The development of antisocial behaviour in adolescence: child,family, peer and school influences
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: This paper focuses on pathways to antisocial behaviour in adolescence, as well as resilience against antisocial behaviour, with particular attention being given to family influences on these pathways. Findings are presented from an ongoing, 23-year longitudinal study that has followed a large sample of Australian children from infancy to early adulthood thus far. Some of the important messages emerging from the three large reports completed between 2002 and 2005 are discussed, including: there is not one single pathway to antisocial behaviour, rather there are multiple pathways that can begin in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. Many children seem to embark on problematic pathways early in life, but there is considerable change at key transition points; the detection of sensitive periods of change can provide opportunities to intervene to help children move off problematic pathways; many at-risk children are resilient to the development of antisocial behaviour and we can learn from them what supports are needed; and finally, particular parenting styles can ameliorate or amplify the influence of child characteristics on antisocial behaviour.
The 38th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 5: general debate on national experience in population matters: population, development and HIV/AIDS with particular emphasis on poverty, New York, 5 April 2005
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 05/04/2005
Abstract: The Government of Malaysia acknowledges the vast impact of the HIV epidemic on the demographic profile of the country. It affects population growth, distribution and structure. It impacts upon widowhood with the concomitant increase in orphans among children and in the reduction of the reproductive years resulting in lower fertility.
The effects of economic hardship on parenting behavior of Rungus in Sabah
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/2004
Abstract: Economic hardship has detrimental effect on parenting behavior. Parents with low and unstable incomes experience more emotional stress, more depressive symptoms and less involved in the children's lives (McLoyd,1990;Taylor et al, 1970). The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between economic hardship and parenting behavior of Rungus families in urban and rural areas in Sabah. The sample consists of 243 respondents, (115 husbands and 128 wives) with 111 respondents live in urban and 132 respondents live in rural areas. The instrument used for this study were the Economic Strain Questionnaire (ESQ) to measure economic hardship, and Parent,s report (PR) to measure parenting behavior. Analysis of data was done using t-test and Pearson correlation. The result of the study revealed that economic hardship was significantly correlated to parenting behavior. There are no relationship between financial hardship and parenting behavior. Implications of these findings and future research are discussed.
The National Study on reproductive health and sexuality of adolescents in Malaysia 1994/1995
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1996
Abstract: The National Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescents in Malaysia was initiated with the aim of formulating a National Programme on Reproductive Health for Adolescents. The specific objectives of the study are:
i. to establish the status of the knowledge, attitude
and practice of adolescents with regard to sexual
and reproductive health,
ii. to identify the constraints that adolescents face in
seeking information and service relating to sexual
and reproductive health,
iii. to obtain the participation of adolescents in the
design and implementation of programmes and
activities for their own welfare.
The single most expected outcome of the Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescents in Malaysia is a Cabinet memorandum which will propose appropriate policy and programme changes for the promotion and maintenance of optimal reproductive health among Malaysian adolescents geared towards the year 2020. This Memorandum will serve as a vital national reference and benchmark for evaluating future trends and patterns. It will be the basis for the reorientation of values, attitudes and approaches for the management of sexuality and reproductive health of adolescents in the country.
The detection of estrogen-dependent proteins in monkey oviductal fluid
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/1990
Abstract: To detect hormone induced changes in oviductal fluid protein pattern, flushings obtained from ovariectomized untreated and estradiol or estradiol plus progesterone treated monkeys were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Superimposed densitometric scans of coomassie blue and periodic acid Schiff's (PAS) stained electrophoretic patterns revealed that estradiol treatment results in the appearance of a new protein (130 K) with maximum carbohydrate content as compared to other proteins present in the luminal milieu. The concentration of 85 and 95 K proteins also increase significantly after estradiol treatment. However, progesterone supplementation in estradiol primed monkeys results in the disappearance of 85 and 95 K proteins and decreased the 130 K glycoprotein considerably. Thus while estrogen acts as an inducer,progesterone antagonizes its action in monkey fallopian tubes and inhibits the synthesis of proteins which may have a role in early reproductive events.
The pattern of maternal mortality at Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: From 1978 to 1981, there were 70,000 deliveries at Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. 39 maternal mortalities were encountered during this four year period. The major causes of death were toxemia, hemorrhage, embolism, medical disease in pregnancy, sepsis, uterine inversion, obstetric trauma, Mendelson and pulmonary edema. Avoidable factors were isolated in all the mortalities except in three, one due to infective hepatitis and two due to cardiac disease in pregnancy. The patient was at fault in four mortalities. The need for documenting all maternal mortalities is a priority in this country to make analysis more meaningful.
The report on West Malaysian Family Survey 1966-1967
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/01/1968
Abstract: The data presented in this report was collected under the Statistics Act, No 34, 1965 by the Department of Statistics. This report is the First Malaysia-Wide Family survey was conducted at the end of 1966 and the beginning of 1967 with the objective of the finding Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of the people in Family Planning.