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Results for Family Name : "Ishak" AND Given Name/Initial : "Ismahalil"
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2012 (1)

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Strengthening Malaysian families: evidence based interventions
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abdul Rahman, Aminah and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Malaysian families today are facing numerous challenges related to changing family relationships, values, need for work life balance and support systems. Some of these key challenges are as a result of a new family forms, postponement of marriage, declining fertility and effects of inflation on family economic stability. At the same time, the impact of globalization has led to different values accepted by the young. Indeed, the challenges that Malaysian families will be facing in the future will be enormous. Despite changes in the structure, families remain the most basic unit of society and this has led to the formulation of the National Family Policy (NFP). The NFP seeks to increase the family perspective in all socio-economic development design by engaging the public, private and people sectors. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), lead the family programme which includes formulation, review as well as getting the commitment of all stakeholders. Current programmes were value added based on knowledge and information from censuses, surveys, opinion polls, local views and assessment of programmes.
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