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Pendidikan seksual di rumah : pandangan remaja Malaysia

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Item type Scientific Poster
Subjects 600 Technology > 607 Education, research & related topics
Division/Agency LPPKN - National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia: Population and Family Research Division
Keywords Adolecents, Reproductive Health Education
Additional Information This poster have been presented at Seminar Penyelidikan LPPKN 2024, November 25, 2024 in IDEAS Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abstract Culture influences the views of adolescents, even though they believe that sexual education at home is important, it is often restricted by feelings of shame, modesty, and respect for their parents. To reduce the prevalence of risky sexual behaviors among adolescents, policymakers and health experts should encourage parents to have open discussions about sexual issues with their teenage children in a gradual manner, using factual information.
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