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Modul Cakna Diri Lelaki Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduksi dan Seksual Untuk Remaja Lelaki Berumur 16-24 Tahun
Item Type: Module
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/01/2018
Abstract:  The Sexual and Reproductive Health Module for boys and young men age 16 to 24 years was developed to address sexual and reproductive health as well as social issues for boys and young men. It is also aim to create awareness on the importance of reproductive health and social education as well as gender equality for future well-being. This module is divided into two (2) main target groups i.e. general adolescents (Module A) and most-at-risk adolescents (Module B). The main components of Module A includes topics on adolescent growth, developmental, health, psychosocial - 3R (Respect, Relationship and Responsibility), laws and regulations, drugs and substance abuse. Module B covers topics on risky social behaviors, risky sexual behaviors and teen pregnancy. This module is developed as an interactive form using various learning methods such as role play, sketches, group work and discussions to attract participation of boys and young men.
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Antara dua dunia : memahami pengalaman subjektif transeksual
Item Type: Thesis
Jalil, Salmi Jalina and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  This study was designed to make a better understanding of transsexual’s subjective experiences. Semi structure face to face interview method was chosen in order to gather these data. There are three respondent (transsexual male to female) aged 30th , 40th and 50th involved in this study, which was represented by one person for each group. The data gathered was analyzed based on topics and subtopics. Three (3) main topic such as background, experience in childhood and adolescent and self-concept was highlighted in this study. There are numbers of interesting findings based on background, trigger that cause transsexual identity, colleague influential, emotion and behavior. These key elements should be considered directly or indirectly in order to implement policy, intervention, program and counseling. By understanding their experience well, would help enhancing their resilient and coping skills with regards to immoral activities and make them feel part of the community. This study is a prelude to other studies involving the transsexual especially for parents who have child which is tend to develop transsexual identity and other aspects such as sexual life, psychology resiliency, coping skills and ets.
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