Pendekatan kaunseling disermen dalam menangani konflik perkahwinan era pendemik covid-19
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Marital conflict management in a quality manner is necessary considering the functionality of the husband and wife is the backbone
to marital bliss. In this paper, the use of the 'Pendekatan Kaunseling Disermen' introduced by William J. Doherty is proposed to be used during counseling sessions involving couples where one party tends to stay and the other tends to divorce, especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Communication activities between spouses during covid-19 pandemic
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Interpersonal communication is vital in every relationship. In this current situation of pandemic Covid 19, movement control orders (MCO) have been implemented by the government. Due to the MCO, people spend more time at home and the communication activities within the family might change as well. Thus, this research will conduct a qualitative method (in-depth interviews) to investigate the communication activities and the effects of those activities between spouses during the pandemic of Covid 19.
Penghayatan islam dan hubungannya terhadap pengabaian qawwamah dalam perkahwinan
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Qawwamah in marriage is an issue that is often raised when there is domestic conflict. Neglect of qawwamah by the husband will have very big implications for the wife. The emergence of domestic dysfunction is due to the problem of leadership that is not based on the appreciation of Islam. Harmony and happiness are difficult to form without the implementation of Islamic practices applied in household institutions. This study suggests that the appreciation of Islam be used as a model in fostering household leadership that is free from conflict in creating a harmonious and calm atmosphere.
Pencetus utama konflik perkahwinan sepanjang fasa pertama perkahwinan dalam kalangan pasangan muda: kajian kes semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP)
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: The first phase of marriage is often associated with a crisis phase, an adjustment phase and a stress phase. The success of the young couple through this phase will guarantee the stability of the marriage and the survival of the family institution. Divorce is a major threat to young couples in the early phase of marriage. This study aims to identify triggers of marital conflict during the first phase of marriage (1-10 years) among young couples in the State of Selangor. The results of the analysis show that there are three 93) main triggers of marital conflict among young couples, namely financial crisis, communication problems and family interference.
Perceraian dalam kalangan wanita Melayu Terengganu
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: This article analyzes the issue of divorce claims among Terengganu Malay women. Writing from a social history perspective, focusing on the period from 1963 to 1978 based on the written report of the Besut Kadhi Office obtained at the National Archives of Malaysia Terengganu Branch. The discussion of this article is divided into three parts. First, about background such as place of origin, age, length of time left, marital and family status and partner's occupation. Second, explain the factors that cause women to make complaints to religious parties that are related to the problem of neglecting alimony and responsibilities, polygamy and disappearing for a certain period of time. Third, removing the constraints faced such as hard-to-find couples who have migrated from their original area to a new place outside Terengganu or to another district in Terengganu as well as marriage with a partner from outside Terengganu. The findings of the study show that the Kadhi Besut Office plays an important role in solving problems related to the status of women who are suspended without strings. This study is expected to be able to fill the void in writing about Malaysian social history in general and gender studies in particular in the post-independence era.
Correlates and consequences of delayed marriage in Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Year: 01/10/2021
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the correlates of age at first marriage and the consequences of late marriage. Data for this paper were drawn from the 2014 Malaysian Population and Family Survey. Simple cross- tabulation and multiple classification analysis were used for the analysis. Age at marriage of women varied across socioeconomic groups.
Semarakkan cinta dengan bulan madu
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2016
Abstract: The option of having a second honeymoon at a late age of marriage may be something to consider. A second honeymoon is very important for every couple to improve the quality of family life. Couples can talk heart to heart a string of marital life journeys.
Socio-economic determinants of pap smear screening among married women in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/02/2013
Abstract: This study is to identify the influences of socio-economic factors towards the practice of Pap smear screening among ever married women. Bivariate correlations and logistic regression analysis was applied to the data set containing 3,283 ever married women age 15-49 years, interviewed during the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 2004. It was found that only half the women had undergone Pap smear screening prior three years of survey, in which Chinese had the highest percentage of Pap smear screening. The logistic statistical analysis also had identified several variables has important determinant has of Pap smear screening for ever married women. Finding from this study suggest a significant relationship between the cervical cancer awareness and knowledge, age and ethnicity for those women who practice Pap smear screening.
Policy response to the changing marriage institution in Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: In Malaysia, educational improvement, urbanization, modern sector employment, women empowerment, and migration have brought about dramatic changes in marriage institutions, with the surging of age at marriage, singlehood, and divorce. Between 1970 and 2010, the singulate mean age at marriage among men and women increased from 25.5 years and 22.0 years to 28.0 years and 25.7 years.
Redefining quality interpersonal communication in marriage from divorcees’ perspectives
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2022
Abstract: Quality interpersonal communication is essential in the development and maintenance of any relationship, including marriage. As society adapts to new avenues of communication, married couples often underestimate the relevance of interpersonal communication in their relationship due to their lack of understanding of quality interpersonal communication. Therefore, this study investigated the conceptualisation of quality interpersonal communication through the lens of Relational Dialectic Theory in marriage from the perspectives of divorcees.
Pencetus utama konflik perkahwinan sepanjang fasa pertama perkahwinan dalam kalangan pasangan muda: Kajian kes semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP)
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 01/12/2021
Abstract: The first phase of marriage is often associated with a crisis phase, an adjustment phase and a stress phase. The success of the young couple through this phase will ensure the stability of the marriage and the survival of the family institution. Divorce is a major threat to young couples in the first phase of marriage. This study aims to identify the triggers of marital conflict during the first phase of marriage (1-10 years) among young couples in the State of Selangor.
Peraturan perkahwinan transnasional: Kajian kes dan penelitian semula berasaskan konvensyen penghapusan semua bentuk diskriminasi terhadap wanita (CEDAW)
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper discusses the issue of transnational marriage from the context of determining the nationality of a child resulting from the marriage of a Malaysian women to a foreign citizen’s spouse based on the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan berkenaan kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual dalam kalangan wanita berkahwin
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: The study aims to explore the factors that create a gap between knowledge and practice regarding reproductive health for women in Malaysia. Additionally, it measures the level of knowledge about reproductive and sexual health among women, examines attitudes towards reproductive and sexual health, investigates practices regarding reproductive and sexual health, and identifies factors influencing the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to reproductive and sexual health among women. The findings suggest that the low level of knowledge about family planning indicates that some women have misunderstandings about the functions of family planning methods. Women with moderate and high levels of knowledge are more likely to practice family planning. Advocacy and educational programs on family planning should be enhanced to ensure that women have accurate information and are able to make informed decisions regarding the use of family planning methods.
SDGS and the impact of megatrends on Families: perspectives from Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/05/2024
Abstract: 57th Commissions on Population and Development (CPD57): Assessing the status of implementation of the Programmed of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and its contribution to the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development during the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development. Strengthening Malaysian Families in era of megatrends, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFBD) had LPPKN Family Centre, Nur Sejahtera Clinic Services, Population and Family Research, Training and education (family), Counseling service and program, online accessibility etc.
Nuptiality, fertility and contraceptive use: preliminary findings from the 5th Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS -5)
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: The current marital trend status shows more than 90 % are currently married while the percentage of divorce or separation is increasing. Next, current marital status by age group in 2014 showed that 93.1 % is currently married and 5.3 % among women 20-24 are divorce or separated. This paper discuss about nuptiality, fertility and contraceptive use from preliminary finding of the Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS-5) 2014.
Determinant of marriage dissolution
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: Nowadays, the number of divorce cases among Muslim couples is very worrisome whereby the total cases reported in 2013 increased by half of the total cases reported in the previous year. Thus, the objective of this study is to reveal the factors that contribute to the dissolution of marriage. A total of 181 cases and ten potential determinants were included in this study. The potential determinants considered were age at marriage of husband and wife, educational level of husband and wife, employment status of husband and wife, income of husband and wife, the number of children and the presence at a counseling session. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that four determinants, namely the income of husband and wife, number of children and the presence at a counselling session were significant in predicting the likelihood of divorce among Muslim couples.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan wanita berkahwin dalam tenaga buruh di Semenanjung Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: This study is to identify the influences of socio-economic factors towards the labour force participation among married women in Peninsular Malaysia. Bivariate correlations and logistic regression analysis was applied to the data set containing 2,366 married women aged 15-49 years, interviewed during the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 2004. It was found that only half of the women were currently working. Chinese had the highest percentage who were currently working as compared to the Malays and Indians. The logistic statistical analysis had also identified several variables which were important determinants of the current work status of married women. Based on logistic statistical analysis, it was found that stratum, previous occupation prior to marriage and presence of young children had significant relationships to women’s participation in the labour force.
Determinants of divorce among women in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: Many studies concerning divorce had been conducted especially in the West to investigate the pattern of divorce as well factors that that are related to divorce. However, there is not much research work on divorce in Malaysia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the divorce trend at the macro level based on the data provided by the Department of Islamic Development Board and National Registration Department of Malaysia. Based on the trend analysis, it demonstrates that the divorce rate in Malaysia has been rising during a period of 17 years from 1995 to 2010. In addition, the trend of divorce between Muslim and non-Muslim couples display a divergent pattern especially during the economic downturn. At the micro level, the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS IV) data obtained from the National Population and Family Development Board was utilized to identify the determinants of divorce among women in Peninsular Malaysia. The results based on Cox-Regression analysis show that age, age at marriage, the number of marriages and the existence of children are the significant factors that are related to divorce. Besides, irreconcilable differences, imprudent husbands and the meddling in-laws family are the reasons why couples end their marriages, as found from the MPFS IV data.
Delayed marriage and the fertility crisis in East and Southeast Asia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: The fertility transition in Asian Countries is part of the worldwide fertility transition and one of the most fundamental events of the last half of the 20th century. In general, this has been associated with greatly increased child survival and changes in the economy and society resulting from economic development. But there have been puzzling differences between countries. The fertility crisis used to refer to the countries with high fertility but now attention has shifted to those with very low fertility, a number of which are in Asia.
Modul Latihan Jurulatih SMARTSTART 2.0 "Pra Perkahwinan"
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/01/2022
Abstract: Introduction:-
SMARTSTART 2.0 Pre-Marriage Training the Trainers Trainer Module is a new module that has been processed more neat and organized as a result of creative ideas through the compilation of contents and activities based on observations related to the latest issues that often being the cause of divorce. This module is a standard reference and guideline specially prepared for the use of trainers to facilitate the learning process, teaching and guide the preparation of programme materials. Through this module, it is hoped that it can provide positive benefits especially to individuals or couples who want to get married or who are planning to start a family in order to be more physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially prepared.
To provide knowledge and skills to the participants about preparations towards marriage.
Program Duration:
2 day program
Target Participants:
Individuals or couples who want/plan to get married.
Interactive Content:
Promising difference through learning and delivery methods. Full involvement of participants through skills training and group activities.
Item Type: Module
Year: 00/00/2006
Abstract: Couples planning to get married must be well prepared in order to create a harmonious marriage. Hence, the National Population and Family Development Board organises the SMARTSTART Premarital Programme for couples who are planning to get married and those who have recently married (not more than five years) in four languages, i.e. Malay, English, Mandarin and Tamil.
This module has been developed to provide newly married couples and those who are planning to get married with knowledge and skills on the various aspects of marriage and parenting so as to support them psychologically and prepare them for a harmonious marriage life.
Fertility decline due to late marriages
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/01/2006
Abstract: Rising education, delayed and non-marriage will become more prevalent. Marriage postponement shortens childbearing span, and it will result in further fertility decline. Changes in marital structure have significant implications on the family system and the care of older persons. With rising age at marriage and consequently delayed childbearing , many retirees are still supporting children who are studying in institutions of higher learning.
Perubahan institusi perkahwinan di Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: The changing patterns of marriage directly affect the family institution. This project produced five papers covering various aspects of marriage, which have been published in the Journal of Institutions and Economics. Statistical and demographic techniques were used in further analysis. It was found that increased education, urbanization, employment in the modern sector, migration and changes in norms and values regarding family formation have led to later marriages and unmarried individuals, compared to the earlier marriage norms among Malays in less developed states. The findings of this project, based on detailed analysis, confirm dramatic changes in marriage and divorce trends, including mixed marriages and international marriages, which serve as the basis for policy recommendations.
Penyakit jangkitan seksual (Std)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/11/2024
Abstract: Reproductive and sexual health (SRH) is a key element in women's well-being and profoundly affects their quality of life. This study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among married women aged 15 to 49 years in Malaysia. A quantitative approach with a cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. A total of 2,081 respondents were involved, and data was collected through face-to-face interviews as well as self-administered, anonymous online questionnaires.
The results of the study indicate that women in Malaysia have a moderately high level of knowledge about STDs. Women from the Northern region, aged between 30 and 34 years, with 1-2 children, employed, educated, and with a B40 income category, showed significant knowledge about STDs (51.9%). Additionally, the majority of respondents (more than 90%) correctly understood that having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of exposure to STDs. The study also found that around 75 to 86% of respondents agreed that one should keep their STD status confidential.
These findings highlight that cultural norms and societal attitudes play an important role in shaping perceptions about STDs, which may influence behaviors and awareness of their prevention.
Penyakit Jangkitan Seksual= Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: This study examines the extent of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among married women aged between 15-49 years. The findings of the study show that the level of knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among women is moderate. Awareness campaigns about STDs that are more widespread and targeted especially at high-risk groups should be continued in an effort to increase their knowledge and awareness of the risks of STDs.
Achievement of desired fertility in Malaysia and association with sociodemographic characteristics
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This study aims to examine the patterns of desired fertility achievement and the differences according to socio - demographic characteristics among married women.
Unmet fertility desires: a case study among working women in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: Malaysia population will be estimated to reach aging population by 2035. This projection was inflated by many factors. One of the factors that influence the demographic changes is fertility. Malaysia is already at the level of substitute of total fertility rate (TFR) and this number was decreasing by time. From previous studies showed that fertility desires can predict the subsequent fertility behavior. There is always a disjoint between desired and actual family size. The difference between the actual number of children and the desired number of children is called unmet fertility desired. Since Malaysia is having a declining Total Fertility Rate (TFR), the dynamics of the difference between actual number of children and the desired number of children must be examined. Past research on fertility desires found that the rising age at marriage, economic factors, infertility, and social factors were the important factors that will affect the fertility desired. Also, education level, early and late childbearing, locality and household income influenced the unmet fertility desires.
Intention to limit childbearing among working women
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/11/2013
Abstract: Malaysia's population growth the rate has dropped from 2.6 percent in 2000 to 1.9 percent in 2010. This declining trends has been in evidence since 1970. Fertility is one of the major indicator and determinant of demographic change. Fertility, expressed as total fertility rate (TFR), in Malaysia decreased from 4.9 in 1970 to 2.3 in 2010. However, in 2011, the TFR has reached replacement level (2.1). Changes in socio-economic status, education and participation of women in the labour force, increasing age at first marriage, practice of family planning and urbanization are among factors that affect women's fertility pattern.
Autonomy in household decision-making among Malaysia women
Item Type: Thesis
Year: 00/06/2022
Abstract: The progress of Malaysian women has significantly improved since 1980, particularly in terms of educational achievement. However, women's labor force participation rate, level of women in decision-making at the household and industry levels, is still below that of men. These instances suggested that there were still obstacles to women's empowerment
in Malaysia, particularly in decision-making. Hence, this study aims to identify factors affecting women's autonomy in household decision-making among married women in Malaysia. Data on women's autonomy in household decision-making were obtained from Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey in 2014 and accounted for 2595 married women aged 15-59. Kishor's Conceptual Framework and Three-domains of Women's Empowerment were adopted as a research framework. The study framework consisted of ten exogenous factors and endogenous variables of women's autonomy in household decisions. The household decision-making was divided into eight domains: household expenses, buying a house, making assets, family savings, family holidays, children's discipline, children's education, and woman's career. Each household decision domain had responses of three levels of women's autonomy (not involved, joint and sole participation) and was analyzed individually using the Multinomial Logistics Regression method. The study provides evidence that women's characteristics can restrict the
autonomous power of women in a patriarchal society like Malaysia. All selected factors significantly impacted women's autonomy in at least one decision domain in the household. Women's education was the most substantial factor that positively influenced women's autonomy in all decisions in the household. In contrast, the spousal education gap and participation in the labor force could be a barrier to women's autonomy in the household. The family should be at the forefront of the empowering process as a woman's role in caring for the family's welfare is definite. Despite the continuous efforts to empower women, the study suggested that there is a need for a balance in shaping the positive patriarchal values among the communities, particularly among men. This can be achieved by promoting shared responsibility within a household, and this initiative has the same substantial weightage as a woman's education and economic status.
The well-being of adolescents in divorced families
Item Type: Thesis
Year: 00/00/2020
Abstract: This study aimed to explore an in-depth understanding on the wellness of teenagers in divorced families. This qualitative study used the phenomenological approach to explore the experience of ten teenagers living with single mothers after the divorce of their parents. Participants in this research are 10 teenagers age between 16 to 18 years’ old who lived with their mothers after their parents' divorce. The duration of their parents' divorce during the data collection was in the range of one to ten years. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and document analysis by social media. Data were analysed using NVIVO12 software. Nine themes and 26 sub-themes emerged from this study. Three main themes and ten subthemes answered the first research question on, what is the meaning of wellness among teenagers in divorced families? Another three more theme and eight sub themes answered the second research question on, what are the perception of teenagers towards wellness in divorced families? The remaining three themes and eight sub themes answered the third research question on, how does divorce changes the wellness in teenager’s life? In conclusion, teenagers’ in this study accepted the changes that occurred as a result of parental divorce. The implications of this study is viewed from three aspects; 1) practical implications for professions such as counselors, 2) theoretical implications for future research, and 3) implications in the field of education for the wellness of the community. The information extracted from the findings of this study can help counselors to understand better on the actual living experience of teenagers in divorced families. The study also helps counsellors to understand how some teenagers manage to live a successful life and fulfilling all the wellness of life in spite of living in divorced families. As this study only focus on teenagers living with their mother after their parents’ divorce, it recommends future researchers to consider exploring areas of wellness among teenagers in joint custody parents or teenagers living with their single father after the parental divorce.
Perkembangan hubungan perkahwinan pasangan kekal berkahwin dalam kitaran perkembangan keluarga
Item Type: Thesis
Year: 00/00/2020
Abstract: The developmental perspective is one of the elements taken into account in the development of marital relationships in the family development cycle as it explains the process of transformation encountered by the lasting marriage couples chronologically, before marriage to ageing. Therefore, this study is inspired to explore the process of marital relationships development, the developmental tasks and challenges endured by the lasting marriage couples in the family development cycle through three research. questions. These questions are (I) What is the marital relationship development process of the lasting marriage couples in the family development cycle? (ii) How do the developmental tasks of the lasting marriage couples remain in each phase of development? and (iii) What challenges do the lasting
marriage couples faced during each phase of development? In addition to answer every question, the researcher employs qualitative research through hermeneutic phenomenology design. The researcher applies the purposive sampling method. This research involves 12 urban and rural couples that fulfilled the criteria. The researcher used three data sources which includes in-depth interviews, observations and
documents analysis. The data were analysed through the hermeneutic circle method and analyzed thematically using the Nvivo Plus 12 application. Overall, the study found 179 themes explaining the developmental process of marriage relationships, developmental tasks and strategies of achievement and also challenges facing married couples in the chronology of the development in marriage relationship in the family development cycle. This study proposes four phases of the development in marital relationships development in the family development cycle, namely (i) the premarital development phase; (ii) the early developmental phase of the marriage; (iii) the mid-marriage development phase; and (iv) the developmental phase of lasting
marriage. The four stages of the development incorporate eight transitional elements, ten roles and 22 marital relationship goals. Besides that, there are a total of 22 developmental tasks undergone by the lasting marriage couples in all four phases of development. The developmental task is a responsibility that must be fulfilled in marriage. In this research, the task of sustaining a marital relationship is one of the
most critical responsibilities couples do in every phases other than parenting duties and relationships with others, such as in-laws and communities. Implementation of development tasks involves 96 strategies. The main strategy used by couples to carry out duties of development involves elements of religion, love and affection and
responsibility. Lasting marriage couples also undergone 21 challenges according to the chronology of the developmental phase of the marriage relationship. The most common challenges faced by couples throughout the marriage are third-party intervention, financial and an unexpected event. Furthermore, the dyadic coping, which involves the cooperation of the couple in their marriage reflects the couples'
success through each phase of development. Hence, the outcomes of the research develop the conceptual model of the development of marital relationships in the family cycle, as a reference and guide in the field of marriage and family research. This study also proposes significant suggestions in developing future lasting marriage relationship research.