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Results for Topics : "Family"

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Pembangunan Modul Psikopendidikan untuk memperkasa resiliensi belia B40 dan kefungsian keluarga dalam era Covid-19
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Mohd Jaladin, Rafidah Aga and
Jani, Rohana and
Mohd Hedzir, Annita and
Sulaiman, Rasidah and
Kamal Shari, Ratna Safura and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  The global economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has had a negative impact on B40 households in Malaysia, resulting in increased unemployment, poverty, and crime. Therefore, efforts are needed to empower the B40 families in the country. The aim of this research is to develop a psychoeducational module that can improve the well-being and functioning of B40 families as well as the development of youth. Methodology: This research includes four methodological stages: (i) needs assessment (psychological well-being, concerns, resilience, and family functioning); (ii) design and development of the module; (iii) trial/implementation of the module; and (iv) module evaluation. Study Findings: The results of the research are expected to increase knowledge on the well-being and functioning of families, particularly marginalized groups (urban B40 households) that have been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: LPPKN can utilize the results of this research to strengthen family and community development initiatives, particularly focusing on the psychological needs of urban B40 families, in line with the 12th Malaysia Plan (RMK-12).
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Mempertingkatkan komunikasi ibu bapa- remaja untuk menghalang tingkah laku seksual berisiko di kalangan remaja Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Muhammad, Noor Azimah and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Parental communication with teenagers regarding reproductive and sexual health (SRH) remains minimal in Malaysia, with the topic being considered taboo and sensitive, rarely discussed openly within families. Teenagers are exposed to high-risk sexual activities, with 10-15% having engaged in sexual activity. This study aims to develop a communication module specifically for guiding parents in discussing reproductive and sexual health with their teenage children. Additionally, it seeks to analyze the perspectives of both parents and teenagers regarding RS communication and design the "BICARA Kasih" Module for parents. The conclusion of this study is that the module can be used by parents when addressing sexual issues with their children, especially teenagers aged 10 and above, and this module has the potential to be made available in digital format.
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Pembangunan dan kebolehlaksanaan program intervensi pasca-Covid untuk keluarga resilien di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abdullah, Sarinah Low and
Mohd Hairi, Noran Naqiah and
Fitriana, Mimi and
Siau, Ching Sin and
Awang Bono, Suzanna and
Chua, Bee Seok and
Vithilingam, Geetha and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  This study aims to develop a new, evidence-based family well-being intervention program in response to the challenges faced by families in Malaysia post-COVID-19. Marriage-related stress, particularly from external sources, can negatively affect relationship satisfaction and stability, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these pressures. Measures such as travel restrictions and social distancing have contributed to increased psychological stress, leading to deteriorating relationship quality due to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The impact of the pandemic highlights weaknesses and resilience in family dynamics, underscoring the need for support systems to maintain relationship quality during crises. A collaborative approach in designing the new intervention program should involve not only health experts but also representatives from fields such as education, psychology, and technology. This will ensure a comprehensive and effective intervention to address the various challenges families face.
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