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Results for Search : "303 Social processes"

2016 (1)

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The 49th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: "strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post - 2015 development agenda", New York
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has been responsible for undertaking the Population and Housing Censuses of Malaysia every years since 1970. The Census remains the main source of data collection aimed at providing a comprehensive set of statistical information about the population in the country in terms of its size and spatial distribution, its demographic, social and economic characteristics as well as housing stock at a specific time reference. The census provides essential information not only for policy development and planning, but also for managing, monitoring and evaluating programs and activities across a broad spectrum of sectors. The 2010 Census round utilized improved ICT technologies and new approaches in the different phases of the census operation. The emerging technologies are transforming the way the Census is conducted in terms of operations management, quality assurance, data capture, mapping (GIS, GPS), data processing and storage. With the ever increasing individual privacy and accessibility of internet, the e-Census was introduced in 2010. An internet based questionnaire for data collection, was found to be more effective to capture respondents mainly in large urban areas and the gated communities.
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2012 (1)

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The impact of Indonesian migrants from the locals' perception: a study in Sabah, Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Azman, Nur Airena Aireen and
Muda, Syafina and
Year:  00/08/2012
Abstract:  Being a developed country, Malaysia has been receiving a large number of labour migrants from other neighboring countries. Statistics show that the total number of non-Malaysians in 2010 is 2.3 million compared to 1.3 million in the year 2000. It is over 8 percent of the total population in Malaysia and comprises mostly of Indonesian migrants. This phenomena has a great impact on Malaysia and its people. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of Indonesian migrants from the locals' perception and also to determine if gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, job industry and monthly income make a difference in their perception. The data used for this study were obtained from the Study on Indonesian Migrants in Tawau, Sabah conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) Malaysia in 2010. The survey managed to obtain information from 787 locals in Tawau. The dependent variable is the overall perception of the locals on the impact of the Indonesian migrants while the independent variables are gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, job industry and monthly income. Independent t-test and analysis of variances (ANOVA) were applied to the data set. As a result, this study indicates that the locals in Tawau feel that the presence of the Indonesian migrants does have an effect on them. The mean score obtained was 95.053 out of a total of 135. The results of ANOVA showed that ethnicity (F = 6.950, df = 7), marital status (F = 12.320, df = 3), education level (F = 4.058, df = 7), job industry (F = 27.374, df = 3), and monthly income (F = 15.201, df = 6) contributed to the differences in the locals' perception on the impact of Indonesian migrants. Only gender and religion does not affect their perception. Thus, the entrance of Indonesian workers needs to be monitored as their presence are affecting the locals.
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2007 (2)