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Results for Topics : "Education"

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Digital parenting module to help Malaysian parents nurture digitally resilient children
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Mohamed, Shafizan and
Wan Ghazal, Wan Norshira and
Mohd Nasir, Nur Shakira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Digital resilience empowers children to use technology safely and productively for learning, expression, and skill-building. Yet, many Malaysian parents are uncertain about digital parenting, often adopting restrictive approaches that limit their children’s digital potential. Socio-economic disparities and cultural diversity further shape a wide range of digital parenting practices and technology acceptance. This study investigates the challenges Malaysian parents face and proposes strategies to help them become enabling digital parents who maximize opportunities while managing risks. Objectives include examining digital media’s impact on parenting, understanding parents' perceptions of digital risks, identifying current digital parenting styles, recognizing essential skills, and developing supportive educational modules. Using a mixed-methods approach with surveys, interviews, and expert insights, findings indicate that Malaysian parents are active but not creative digital users, have a balanced view of digital risks and benefits, and prefer flexible, adaptable learning on digital parenting. Recommendations include targeted support for underprivileged parents with limited digital exposure and promoting digital parenting education across workplaces, academic institutions, and government programs. The primary outcome is a set of customized digital parenting modules designed to empower Malaysian parents in fostering digitally resilient children.
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Dasar dan Pelan Tindakan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial Kebangsaan (PEKERTI) 2022-2025
Item Type: Act & Policy
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Malaysia,  and
Year:  08/09/2022
Abstract:  This new PEKERTI policy is applicable to every individual regardless of age and gender and takes into account ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Focus will be given to producing a healthy population in terms of reproductive and sexual health based on high moral values and practicing responsible behavior and mutual respect for each other. This PEKERTI policy has been streamlined to achieve 5 objectives which are to (i) increase the awareness of Malaysians regarding the importance of reproductive and social health education, (ii) develop evidence-based reproductive and social health education programs, (iii) develop human expertise and modernity in aspects reproductive and social health education, (iv) carry out research in aspects of reproductive and social health education and (v) ensure programs and services under this policy are continuously monitored and evaluated. In order to achieve these 5 objectives that have been set, 5 Cores have been identified as policy implementation machinery namely (i) Advocacy, Promotion and Prevention, (ii) Comprehensive Reproductive and Social Health Education Covering All Age Levels, (iii) Human Capital and other Resources for Reproductive and Social Health education, (iv) Research and Development and (v) Monitoring and Evaluation.
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