Dapatan data subfertitli Kebangsaan bagi tahun 2023
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 2024
Abstract: The collection of subfertility data involves all registered hospitals and clinics providing subfertility treatment services throughout Malaysia from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. The collected subfertility data has been approved by NPFDB (LPPKN), including information on the...[Read More]
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan November Bulan Keluarga Kebangsaan 2024
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 2024
Abstract: In conjunction with the National Family Month celebration in November 2024, themed “KASIH Keluarga, Jiwa MADANI”, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFBD) conducted a survey on the family...[Read More]
Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) and psychological distress among urban-living older Malaysians
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a heightened psychological distress among older adults. This study examines the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological distress among urban older adults in Malaysia. By using a sub-sample of Wave 2 Malaysia Ageing and Retirement Survey...[Read More]
Keberkesanan modul intervensi sexting untuk mengurangkan niat dan kesediaan sexting bagi pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: Sexting refers to the exchange of sexually explicit content in the form of texts, photos, or videos. Sexting has become a public health issue in Malaysia, where online studies show that more than two-thirds of young people have engaged in sexting. Sexting is associated with risky...[Read More]
Pembangunan Modul Psikopendidikan untuk memperkasa resiliensi belia B40 dan kefungsian keluarga dalam era Covid-19
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: The global economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has had a negative impact on B40 households in Malaysia, resulting in increased unemployment, poverty, and crime. Therefore, efforts are needed to empower the B40 families in the country. The aim of this research is to develop a...[Read More]
Digital parenting module to help Malaysian parents nurture digitally resilient children
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: Digital resilience empowers children to use technology safely and productively for learning, expression, and skill-building. Yet, many Malaysian parents are uncertain about digital parenting, often adopting restrictive approaches that limit their children’s digital potential....[Read More]
Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: Discussion on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly adolescents, is still considered taboo. However, knowledge in this area is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become...[Read More]
Perubahan institusi perkahwinan di Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: The changing patterns of marriage directly affect the family institution. This project produced five papers covering various aspects of marriage, which have been published in the Journal of Institutions and Economics. Statistical and demographic techniques were used in further...[Read More]
Evaluating digital and financial well-being of urban low-income families: insights into government assistance programs and post-COVID-19 resilience
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: This study examines the impact of government assistance programs on the digital and financial well-being of urban B40 families during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on survey data from 417 Kuala Lumpur residents, findings show significant positive effects of government aid on digital and...[Read More]
Modelling a comprehensive Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) plan for societal well-being in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 2024
Abstract: Malaysia is currently going through a demographic transition as an aging country that is affected by two main factors, namely the decline in the overall fertility rate, as well as the increase in average life expectancy. The elderly are often associated with a decline in physical and...[Read More]