Family well being & the emergence of global pandemic
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has introduced a Family Well-Being Index (FWBI) to specifically measure the well-being of families in Malaysia. The third series of the FWBI was conducted in 2019, prior to pandemic which start hitting the globe at the end of year. The FWBI 2019 reached a new highest score of 7.72 out of a maximum scale of 10. Although the FWBI 2019 score is still at a moderate level, it has shown an increase of 0.39 points compared to previous 7.33 for FWBI 2016. The FWBI 2019 score is a reflection of the family well-being in the country before COVID-19 pandemic began. Since then, every aspect of our life have been aff¬ected and subsequently transform the way we work and doing things. In addition to hampering the economy, the pandemic has also impacting family institution as a whole.
Fertility decline due to late marriages
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/01/2006
Abstract: Rising education, delayed and non-marriage will become more prevalent. Marriage postponement shortens childbearing span, and it will result in further fertility decline. Changes in marital structure have significant implications on the family system and the care of older persons. With rising age at marriage and consequently delayed childbearing , many retirees are still supporting children who are studying in institutions of higher learning.