Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: Discussion on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly adolescents, is still considered taboo. However, knowledge in this area is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become the main platform for discussions on these topics. This study found that there are many keywords related to reproductive and sexual health on social media. However, the lack of a specific lexicon for the local context makes it difficult to understand the discussions and sentiments shared.
To better understand this issue, a sentiment lexicon has been developed, supported by the LPPKN Analytics initiative (https://lppknanalitik.com/). This platform uses sentiment analysis technology, machine learning, and interactive dashboards to analyze social media data. Tweets and comments on social media that contain key keywords are processed, cleaned, and categorized into three main aspects: Perception, Knowledge, and Behavior. This approach provides deeper insights into how adolescents communicate about reproductive and sexual health, effectively utilizing the potential of social media data.
Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: Discussions on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly teenagers, remain considered a taboo. However, knowledge in this field is essential to prevent misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become the primary platform for discussions related to this topic. This study finds that there are many keywords related to reproductive and sexual health on social media. However, the lack of a specific lexicon for the local context complicates the understanding of discussions and sentiments shared. As an effort to better understand this issue, a sentiment lexicon has been developed, supported by the LPPKN Analytic initiative (https://lppknanalitik.com/). This platform uses sentiment analysis technology, machine learning, and interactive dashboards to analyze social media data. Posts and comments on social media containing key terms are processed, cleaned, and categorized into three main aspects: Perception, Knowledge, and Behavior. This approach provides a deeper insight into how teenagers communicate about reproductive and sexual health, effectively leveraging the potential of social media data.
Assessing the status of implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and its contribution to the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development during the decade of action and deliver for sustainable development
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/06/2024
Abstract: Despite facing numerous challenges, there is a significant progress has been made over the past 30 years since the implementation of the Programme of Action in Malaysia. This includes improvements such as increased life expectancies as well as better access to services and education on sexual and reproductive health.
Active engagement and health status of older Malaysians evidence from a household survey
Item Type: Article
Year: 17/03/2023
Abstract: Malaysia is undergoing rapid age structural shift to becoming an ageing nation by 2030 when 14% of its population will be aged 60 and over. Population ageing strains the healthcare system due to the rapid rise in non-communicable diseases and poses enormous challenges in providing social protection.
A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future, harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/11/2022
Abstract: The world's population is projected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022. The best way to ensure demographic resilience is to support human rights, including individuals' reproductive rights and choices.
A process model for stakeholder engagement and management for the Rebung cancer early cancer diagnosis pilot project for an underserved urban population in Selangor, Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: A cancer control plan in Malaysia has been published since 2008, however, the stage at diagnosis for most cancers in Malaysia remains advanced, despite multiple efforts from many sectors. Situational awareness is critical in implementing projects, especially in the B40 in the community; REBUNG (Reducing Barriers in Cancer Early Diagnosis in Urban B40 Group) is a multi-sectoral complex intervention that studies a community and the processes to access early cancer diagnosis. Thus, this study aims to map out the stakeholders in implementing a cancer control program in a single-site urban poor pilot community in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
An evaluation of eating behavior, psychosocial status and body mass index among Malaysian adolescents
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: This study is an attempt to produce an abbreviated Malay version of Weight and Lifestyle Inventory (MWALI), as an evaluation tool to assess eating and related bio-psychosocial factors among adolescents attending kafe@TEEN, Kuala Lumpur. The MWALI was translated ‘forward–backward’ from English to Malay and then administered to 135 adolescents to assess the factor construct of the eating behaviour and its relationships with the demographic profile, dysphoria, global self-esteem and body mass index (BMI). The exploratory factor analysis of the eating behaviour yielded five factors are Negative Emotion, Poor Impulse Control, Social Cues, Snacking and Early Meals in relation to over-eating which were significantly and positively correlated with BMI. Eating in response to Social Cues was negatively correlated with self-esteem, overeating at Early Meals was positively correlated with dysphoria. Female has significantly higher mean score of eating in response to Negative Emotion and eating in response to Social Cues. MWALI is appropriate for assessing eating behaviour and associated bio-psychosocial factors among overweight and obese adolescents in the primary care setting in Malaysia.
Antara dua dunia : memahami pengalaman subjektif transeksual
Item Type: Thesis
Year: 00/00/2013
Abstract: This study was designed to make a better understanding of transsexual’s subjective experiences. Semi structure face to face interview method was chosen in order to gather these data. There are three respondent (transsexual male to female) aged 30th , 40th
and 50th involved in this study, which was represented by one person for each group. The data gathered was analyzed based on topics and subtopics. Three (3) main topic such as background, experience in childhood and adolescent and self-concept was highlighted in
this study. There are numbers of interesting findings based on background, trigger that cause transsexual identity, colleague influential, emotion and behavior. These key elements should be considered directly or indirectly in order to implement policy, intervention, program and counseling. By understanding their experience well, would help enhancing their resilient and coping skills with regards to immoral activities and make them feel part of the community. This study is a prelude to other studies involving the transsexual especially for parents who have child which is tend to develop transsexual identity and other aspects such as sexual life, psychology resiliency, coping skills and ets.
A journey towards CSO sustainability & excellence
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2012
Abstract: This paper talk about leadership development towards organizational excellence or sustainability. This presentation reflects strengthening capacity of leaders among Reproductive Health, Family Planning, HIV, and AIDS organizations.
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A Study on health status of youth in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/2010
Abstract: This study analyzed health screening of 22,840 youths, who were distributed equally by ethnicity and camp sessions. Based on the analysis, 21.6% of youths were underweight, 18.1% pre-obese and 10.3% obese, with 0.3% perceived having body image disorders. With regards to sexual and reproductive health issues, 39.6% admitted viewing pornographic materials, 28.5% practiced masturbation, 6.5% engaged in premarital sexual relationships, 5.5% had multiple partners and 1.6% had been involved in homosexual relationships. History of abortion was discovered by 0.5% of the respondents. Almost a quarter of the youths were smokers, while 8.7% had consumed alcohol and 1.4% admitted taking drugs. The study also revealed that 6.2% of respondents reported to have past involvement in bully and 14.1% in fight. About 7.1% of the respondents revealed they had been physically abused while 1.2% of them had been sexually abused. Mental health problems were noted in 27.5% of the youths, with depression in 9.8% of the youths, anxiety in 20.7% and suicidal ideation in 11.8%. Psycho-social problems such as substance use, antisocial behavior, physical/sexual abuse and mental health problems among youth are interrelated with common risk and protective factors. Management of psycho-social problems in youths should be holistic; looking into risk and protective factors. Programs and interventions should focus on strengthening of protective factors among youth such as family connectedness and religiosity.