A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future, harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/11/2022
Abstract: The world's population is projected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022. The best way to ensure demographic resilience is to support human rights, including individuals' reproductive rights and choices.
Antara dua dunia: memahami pengalaman hidup transeksual
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: This study aims to understand the life experiences of transexual people. Researchers used a semi -structured interview method to obtain the required information. A total of three (3) male to female transexual respondents in their 30s, 40s and 50s were involved in this study. The data obtained were analyzed based on topics and sub-topics. The main topics in this study are the life experiences of transexual and four (4) sub-topics in this study are the experiences of childhood and adolescence, relationships with family, employment and social life of transexual. The findings in this study are able to provide a clearer understanding of transexual people. In addition, these findings can be considered by parties who are directly or indirectly involved with transexual people in implementing policies, interventions, programs and even counseling. This study is also a pioneer to other studies involving transexual people, especially studies involving parents who have children who have a tendency to transexual identity.