Item type |
Country Statement |
Subjects |
400 Language > 407 Education, research & related topics |
Division/Agency |
LPPKN - National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia: Population and Family Research Division |
Keywords |
Population, Reproductive Health, Education, Sustainable Development, UNCPD, ICPD-PoA |
Additional Information |
Statement By: MR. HAIRIL FADZLY MD AKIR, Deputy Director General, National Population And Family Development Board Malaysia, Ministry of Women, Family And Community Development |
Abstract |
Malaysia like many other countries is becoming an aging nation due to declining fertility and increasing life expectancy. As 10.7 per cent of its population aged above 60 in 2020, Malaysia is expected to reach aged nation status by 2030. In this regard, Malaysia has revised its National Policy for Older Persons to enhance the integration of the elderly into society and introduced measures to boost the number of geriatricians and aged care health professionals under the National Health Policy for Older Persons. Malaysia's commitment to adolescent healthcare is evident in the National Adolescent Health Plan of Action (2015-2020) and the revised National Policy and Plan of Action on Social and Reproductive Health Education (2022-2025). These initiatives emphasize sexual and reproductive health education rooted in religious and moral principles across different settings and age groups. The Government also provides comprehensive health care services which includes contraceptive and sexual and reproductive health services that are integrated into primary health-care facilities nationwide. Family planning services are also provided by the National Population and Family Development Board of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, NGOs such as the Family Planning Associations as well as private practitioners. |