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Family education@LPPKN = Pendidikan kekeluargaan@LPPKN
Item Type: Book
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  The National Population and Family Board (NPFDB), agency under the Ministry of Women Family and Community Development which was initially known as the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) was established in 1966 as a statutory body. Its main objective was to implement the National Family Planning Programme but its scope has now been expanded to Population, Family Development and Reproductive Health which is in line with 1984 Amendments Act. The Malaysian family today is facing numerous challenges due to rapid socio-economic development and globalization. New challenges have emerged in the social and economic arena, which have had an impact on Malaysian families. Among the challenges experienced by the family institution are changing family structure and dynamics, balancing family and career, fulfilling economic needs parenting of young children and adolecents as well as weakening marital and family relationships. Parallel with the Government's emphasis on strengthening the family institution, the NPFDB has developed and implemented a wide range of family development programmes encompassing advocacy activities and promotion, training and education, services, research and development (R&D) as well as policy formulation. In December 2010, the Government approved the National Family Policy and its Plan of Action, thus mainstreaming the family perspective in all socio-economic planning and development.
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Factors influencing family life satisfaction among parents in Malaysia: the structural equation modeling approach (SEM))
Item Type: Article
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Mohd Shafie, Siti Aishah and
Shafiai, Raudhatul Mahfuzah and
Year:  00/00/2013
Abstract:  The study attempts to investigate the factors that influence family life satisfaction (FLS) among parents in Malaysia. The study modeled the variable of parental involvement, family functioning, family resilience and time with family as independent constructs. Data for the study was gathered from nationally representative survey of “Family Well-Being Index” study conducted by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia. Response from 2808 sampled households which involved about 1484 (52.8%) fathers and 1324 (47.2%) mothers of having a child aged at least 13 years old were utilized for the purpose of the current study. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) software. The study found all the modeled independent constructs tested had a significant and direct influence on family life satisfaction among the respondents except for parental involvement construct. The findings of the study suggests that some improvement should be made for the parental involvement constructs which covers different aspects of family life satisfaction which will lead the measurement model be more heterogeneous.
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Financing old age in a rapidly ageing high income city state: the case of Singapore
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Asher, Mukul G. and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Singapore, an affluent city state, is among the most rapidly ageing society globally. This is due to low fertility rate (TFR of 1.2 in 2011); and increasing life expectancy (18.3 years for men and 21.8 years for women at age 65 in 2011). Its support ratio (working age persons/elderly) is projected to decline from 7.9 in 2011 to 2.2 by 2030, representing a steep decline. It primarily relies on a mandatory savings tier to finance old age. This tier is administered by a statutory Board called Central Provident Fund (CPF) under the Ministry of Manpower. The CPF has over the years been used not just for retirement, but for housing health care, and other purposes. Its wide scope and mandate has resulted in considerable complexity. This paper provides an assessment of the extent to which the current old age financing arrangements are likely to address longevity, inflation, and survivors’ risks faced by individuals in their old age. Not only each person will need support for a longer period in old age, but societal and individual expectations about old age support are also changing, reflecting the affluent society.
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Families resilience and children and families of low income: maximizing opportunities through PERMATA ECEC Program
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Badzis, Mastura and
Year:  00/00/2009
Abstract:  PERMATA Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Program in Malaysia was launched on the basis of evidence from research and practice which illustrates that early intervention through high quality program enhances children's social, emotional, spiritual, physical, and cognitive development. PERMATA is a child-focused, community integrated program with the overall goal of increasing school readiness in young children in low-income families, particularly in deprived areas. Despite its various learning outcomes, ECEC main underpinning goal is to produce generations of youth who are able to manage and regulate emotion, possess high EQ skill, and resillient in facing different challenges in life. Its long-term effect can be better understood as children develop into responsible citizens who will take a much more positive role in the society and are free of social ills that now seem to beset the country. This paper presents some strategies of best practices that have been applied in this program to foster and instill resilience in children mainly, increasing caring relationship, developing social competence, encouraging, self-help skills, create partnerships with family and community, and awareness of the existence and supremacy of God.
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Factors contributing to resilient attitude formation among excellent children from low SES single parent family
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Othman, Mohamad Hashim and
Syed Ahmad, Sharifah Amnah and
Year:  00/00/2009
Abstract:  The present study aims to identify the factors that contribute to resilient attitude formation among children who scored excellent results in UPSR. This study used a descriptive research design (Issac, 1995; Kerlinger, 1979). Samples were selected using purposive sampling since the study is only limited to single parent's family from low sosio-economic status (SES). Samples consisted of low SES single parents (mothers) from rural areas. This study was carried out in two phases; (i) structed interview with single parents (n=15) and (ii) handing out questionnaires and interviewing children (boys, n=6 and girls, n=9). The researcher has divided the interview into two types, namely the unstructured interview and the structured interview. Samples were interviewed and their stories were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Transcript data were coded and analyzed using the grounded theory approach (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Recurring words, phrases and themes in the transcripts were coded commonalities and contradictions within and among the interviews were noted. While constantly comparing the data, themes and meanings were analyzed to develop theoretical, interpretations and implications of the data. After the data had been analyzed, results were compared with the literature to determine the degree to which the findings confirmed prior research.
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Families exposed to poverty-asssociated and parent effectiveness service
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
T.del Castillo, Maria Lyra and
Year:  00/00/2009
Abstract:  Economic problem ranks highest as a source of family stress among the poor families which are often addressed with functional coping activities such as borrowing money, getting extra job or overtime work. Frequently, loans are availed of from relatives, employer or co-employees, friend and "5-6" lenders. Oftentimes, earning children and close relatives offer support or are tapped in times of financial crisis. Likewise, there is a thin line interfacing economic problem with situational and relationship stressors such as spouse having vices of drinking alcohol, misunderstanding about house rules and differences in discipline children, spouse's in difference; children misbehaviour, work related pressures and wife's nagging and etc. by and large, these families exposed to proverty-associated risks still value family life and spirituality tend to permeate their response towards difficulties. Efforts at addressing the socio-economic conditions and other concomitant problems of these families should be seen within the family framework. In this context, Parent Effectiveness Service (PES) is being implemented by an NGO in six (6) poor villages in a rural area in the Philippines alongside with other service. The main reference for the conduct of parent effectiveness sessions is the Manual on Effective Parenting developed by Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and UNICEF Philippines. Each module was written with the end-in-view of what Filipino parents need to know to better preserve the family. Despite the slow implementation, there are promising signs thet PES can serve as a preventive program that builds and strengthen the families to transcend proverty-associated risks when facilitated by professional helpers, specifically the field social workers. Awareness and raising the consciousness of parents on their role in childs socialization and it's implication to upholding society's convictions, values systems and norms are necessary in achieving a wholesome family and community life. Moreover, it is also a venue to identify and assess family functioning that may need imperative and appropriate social work intervention. Thus, interventions for children and the youth, women and the elderly should be within the framework of a family orientation to ensure integration rather than fragmentation of program efforts.
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