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Pembangunan Modul Seksualiti anak berkeperluan khas
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Item type Conference or Workshop Item
Subjects 600 Technology > 607 Education, research & related topics
Division/Agency LPPKN - National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia: Population and Family Research Division
Keywords Module, Disabled person, Sexual and reproductive health
Additional Information This slide has been presented at Seminar Penyelidikan LPPKN 2024, November 25, 2024 in IDEAS Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abstract Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of human life, and it is important for every individual, regardless of ability, to have access to accurate and appropriate information about sexuality. Individuals with special needs often face challenges in learning and expressing their sexuality. Parents are the primary educators of sexual health, but many parents find it difficult or are unwilling to discuss topics related to sexuality with their children. Most teenagers receive sexual education through informal means, such as interactions with peers, but children with special needs do not have such opportunities. This study aims to identify the knowledge of sexual and reproductive health among adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and learning difficulties. Additionally, it seeks to develop a sexuality and reproductive module that is acceptable to adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and learning difficulties.