The 56th Session of The Commission On Population And Development, United Nations New York, 10-14 April 2023
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 11/04/2023
Abstract: Education is a longstanding right enshrined in human rights and developmental instruments, including in the Plan of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The ICPD Plan of Action also recognizes the key role of education in sustainable development, as well as the responsibilities of different stakeholders, particularly parents, in this regard. Investments in education systems are of utmost importance for population growth, as it empowers people to lead better, healthier and sustainable lives. For Malaysia, the education system serves as a fundamental component in our quest to be a developed nation, and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Strengthening of human capital through education is a priority to Malaysia, with the Government providing free education to citizens up to secondary level.
Prosiding Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2022 (PERKKS 22): “Pemerkasaan Penduduk dan Keluarga, Teras Negara Maju”
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/12/2022
Abstract: Collection of papers presented during the 2022 National Population Conference (PERKKS 22), 10-11 November 2022, Bangi Resort Hotel, Selangor.
Dasar dan Pelan Tindakan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial Kebangsaan (PEKERTI) 2022-2025
Item Type: Act & Policy
Year: 08/09/2022
Abstract: This new PEKERTI policy is applicable to every individual regardless of age and gender and takes into account ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Focus will be given to producing a healthy population in terms of reproductive and sexual health based on high moral values and practicing responsible behavior and mutual respect for each other.
This PEKERTI policy has been streamlined to achieve 5 objectives which are to (i) increase the awareness of Malaysians regarding the importance of reproductive and social health education, (ii) develop evidence-based reproductive and social health education programs, (iii) develop human expertise and modernity in aspects reproductive and social health education, (iv) carry out research in aspects of reproductive and social health education and (v) ensure programs and services under this policy are continuously monitored and evaluated.
In order to achieve these 5 objectives that have been set, 5 Cores have been identified as policy implementation machinery namely (i) Advocacy, Promotion and Prevention, (ii) Comprehensive Reproductive and Social Health Education Covering All Age Levels, (iii) Human Capital and other Resources for Reproductive and Social Health education, (iv) Research and Development and (v) Monitoring and Evaluation.
Mothers’ views and their expected roles on parent-adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: As parents generally have more contact than other adults with their children, they are the most suitable people in imparting correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to their adolescents. However, apart from getting information from parents, adolescents also learn from other parties such as the internet, teachers, or peers. Thus, this study aimed to explore mothers’ views on parent-adolescent communication on SRH and their expected roles in communicating about SRH.
The association between knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and attitude towards pornography among youth in the technical and vocational training (TVET) centres in Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: With technology advancement and increase accessibilities to gadgets, pornography exposure has been seen rampant among youth. Multiple studies have proven the negative effects of pornography exposure especially pertaining to risky sexual behaviours. This study aims to determine differences of SRH knowledge and pornography attitudes among youth subsequently investigate association between level of SRH knowledge and pornography attitudes among youth in TVET Centres in Malaysia.
Keperluan kaunseling penduduk muda: kajian di Kuala Terengganu
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: The counseling needs of the 21st century are more challenging. There are various issues among the young population that drive the need for new counseling that is very different from the previous era. This clearly shows that the need for counseling also moves along with the era of the modernization of society. As the need for youth counseling evolves, this article will discuss the counseling needs of the young population.
Reka bentuk aplikasi saringan mental sihat remaja
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Mental health is one of the most important aspects that must be met by every individual to achieve optimal health in addition to physical and social well-being. An increase in mental health-related problems can be seen every year and puts pressure on the daily life of patients among teenagers who are more susceptible to mental disorder factors due to the influence of the environment and current lifestyle, coupled with the situation of movement control orders (MCO) throughout Malaysia. However, many individuals do not undergo screening due to feeling of shame and are unware of their problems.
Relationship between family functioning, resilience and psychological well-being among B40 youths in the Klang Valley district
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Global economic uncertainties in the COVID-19 era have had an adverse impact on many households across nations, including Malaysian households. In particular, the B40 households have seen an upsurge in the cost of living, which puts a strain on their purchasing power. The Malaysian government has implemented various initiatives to alleviate the financial burdens of the B40 groups, such as Bantuan Prihatin Malaysia. Yet, the psychological wellbeing of the B40 group’s families are not under care.
Malaysian youths at risk: a review of mental health and maladaptive behaviors
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: The contemporary world with its constant changes and challenges often poses great risks to the mental health of young people who are at the age of learning about themselves and the world they live in. Similarly, recent developments have indicated that Malaysian youths today are greatly affected by mental health issues and are easily driven by maladaptive behaviors.
Source of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information among youths in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: A majority of respondents agreed that they sought for information on puberty topics and pregnancy to the teachers and mother as compared with other sources. While, peers and media were the second and third sources on sexual topics after teachers. However, the main sources of information on contraception were teachers and media instead of mother and father or siblings.