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The 3rd East Asia Ministerial Forum on Families, "Strengthening family resilience: moving from policy to action",Bali Indonesia ,17-19 November 2008
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Item type Country Statement
Subjects 300 Social sciences > 305 Social groups
Division/Agency LPPKN - National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia: Family Well-Being Division
Keywords Family institution, Malaysia
Additional Information Statement by Dato'Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia, at the 3rd East Asia Ministerial Forum on Families- "Strengthening Family Resilience: Moving from policy to Action"
Abstract The family institution performs multifaceted functions in the development and well-being of its members. In order to enable the family institution to fulfill its societal roles and responsibilities, it requires support from the state, civil society and from family members themselves. In this regard, it is essential that we examine social services policies from the family and not just from the individual perspective and whether they contribute towards the strengthening of family resilience. Effective support and protection to families and their individual members requires that services respond appropriately to the needs that exist at different stages of the family lifecycle and the individual lifespan.