in respect of demography, family and reproductive health of the Malaysian population. It also aimed to update the indicators obtained based on the previous surveys in the series. The MPFS-5 provides specific information on the population, household, family formation, fertility, family planning, family life, health practices, elderly as well as the social and sexual behaviours of the adolescents. It also collected the latest information on career and family balance, well-being, breastfeeding, secondary infertility, financial management, intergenerational assistance and the use of social media.
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2015 (11)

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Family Well-Being Index Report Malaysia 2011
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2015
Abstract:  In the past few decades, Malaysia has and is still undergoing a process of rapid social and economic development. This is a result of policies implemented by the government such as the New Development Policy (1991-2000), National Vision Policy (2001-2010) and Government Transformation Programme (2010-2020) which all aim to transform Malaysia into a developed and competitive country. However, the processes has imposed increased demands on the family institution because of the responsibilities and the challenges faced by the family itself. The family institution must be strengthened to offset the rapid process of social and economic development. This is important because family is the basic social unit which prepares and supplies human capital resources for national development. Given the importance of family well-being to the future of the country, a scientific study needs to be conducted to measure the level of well-being of families in Malaysia. Measuring family well-being is crucial as it can indirectly measure the impact of the implementation of national social and economic development policies on families and the extent to which the implemented policies and programmes are successful or otherwise. Hence, this study has identified suitable indicators that can provide information about the well-being of families in Malaysia. Subsequently, based on the identified indicators, a Family Well-Being Index (FWI) was developed to measure the current well-being of the family as well as to be used in policy formulation, planning for implementation of future research, the development of new programmes and services, and expansion of the existing programmes.
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2014 (12)

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Population and Family Policies in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ismail, Siti Norlasiah and
Mohammad, Ahmad Hashimi and
Muda, Rozi and
Wan Jaffar, Wan Hashim and
Year:  26/06/2014
Abstract:  One of the objectives of development in the country is to improve the quality of life for all the people. Therefore, populations are at the core of development. Understanding demographic trends provides policy-makers with the tools to design interventions that lead to development especially in social sectors (family, health, education and labour) and providing infrastructure services. Knowledge on the population is crucial for planning resource allocation and designing appropriate policies. This paper intends to provide a review of population trends and population-related policies in Malaysia.It considers descriptions of Malaysia demographic changes, and then turns to the 1966 family planning programmes, the 70 million Population Policy in 1984 and to the recent Family Policy. This paper also attempts to provide insight into these policies by their evolutions, patterns and approaches, characteristics and provide recommendations for the future challenges.
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Seminar Antarabangsa Kekeluargaan di Persada Johor pada 13 Februari 2014.
Item Type: Video
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  13/02/2014
Abstract:  Johor College of Islamic Studies (MARSAH) in collaboration with the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and Johor Bahru City Council (JBCC) took the initiative to organize the International Conference on Family from a Global Perspective to contribute towards development efforts ummah in an integrated manner based on a tajdid approach that takes into account the ideas of ijtihad that are deemed appropriate to be implemented in today’s society. The objective of this conference is to expose issues related to family institutions from a global perspective, explore views related to family issues especially children's rights from an Islamic perspective, explain the position and stance of Islam on family issues that touch on matters related to religion, social, culture, education and so on. In addition, look at the legal provisions related to children in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region and others. The era of globalization is a century that greatly challenges the integrity of identity and survival of Muslims today, including family institutions. In facing the challenge, Muslims need to plan a futuristic agenda based on the development that will take place in the future. This is in line with the theme of the conference, "Challenges and Future of Islamic Family Institutions". This one-day conference consists of three slots: i) Adopted Children and Illegal Children in Islam ii) Hukum Hakam Related to Marriage in Islamic Family Law iii) Challenges in Islamic Family Issues The main speech in the conference was Honoured Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia. Conference paper presenters include senior lecturers from Institutions of Higher Learning in and outside the country including from Thailand, Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia. The one-day conference was attended by 300 participants consisting of officials from government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutions, academics, professional organizations and Higher Institutions students.
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Malaysia's initiatives for sustainable family development
Item Type: Book Section
Doshi-Gandhi, Anjli and
Wan Jaffar, Wan Hashim and
Year:  01/01/2014
Abstract:  Various initiatives to strengthen the family institution have been undertaken by the Government of Malaysia through the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD). Through its agency, the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), the MWFCD has formulated, developed and implemented policies and programmes such as the National Family Policy, 1Malaysia Family First (1MF1st) and 1Malaysia Youth Empowerment and Support (1MYes) programmes, One-Stop Family Centres, and family education programmes such as the Strengthening of Marriage Institution (SmartStart remarriage programme), Parenting@Work, Smart Belanja@Lppkn (family financial management programme), KASIH Parenting Modules and counselling services. To ensure sustainable family development, the National Family Policy (NFP) and its accompanying plan of action was launched in March 2011 and implemented by the NPFDB in partnership with other ministries, departments and related non-government organizations (NGOs). The aim of this explicit policy is to develop prosperous, healthy and resilient families to ensure social stability. The NFP is a key policy that focuses on aspects of family well-being and development, providing direction for the development of family-friendly programmes and services for nurturing healthy and resilient families in line with the aspirations of Vision 2020.
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Factors influencing family life satisfaction among parents in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Mohd Shafie, Siti Aishah and
Shafiai, Raudhatul Mahfuzah and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The study attempts to investigate the factors that influence family life satisfaction (FLS) among parents in Malaysia. The study modeled the variable of parental involvement, family functioning, family resilience and time with family as independent constructs. Data for the study was gathered from nationally representative survey of “Family Well-Being Index” study conducted by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia. Response from 2808 sampled households which involved about 1484 (52.8%) fathers and 1324 (47.2%) mothers of having a child aged at least 13 years old were utilized for the purpose of the current study. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) software. The study found all the modeled independent constructs tested had a significant and direct influence on family life satisfaction among the respondents except for parental involvement construct.
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Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan wanita berkahwin dalam tenaga buruh di Semenanjung Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Aziz, Azlan and
Wong, Kim Lan and
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  This study is to identify the influences of socio-economic factors towards the labour force participation among married women in Peninsular Malaysia. Bivariate correlations and logistic regression analysis was applied to the data set containing 2,366 married women aged 15-49 years, interviewed during the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 2004. It was found that only half of the women were currently working. Chinese had the highest percentage who were currently working as compared to the Malays and Indians. The logistic statistical analysis had also identified several variables which were important determinants of the current work status of married women. Based on logistic statistical analysis, it was found that stratum, previous occupation prior to marriage and presence of young children had significant relationships to women’s participation in the labour force.
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Kajian keseimbangan kerjaya dan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Hasbullah, Fauwaz and
Muhamad, Mustapha and
Muda, Syafina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The main objective of this study is to investigate the time arrangement between career and family among working peoples. This study leads to identifying the trend of work and family life balance in today’s families. As the result of this study, average time spent by respondent on working hour is 9 hours and 36 minutes per day, 48 hours 3 minutes per week. That duration is approach the result of the International Labor Organization ( ILO ) in 2000 which is Malaysia was ranked the longest spend time for working after South Korea. The findings also obtained the annual leave by respondent was high (26 days per year) compared to some other countries in the world . The duration of travels time to work is not much different in urban areas where respondents took 46 minutes commuting to work and the respondent metro-urban was takes about 55 minutes. This phenomena was influence the time management in their family life daily. The average time of sleep duration about 6 hours 41 minutes. Which is respondent went to sleep at 11:07 pm and wake up at 5:43 am by average. An important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Overall in average in OECD Country, men spend more hours in paid work and the percentage of male employees working very long hours across OECD countries is 12%, compared with less than 5% for women. Finding a suitable balance between work and life balance is a challenge for all employee, especially working parents. The amount and quality of leisure time is important for people’s overall well-being, and can bring additional physical and mental health benefits. A full-time worker in the OECD works 1765 hours a year and devotes 62% of the day on average or close to 15 hours, to personal care (eating, sleeping and others) and leisure (socialising with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use and others).
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Malaysian family well-being index study 2011
Item Type: Newsletter
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Wan Jaffar, Wan Hashim and
Mahpul, Irwan Nadzif and
Mohammad, Ahmad Hashimi and
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Mazalan, Mohd. Firdaus and
Aziz, Azlan and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Realizing that the wellbeing of the family is the primary goal in the development of the country, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has pioneered the development of the Malaysian Family Wellbeing Index (FWB). The aim of the FWB index is to measure and monitor the subjective wellbeing of Malaysian families as well as to suggest and provide directions to develop family friendly policies, programs and services. The study was conducted on 2,808 households involving of 5,616 respondents. Through this study, the Family Wellbeing Index (FWB) was recorded at 7.55 out of a maximum score of 10 indicating that Malaysian families have a relatively high level of wellbeing and are able to manage the challenges of development. Of the seven domains identified, the Family and Religion / Spirituality domain recorded the highest score of 8.25.
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2013 (6)

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Family education@LPPKN = Pendidikan kekeluargaan@LPPKN
Item Type: Book
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  The National Population and Family Board (NPFDB), agency under the Ministry of Women Family and Community Development which was initially known as the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) was established in 1966 as a statutory body. Its main objective was to implement the National Family Planning Programme but its scope has now been expanded to Population, Family Development and Reproductive Health which is in line with 1984 Amendments Act. The Malaysian family today is facing numerous challenges due to rapid socio-economic development and globalization. New challenges have emerged in the social and economic arena, which have had an impact on Malaysian families. Among the challenges experienced by the family institution are changing family structure and dynamics, balancing family and career, fulfilling economic needs parenting of young children and adolecents as well as weakening marital and family relationships. Parallel with the Government's emphasis on strengthening the family institution, the NPFDB has developed and implemented a wide range of family development programmes encompassing advocacy activities and promotion, training and education, services, research and development (R&D) as well as policy formulation. In December 2010, the Government approved the National Family Policy and its Plan of Action, thus mainstreaming the family perspective in all socio-economic planning and development.
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Factors influencing family life satisfaction among parents in Malaysia: the structural equation modeling approach (SEM))
Item Type: Article
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Mohd Shafie, Siti Aishah and
Shafiai, Raudhatul Mahfuzah and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  The study attempts to investigate the factors that influence family life satisfaction (FLS) among parents in Malaysia. The study modeled the variable of parental involvement, family functioning, family resilience and time with family as independent constructs. Data for the study was gathered from nationally representative survey of “Family Well-Being Index” study conducted by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia. Response from 2808 sampled households which involved about 1484 (52.8%) fathers and 1324 (47.2%) mothers of having a child aged at least 13 years old were utilized for the purpose of the current study. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) software. The study found all the modeled independent constructs tested had a significant and direct influence on family life satisfaction among the respondents except for parental involvement construct. The findings of the study suggests that some improvement should be made for the parental involvement constructs which covers different aspects of family life satisfaction which will lead the measurement model be more heterogeneous.
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2012 (17)

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Mediating effect of work-family psychological contract on the relationship between perceived organization support and job satisfaction
Item Type: Thesis
Saharom, Shahriah and
Year:  01/10/2012
Abstract:  Job satisfaction is a broad construct, regarding all or most the characteristics of the job itself and the work environment, which employees find rewarding, fulfilling and satisfying or frustrating and unsatisfying (Weiss,2002). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of work-family psychological contract as mediator in the relationship between family supportive organization perception and family supportive supervisor, and job satisfaction. Besides, this study is to examine the relationship between family supportive organization perception, family supportive supervisor and work-family psychological contract and job satisfaction. The respondent of this study included 158 executive level in grade 27 and 41 at the National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study employed the structural equation model analysis. The results show that work-family psychological contract mediates the relationship between family supportive organization perception and family supportive supervisor, and job satisfaction. However, there is a non significant relationship between family supportive organization perception with job satisfaction. Since the result of this study revealed that work-family psychological contract play the important role to increase a job satisfaction among the employees, this study was suggested that employer can increase the level of job satisfaction through their strong support in work-family aspect to help the employees balance their work and family.
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Strengthening Malaysian families: evidence based interventions
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abdul Rahman, Aminah and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Malaysian families today are facing numerous challenges related to changing family relationships, values, need for work life balance and support systems. Some of these key challenges are as a result of a new family forms, postponement of marriage, declining fertility and effects of inflation on family economic stability. At the same time, the impact of globalization has led to different values accepted by the young. Indeed, the challenges that Malaysian families will be facing in the future will be enormous. Despite changes in the structure, families remain the most basic unit of society and this has led to the formulation of the National Family Policy (NFP). The NFP seeks to increase the family perspective in all socio-economic development design by engaging the public, private and people sectors. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), lead the family programme which includes formulation, review as well as getting the commitment of all stakeholders. Current programmes were value added based on knowledge and information from censuses, surveys, opinion polls, local views and assessment of programmes.
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Innovative programs and services to enhance family well-being: Malaysia's experience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Doshi-Gandhi, Anjli and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Families constantly face new pressures and challenges due to rapid Industrialisation, modernisation and globalisation. Globalization in general brings benefits to families but it also creates risks and challenges that must be anticipated and adapted to. Hence, we have to be alert and responsive to future challenges that families will face and equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills as well as provide the needed services. As family is the most fundamental and important social unit, commitments at the highest level should be sought. Family well-being in Malaysia has been affected positively or negatively by development. Currently, Malaysian families face many challenges as a consequence of the changes in its structure, the increase in the proportion of nuclear families and changing lifestyles. Adaptations will have to be made so as not to lose the family support system, such as for child care, care of the elderly and the infirmed. Hence, the 3P Approach (Public, Private and People) which involves the partnership of multiple stakeholders such as the government, civil society and CSOs in ensuring that the present and future generation is more peaceful, secure, tolerant, prosperous and sustainable is most paramount in nation building. There are various innovative initiatives that have been undertaken in strengthening the family institution such as the National Family Policy, 1Malaysia Family First (1MF1st) and 1 Malaysia Youth and Empowerment Support (1MYes) under the National Blue Ocean Strategy, Strengthening of Marriage Institution (SmartStart Pre-Marriage Program), 1 Stop Family Centre, family education programmes such as KASIH Modules, Parenting@Work, Smart Belanja@Lppkn, Lppkn@Community and counselling programmes. Realizing that the happiness of the people and wellbeing of the family is an important goal in becoming a high income country by 2020, the government is developing its own model of the United Nations World Happiness Index. Currently, Malaysia is placed 51st among 156 countries. Meanwhile, a National Family Wellbeing Index developed by the Ministry Of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board in 2011 found that the Family Wellbeing Index is 7.55 out of 10. The Family Well-Being (FWB) Index consists of seven domains; Family Functioning, Economy, Health, Safety, Community, Religion and Spirituality, and Housing and Environment. The FWB Index indicates that Malaysian families have a relatively high level of wellbeing but more still needs to be done.
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Indikator kesejahteraan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Family well-being is a multi-dimensional concept that covers various aspects of an individual or family's living situation. To date, there is no specific measure that can describe the state of family well -being in Malaysia. Thus, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) and the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) has implemented a research project called the Study of Family Well -Being Indicators in 2011 to understand more comprehensively about family well -being where at the end of this project, an index will be developed. In total, after going through several formative processes such as literature review, focus group discussion and pilot study, there are 7 domains and 23 indicators have been identified. The development of such domains and indicators of family well-being has focused on subjective well-being where each family is asked to provide an assessment on certain aspects related to their family. The study was conducted on 2,808 households involving a total of 5,616 respondents, consisting of 1,484 fathers, 1,324 mothers and 2,808 adolescents aged between 13 to 24 years. The selection of households in this study has used stratified random sampling method and done by face -to -face interviews. The results show that the Family Well -Being Index is at 75.5 which means that the well -being of Malaysian families is quite high. The Family and Religion/Spirituality domain recorded the highest domain score of 82.5. This was followed by the domain scores Family and Community (78.3), Family Relationships (78.2), Family Safety (73.9), Family Health (73.8), Family and Environment (72.8) and Family Economics (69.0). Based on the results of the IKK study, some suggestions that can be taken into account to improve the level of family well -being are to improve family living standards, increase family resilience, balance work and family demands as well as increase awareness on family safety.
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Bantuan sokongan dari wanita kepada ibubapa dan ibubapa mertua
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Teh, Jane Kimm Li and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  This study investigated ethnic diversity and other influencing factors among Malaysian women in Peninsular Malaysia in providing tangible support to their parents and parents-in-law. Data from the Women Sample of Malaysian Population and Family Survey (2004) was utilized. Tangible support was defined as either co-residing with parents (or in-laws), or financial/material transfers. Using logistic regression, we estimated the support to parents and parents-in-law separately. All possible pairwise interactions were tested using likelihood ratio test and Wald statistics, and significant interactions were added into each main effects model. Results revealed ethnic diversity in support. More offspring of women reduced support to parents only, while higher socioeconomic status of women increased support to both parents. Results also revealed that most divorcees co-resided with parents. Overall, most Malaysian women provide support to both sets of parents. Social policy should address opportunities for improving social mobility in women.
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Proses kaunseling keluarga di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mohd Noor, Norhayati and
Mahmud, Zuria and
Abd. Rahman, Saemah and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Family counseling is one of the interventions in family services for built a healthy family in Malaysia. This is a qualitative case study of a variety of 'settings' aims to explore the phenomenon of family counseling process conducted by practitioners in Malaysia with an in-depth interview technique, observation and document analysis. Study participants in the study were 12 family counseling practitioners from three counseling service centers. This study has five research questions namely to (i) identify the type of cases handled, number of cases and causes of problems in the family counseling process (ii) identify the initial relationship in the family counseling process (iii) explore the family counseling process (iv) identify approaches and skills used in family counseling and (v) explore the impetus and challenges of the family counseling process among family counseling practitioners in various settings in Malaysia. Cross -case analysis method based on interviews, observations and document analysis on family counseling practitioners was implemented using Nvivo 8 software. In this study, 190 themes and sub -themes were produced from 12 study participants. The results show that there are some similarities and differences between the family counseling process in Malaysia and the process framework in Western countries. These similarities and differences occur at all levels of the counseling process, skills, use of techniques, application of theory, and challenges in practice. The results of the study also show that the family counseling process among practitioners in Malaysia is tied to the education and training received by the practitioner, the context of religion, culture, values ​​and SES of the family and community in Malaysia. Therefore, this study contributes to the provision of family counseling process that is very necessary in strengthening the family institution and can be an intervention in building a generation of excellent Malaysian society.
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Innovative programmes and service delivery that enhanced family wellbeing: sharing of experiences
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mokhopadhyay, Bhavna Banati and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  While India has been on the path of economic progress over the last decade, our health system is at crossroads today. Even though Government initiatives in public health have recorded some noteworthy successes over time, the Indian health system is ranked 118 among 191 WHO member countries on overall health performance. There are wide variations in health indicators across the States (11 states with a population of 60%, still have a TFR of over 3 whereas 6 states with 11.4% of the population have already achieved replacement levels of fertility of 2.1. Some of the flagship programmes to improve the availability of and access to quality health care, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor, women, and children, have been National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). This paper discusses the sharing of information on the health system in India.
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