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Pembinaan manual terapi psikospiritual Islam bagi kesejahteraan warga emas berusia lanjut dan intervensi serta TOT kepada penjaga
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Item type Conference or Workshop Item
Subjects 600 Technology > 607 Education, research & related topics
Division/Agency LPPKN - National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia: Population and Family Research Division
Keywords Elderly, Elderly well being, Psychospiritual theraphy
Additional Information This slide has been presented at Seminar Penyelidikan LPPKN 2024, November 25, 2024 in IDEAS Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abstract It is projected that by 2050, the elderly population will be significantly larger than the number of children under the age of five, reaching two billion within the next 50 years. This growth wave also affects Malaysia, where the elderly population increased to 9.9% in 2020. Some elderly individuals experience spiritual distress due to the awareness that their lifespan is limited. The application of religious elements is considered the most effective method to address life's challenges, as it helps individuals achieve mental well-being. As a result, the research has developed a manual, namely the Islamic Psychospiritual Therapy Manual for the Well-being of Elderly Individuals, along with interventions and a Training of Trainers (TOT) program for caregivers.