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Results for Division/Agency : "LPPKN - National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia: Human Reproductive Division"

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In vitro maturation of immature human oocytes in culture medium containing follicular fluid
Item Type: Article
Ali, Jaffar and
A.J., Halim and
Arshat, Hamid and
Year:  00/06/1987
Abstract:  In clinical IVF programs often immature oocytes are retrieved. Under such circumstances, numerous workers have advocated the procedure of pre-incubation in insemination medium for 12-36 hours, prior to insemination to induce maturation. We describe here the supplementation of follicular fluid in insemination medium to induce maturation of immature oocytes. The culture characteristics of the insemination medium containing follicular fluid appears to be better than the insemination medium without follicular fluid. Previous reports suggest the presence of a meiosis-inducing substance in follicular fluid which could trigger the resumption of meiosis and hence contribute to oocyte maturation. Other factors in follicular fluids which are yet to be elucidated, may also contribute to oocyte maturation. It is concluded that superior culture characteristics can be obtained if immature oocytes are preincubated for 16-36 hours in insemination medium containing 50% follicular fluid.
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