Parenting@Work module
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/00/2010
Abstract: The National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has developed a Parenting@Work courses designed to help dual career families cope with the multiple demands of work and family life. Through the Parenting@Work courses, you will have the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques of balancing family and work, time management as well as gain valuable parenting knowledge and skills to make you a better parent. You are urged to utilize the opportunity provided by NPFDB to enhance your knowledge and skills in facing contemporary family challenges.
Paramedic insertion of intrauterine device in a Malaysian family planning clinic
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/06/1987
Abstract: A retrospective study was carried out in a Malaysian urban family planning clinic to evaluate the effectiveness of the paramedic in intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)insertion. Seventy-nine multiload Cu 250 insertions by trained senior nurse in 1983 were measured against 369 insertions by doctors. Follow-up was done by nurses. At the cut-off date on 31st October 1985, the case records were examined. It was found that there was no statistically significant difference in termination percentage due to IUD complications. The nurse's group had a significantly higher percentage of failure to follow-up and also removal for personal reasons. No significant difference between the 2 groups was shown for termination due to accidental pregnancy, bleeding and pain, expulsion and pelvic infections. Removal of IUD to plan for pregnancy is high in both groups. The results show that the trained paramedic can be just as effective as doctors for IUD insertion.
Problems of neonatal surgery in Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: From January 1970 to May 1981, there were 594 neonates admitted to the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur for surgery. Three hundred and seventy-one cases bad major alimentary tract alimentary tract abnormalities 97.1 percent of which caused obstruction. High gut anomalies and diaphragmmatic hernia (Group A cases) were relatively uncommon and the overall post-operative mortality for this group was high (64.6 percent). Overall mortality declined from 75.0 percent in 1970 to 10.3 percent for the first six month of 1981. Death rate among the low birth weight infants and those with multiple anomalies however, remain high. Factors related to post-operative mortality are discussed. Foremost among them is the time of referral to the surgeon. Various problems of management in this hospital are also highlighted.