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Living the 'reduce, reuse and recycle' lifestyle
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Nithiyananthan, Nesadurai and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  In this presentation, the author will emphasise the urgency for "living the ‘reduce, reuse & recycle’ lifestyle” because humanity is living well beyond the ecological limits of one planet. Based on ecological footprint analysis, a tool for measuring sustainability, the biocapacity for humanity to be sustainable in 2012 was 1.7 global hectares (gha) per person (Global Footprint Network 2016; EF&B in 2012). Yet, the actual footprint of 2.8gha per person in that year globally indicates we were consuming the resources of 1 ½ planets. When we note further that some countries only survived on the equivalent of 0.7gha per person while others consumed the resources of over four planets at more than 8gha per person, it highlights the inequity of consumption across the human population. If this trend continues without shifting to a ‘reduce, reduce, reduce’ lifestyle, we will not achieve the sustainable development goals or Agenda 2030. Further, we will be borrowing from the future generations and compromising on their ability to meet their own needs. With a footprint of 3.7gha per person, Malaysians are already consuming the resources of more than two planets. Next, consumption patterns in 550 urban households in Malaysia based on data from an EPSM survey will be presented. In order to make the sustainable shift to ‘reduce, reuse & recycle’ lifestyle, an institutional framework needs to be created to mainstream sustainable development, as advocated by EPSM’s ongoing Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) campaign. Serious efforts need to be made to reduce our consumption of energy (electricity and fuel), water, meat and waste generation, including unnecessary shopping. In conclusion, the author will highlight examples of living the ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ lifestyles.

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Laporan Kajian Pekerja Indonesia di Bahagian Tawau, Sabah
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia and
Year:  00/12/2014
Abstract:  In 2009, the National Population and Family Development (NPFDB) has implemented a Strategic Plan Review Second Population (KPSK-2) which takes consider relevant new policies and scenarios demographics and families as well as changes that occurred over a period of a decade and a half let go. One of the components found in this study is concerned with international migration. Results from KPSK-2 and several surveys specifically that has been done in Sabah, found the presence of foreign workers in that amount large in Sabah has resulted in stress to basic social services in particular from the aspect of health and education. In addition that, it also puts pressure as well security and political concerns. Accordingly, in 2010, Ministry of Women, Family and Development The community through NPFDB has run Study of Indonesian Workers in Tawau Division, Sabah to collect information simultaneously from various categories of respondents consisting of Indonesian workers, residents local and employers who use Indonesian employee services. The main objective of the study this is to collect sociodemographic information of Indonesian workers, entry factors, involvement by sector and type of occupation, the impact of admission on the local population and proposed approaches or measures that suitable for employee management and control Indonesia in this country. The fieldwork of the study has taken time for two weeks i.e. from 24 November to 6 December 2010. The location of this study is in the Tawau Division which covers the district Tawau, Kunak and Semporna. For the election sample of Indonesian workers and employers, framework sampling used in the study this is a list of employers who employ Indonesian workers derived from Department of Manpower of Tawau, Kunak and Semporna. Next, the sampling method on a quota basis and comfortably used to select both categories of respondents. Share selection of local population samples, methods comfortable sampling was used given the absence of a sampling frame locals who have employees Indonesia in their community. As a result, information from 896 Indonesian workers, 787 locals and 37 people employers have been successfully collected. Results of interviews conducted against Indonesian workers, found two main factors their migration to Sabah was for looking for more jobs and income height. In addition, migration factors not an economy like strategic geography, the presence of family or relatives and religious and cultural similarities as well affecting their migration here. Results of interviews with locals in turn found most of them to be of the opinion that the migration of Indonesian workers here is due to the position factor of Tawau which is located adjacent to Indonesia and following in the footsteps of relatives or friends who have or have worked here. Besides, it is also influenced by the unemployment rate high in their country of origin and opportunity more wide open work here.
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