Activities of daily living dependency among the elderly in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of activities of daily living (ADL) dependency among the elderly in Malaysia and to examine the factors that are associated with ADL dependency.
A multimodal analysis of Malaysian contraceptive promotional materials
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: Communicating about contraception is still a taboo subject for many Malaysians. This study focuses on the use of multimodal communication in providing information and promoting contraception to the Malaysian public. Employing Kress and Van Leeuwen’s visual grammar framework and linguistic genre analysis, the study unpacks the social-cultural practices represented in printed and digital promotional materials disseminated by Malaysia’s three main responsible agencies. These resources were published by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Federation of Reproductive Health Association of Malaysia (FRHAM).
Amalan perancangan keluarga sepanjang tempoh perintah kawalan pergerakan
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/12/2020
Abstract: A total of 740 respondents of married women aged 15 to 49 years were involved in this public opinion poll to find out family planning practices and problems faced by married couples in obtaining family planning methods during the period of Movement Control Order (MCO).
Analisis Situasi Kependudukan dan Kekeluargaan di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2019
Abstract: Population related program or policies have been introduced since 1966 and have gone through 3 series of studies. IN 1966, The National Family Planning Program was able to reduce the population growth rate from 3% per year to 2% (1985). On June 10 1966, LPKN was established under The National Family Planning Act No.42, 1966. The growth rate decreased to 2.8 in 1980. The 70 million population policy was announced in 1984 to reach 70 million population by 2100. This presentation slide describes the findings of the study of the analysis of the population and family situation in Malaysia, including the 7 main challenges of the population which include aspects of fertility, aging, labor force and productivity.
Analisis situasi kependudukan dan kekeluargaan di Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 01/12/2018
Abstract: The evolution of population and family policy in this country has begun since the implementation of the National Family Planning Programme by the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) in 1966. The main purpose of the programme was to reduce the population growth rate from 3% to 2% by 1985. Apart from Malaysia, other Asian countries also introduced
a family planning programme to its population in the 1960s where the earliest country to introduce the programme was India around the 1950s. As a result of the introduction of the family planning programme in the 1960s, the country’s gross birth rate has decreased from 36.7 babies in 1966 to 31.5 babies per 1,000 population in 1985. This directly makes the average annual population growth rate of the country declined from 3.0% per annum in 1966 to 2.8% per annum in 1980.