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Results for Family Name : "National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia"

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The 49th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: "strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post - 2015 development agenda", New York
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has been responsible for undertaking the Population and Housing Censuses of Malaysia every years since 1970. The Census remains the main source of data collection aimed at providing a comprehensive set of statistical information about the population in the country in terms of its size and spatial distribution, its demographic, social and economic characteristics as well as housing stock at a specific time reference. The census provides essential information not only for policy development and planning, but also for managing, monitoring and evaluating programs and activities across a broad spectrum of sectors. The 2010 Census round utilized improved ICT technologies and new approaches in the different phases of the census operation. The emerging technologies are transforming the way the Census is conducted in terms of operations management, quality assurance, data capture, mapping (GIS, GPS), data processing and storage. With the ever increasing individual privacy and accessibility of internet, the e-Census was introduced in 2010. An internet based questionnaire for data collection, was found to be more effective to capture respondents mainly in large urban areas and the gated communities.
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Family Well-Being Index Report Malaysia 2011
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2015
Abstract:  In the past few decades, Malaysia has and is still undergoing a process of rapid social and economic development. This is a result of policies implemented by the government such as the New Development Policy (1991-2000), National Vision Policy (2001-2010) and Government Transformation Programme (2010-2020) which all aim to transform Malaysia into a developed and competitive country. However, the processes has imposed increased demands on the family institution because of the responsibilities and the challenges faced by the family itself. The family institution must be strengthened to offset the rapid process of social and economic development. This is important because family is the basic social unit which prepares and supplies human capital resources for national development. Given the importance of family well-being to the future of the country, a scientific study needs to be conducted to measure the level of well-being of families in Malaysia. Measuring family well-being is crucial as it can indirectly measure the impact of the implementation of national social and economic development policies on families and the extent to which the implemented policies and programmes are successful or otherwise. Hence, this study has identified suitable indicators that can provide information about the well-being of families in Malaysia. Subsequently, based on the identified indicators, a Family Well-Being Index (FWI) was developed to measure the current well-being of the family as well as to be used in policy formulation, planning for implementation of future research, the development of new programmes and services, and expansion of the existing programmes.
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Family education@LPPKN = Pendidikan kekeluargaan@LPPKN
Item Type: Book
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  The National Population and Family Board (NPFDB), agency under the Ministry of Women Family and Community Development which was initially known as the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) was established in 1966 as a statutory body. Its main objective was to implement the National Family Planning Programme but its scope has now been expanded to Population, Family Development and Reproductive Health which is in line with 1984 Amendments Act. The Malaysian family today is facing numerous challenges due to rapid socio-economic development and globalization. New challenges have emerged in the social and economic arena, which have had an impact on Malaysian families. Among the challenges experienced by the family institution are changing family structure and dynamics, balancing family and career, fulfilling economic needs parenting of young children and adolecents as well as weakening marital and family relationships. Parallel with the Government's emphasis on strengthening the family institution, the NPFDB has developed and implemented a wide range of family development programmes encompassing advocacy activities and promotion, training and education, services, research and development (R&D) as well as policy formulation. In December 2010, the Government approved the National Family Policy and its Plan of Action, thus mainstreaming the family perspective in all socio-economic planning and development.
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