Preliminary investigation of cognitive abilities among B40 single mothers
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: There have been a lot of socioeconomic research regarding the B40 income group in Malaysia but hardly any conducted among single mothers within the B40 population. Research that emphasizes on B40 group whereby RM4,850.00 is the maximum household income which represents 40 percent of Malaysians is intensely required in order to acquire the most appropriate strategies and policies that can improve their socioeconomic conditions.
Long-term care insurance (LTCI) for the ageing society in Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: The increase in life expectancy and declining fertility rates have contributed to the rising tide of the ageing population in Malaysia. Undeniably, an ageing population poses the need for policy changes to address the economic and social risks caused. Against this backdrop, it is therefore crucial for Malaysia to give serious attention in developing a policy related to long-term care financing.
A process model for stakeholder engagement and management for the Rebung cancer early cancer diagnosis pilot project for an underserved urban population in Selangor, Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: A cancer control plan in Malaysia has been published since 2008, however, the stage at diagnosis for most cancers in Malaysia remains advanced, despite multiple efforts from many sectors. Situational awareness is critical in implementing projects, especially in the B40 in the community; REBUNG (Reducing Barriers in Cancer Early Diagnosis in Urban B40 Group) is a multi-sectoral complex intervention that studies a community and the processes to access early cancer diagnosis. Thus, this study aims to map out the stakeholders in implementing a cancer control program in a single-site urban poor pilot community in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
Mothers’ views and their expected roles on parent-adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: As parents generally have more contact than other adults with their children, they are the most suitable people in imparting correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to their adolescents. However, apart from getting information from parents, adolescents also learn from other parties such as the internet, teachers, or peers. Thus, this study aimed to explore mothers’ views on parent-adolescent communication on SRH and their expected roles in communicating about SRH.
Validation of “Rancanglah’: a mobile-based application that creates awareness towards better utilisation of family planning (FP)
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) aims at ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all ages. Focusing on target 3.7 with the goal towards granting universal access to sexual and reproductive care, family planning and education, it shows how important family planning is, towards improving population wellbeing. In Malaysia, health education on family planning is routinely delivered through face-to-face counseling at 6 weeks postpartum.
The association between knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and attitude towards pornography among youth in the technical and vocational training (TVET) centres in Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: With technology advancement and increase accessibilities to gadgets, pornography exposure has been seen rampant among youth. Multiple studies have proven the negative effects of pornography exposure especially pertaining to risky sexual behaviours. This study aims to determine differences of SRH knowledge and pornography attitudes among youth subsequently investigate association between level of SRH knowledge and pornography attitudes among youth in TVET Centres in Malaysia.
Keperluan kaunseling penduduk muda: kajian di Kuala Terengganu
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: The counseling needs of the 21st century are more challenging. There are various issues among the young population that drive the need for new counseling that is very different from the previous era. This clearly shows that the need for counseling also moves along with the era of the modernization of society. As the need for youth counseling evolves, this article will discuss the counseling needs of the young population.
Daya tahan keluarga muda di Malaysia: penemuan kajian indeks kesejahteraan keluarga Malaysia 2019
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Every year, the number of divorce cases in the country is increasing, especially among young couples. Lack of understanding, narrowness of life and interference from outside parties are among the main factors in the occurance of household rifts at this time. In the face of challenges and crises related to family institutions, the element of family resilience needs to be strengthened.
Characteristics of digital resilience of children post covid-19 in the Malaysian context
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Over the past two decades, there has been a sharp increase in digital media usage among Malaysian children. The significant increase of online and screen time adds on to the issues of children online safety which has always posed a significant risk to parents, even before the pandemic. The opportunity given by parents to access gadgets and games has transformed the way children perceive, react, and adapt to the world change especially in the era of IR4.0. Thus, this study intends to examine the characteristics of digital resilience of children in the Malaysian context.
Grandparenting in Malaysia: evidence from household surveys
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: The lack of childcare facility and support has resulted in fertility decline and low female labour force participation rate in Malaysia, as some women forgo childbearing to focus on career development, while others stop working to look after their children. Grandparents can play a crucial role in childcare, to allow women to combine their maternal role with work. This paper analyses grandparents’ roles in childcare by socio-demographic characteristics.