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Results for Topics : "Adolescent"

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Keberkesanan modul intervensi sexting untuk mengurangkan niat dan kesediaan sexting bagi pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Ahmad, Norliza and
Mansor, Norain and
Md Said, Salmiah and
Sutan, Rosnah and
Tan, Kit-Aun and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Sexting refers to the exchange of sexually explicit content in the form of texts, photos, or videos. Sexting has become a public health issue in Malaysia, where online studies show that more than two-thirds of young people have engaged in sexting. Sexting is associated with risky sexual behavior, cyberbullying, mental health issues, and may lead to legal consequences. However, interventions to prevent sexting in Malaysia are still lacking. This study targets the intention and willingness to sext as these are key predictors of sexting behavior. The aim of this study is to develop and implement a Sexting Intervention Module (SIM) based on the Prototype Willingness Model (PWM) theory, using online animated videos, and to evaluate its effectiveness among students at a higher education institution in Melaka. Study Method: This study is a randomized controlled trial involving 300 students divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention group received five animated videos via a private YouTube link, while the control group was placed on a waiting list. Assessments were made before, immediately after, and three months after the intervention. Study Results: The module successfully reduced the intention and willingness to sext significantly in the intervention group compared to the control group. Similarly, attitudes towards sexting, perceived norms about sexting, and positive perceptions towards individuals engaging in sexting were also significantly reduced. On the other hand, knowledge about sexting increased significantly in the intervention group compared to the control group. Conclusion: The SIM module, which uses PWM theory and animated videos, is effective and can be considered by relevant agencies to promote sexual and reproductive health among young people in Malaysia.
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Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Mohd Jamil, Jastini and
Ahmad Zakuan, Ummu Atiyah and
Mohd Shaharanee, Izwan Nizal and
Muhamad Shahbani, Husna Amira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Discussion on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly adolescents, is still considered taboo. However, knowledge in this area is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become the main platform for discussions on these topics. This study found that there are many keywords related to reproductive and sexual health on social media. However, the lack of a specific lexicon for the local context makes it difficult to understand the discussions and sentiments shared. To better understand this issue, a sentiment lexicon has been developed, supported by the LPPKN Analytics initiative (https://lppknanalitik.com/). This platform uses sentiment analysis technology, machine learning, and interactive dashboards to analyze social media data. Tweets and comments on social media that contain key keywords are processed, cleaned, and categorized into three main aspects: Perception, Knowledge, and Behavior. This approach provides deeper insights into how adolescents communicate about reproductive and sexual health, effectively utilizing the potential of social media data.
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Mempertingkatkan komunikasi ibu bapa- remaja untuk menghalang tingkah laku seksual berisiko di kalangan remaja Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Muhammad, Noor Azimah and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Parental communication with teenagers regarding reproductive and sexual health (SRH) remains minimal in Malaysia, with the topic being considered taboo and sensitive, rarely discussed openly within families. Teenagers are exposed to high-risk sexual activities, with 10-15% having engaged in sexual activity. This study aims to develop a communication module specifically for guiding parents in discussing reproductive and sexual health with their teenage children. Additionally, it seeks to analyze the perspectives of both parents and teenagers regarding RS communication and design the "BICARA Kasih" Module for parents. The conclusion of this study is that the module can be used by parents when addressing sexual issues with their children, especially teenagers aged 10 and above, and this module has the potential to be made available in digital format.
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Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mohd Jamil, Jastini and
Ahmad Zakuan, Ummu Atiyah and
Mohd Shaharanee, Izwan Nizal and
Muhammad Shahbani, Husna Amira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Discussions on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly teenagers, remain considered a taboo. However, knowledge in this field is essential to prevent misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become the primary platform for discussions related to this topic. This study finds that there are many keywords related to reproductive and sexual health on social media. However, the lack of a specific lexicon for the local context complicates the understanding of discussions and sentiments shared. As an effort to better understand this issue, a sentiment lexicon has been developed, supported by the LPPKN Analytic initiative (https://lppknanalitik.com/). This platform uses sentiment analysis technology, machine learning, and interactive dashboards to analyze social media data. Posts and comments on social media containing key terms are processed, cleaned, and categorized into three main aspects: Perception, Knowledge, and Behavior. This approach provides a deeper insight into how teenagers communicate about reproductive and sexual health, effectively leveraging the potential of social media data.
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Effect of Sexting Intervention Module (SIM) using prototype willingness to sext among undergraduate students.
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ahmad, Norliza and
Mansor, Norain and
Md Said, Salmiah and
Tan, Kit-Aun and
Sutan, Rosnah and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Sexting exchanging sexually explicit messages (texts, images, videos) via online. High sexting prevalence was used to rationalized the need for intervention. Implication of sexting are correlated with cyberbullying, sexual risk behavior, and mental health issues. Objectives of this research is to develop Sexting Intervention Module (SIM) using the Prototype Willingness Model, implement the intervention and evaluate the effectiveness of SIM on intention and willingness to sext among undergraduates in a public higher education institution in Melaka State. Research impact provide new evidence of effectiveness of Prototype Willingness Model (PWM) in reducing intention and willingness to sext. Previously PWM known to be effective in intervention that focus on prevention of smoking, alcohol drinking, sunless tanning, and sexual harassment. The effectiveness of PWM based intervention and animated videos supported future public health intervention toward digitalization of health education on sexting related topics among young adult. In community its increase awareness on sexting related issues and early prevention of negative implication of sexting.
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