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Results for Topics : "Marriage"

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Perubahan institusi perkahwinan di Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Siow Li, Lai and
Abdullah, Abdul Shukur and
Mahpul, Irwan Nadzif and
Azman, Nur Airena Aireen and
Ab Hamid, Rosdiana and
Jones, Gavin and
Tey, Nai Peng and
Chee, Heng Leng and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  The changing patterns of marriage directly affect the family institution. This project produced five papers covering various aspects of marriage, which have been published in the Journal of Institutions and Economics. Statistical and demographic techniques were used in further analysis. It was found that increased education, urbanization, employment in the modern sector, migration and changes in norms and values regarding family formation have led to later marriages and unmarried individuals, compared to the earlier marriage norms among Malays in less developed states. The findings of this project, based on detailed analysis, confirm dramatic changes in marriage and divorce trends, including mixed marriages and international marriages, which serve as the basis for policy recommendations.
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Penyakit jangkitan seksual (Std)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Jani, Rohana and
Ishak, Nur Annizah and
Md. Akir, Hairil Fadzly and
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Md Yusop, Sofia and
Kamar, M. Faizal and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Reproductive and sexual health (SRH) is a key element in women's well-being and profoundly affects their quality of life. This study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among married women aged 15 to 49 years in Malaysia. A quantitative approach with a cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. A total of 2,081 respondents were involved, and data was collected through face-to-face interviews as well as self-administered, anonymous online questionnaires. The results of the study indicate that women in Malaysia have a moderately high level of knowledge about STDs. Women from the Northern region, aged between 30 and 34 years, with 1-2 children, employed, educated, and with a B40 income category, showed significant knowledge about STDs (51.9%). Additionally, the majority of respondents (more than 90%) correctly understood that having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of exposure to STDs. The study also found that around 75 to 86% of respondents agreed that one should keep their STD status confidential. These findings highlight that cultural norms and societal attitudes play an important role in shaping perceptions about STDs, which may influence behaviors and awareness of their prevention.
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Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan berkenaan kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual dalam kalangan wanita berkahwin
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ishak, Nur Annizah and
Jani, Rohana and
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Md Yusop, Sofia and
Md. Akir, Hairil Fadzly and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  The study aims to explore the factors that create a gap between knowledge and practice regarding reproductive health for women in Malaysia. Additionally, it measures the level of knowledge about reproductive and sexual health among women, examines attitudes towards reproductive and sexual health, investigates practices regarding reproductive and sexual health, and identifies factors influencing the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to reproductive and sexual health among women. The findings suggest that the low level of knowledge about family planning indicates that some women have misunderstandings about the functions of family planning methods. Women with moderate and high levels of knowledge are more likely to practice family planning. Advocacy and educational programs on family planning should be enhanced to ensure that women have accurate information and are able to make informed decisions regarding the use of family planning methods.
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Perceraian dalam kalangan wanita Melayu Terengganu
Item Type: Article
Hasan, Haryati and
Year:  00/12/2021
Abstract:  This article analyzes the issue of divorce claims among Terengganu Malay women. Writing from a social history perspective, focusing on the period from 1963 to 1978 based on the written report of the Besut Kadhi Office obtained at the National Archives of Malaysia Terengganu Branch. The discussion of this article is divided into three parts. First, about background such as place of origin, age, length of time left, marital and family status and partner's occupation. Second, explain the factors that cause women to make complaints to religious parties that are related to the problem of neglecting alimony and responsibilities, polygamy and disappearing for a certain period of time. Third, removing the constraints faced such as hard-to-find couples who have migrated from their original area to a new place outside Terengganu or to another district in Terengganu as well as marriage with a partner from outside Terengganu. The findings of the study show that the Kadhi Besut Office plays an important role in solving problems related to the status of women who are suspended without strings. This study is expected to be able to fill the void in writing about Malaysian social history in general and gender studies in particular in the post-independence era.
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