Penemuan tinjauan pendapat umum bersempena Sambutan Hari Bapa Peringkat Kebangsaan 2021 "Bapa Pemimpin Keluarga Sejahtera"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/06/2021
Abstract: The findings of an opinion survey conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) in conjunction with the National Father's Day 2021 celebration.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat bersempena sambutan Hari Ibu Peringkat Kebangsaan 2021 "Ibu Pelindung, Ibu Dilindungi"
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/05/2021
Abstract: In conjunction with the National Mother's Day 2021 celebration, LPPKN conducted a public opinion poll through online survey. The objective of this study is to obtain the latest information related to mothers and family institutions in the country, especially in living the new norms of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat tekanan dan cabaran keibubapaan dalam mendepani gelombang baharu pandemik Covid 19
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/03/2021
Abstract: This infographic is about of the findings of the Opinion Survey "Stresses and challenges of parenting in the face of the new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic".
Pelan Strategik LPPKN 2021-2025
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/01/2021
Abstract: NPFDB was established under the Population and Family Development Act 1966 as a leader in the field of family development, population and human reproductive in Malaysia and in 2021 is NPFDB’s 55th anniversary celebration. During more than five decades of its establishment, NPFDB has faced several changes in organizational structure, but this agency has remained steadfast in its mandate and responsibility in strengthening family institutions to produce quality Malaysians in the era of change and current challenges. Various high-impact studies, programs and services have been introduced and will be implemented from year to year with the aim of ensuring the well-being of Malaysians regardless of race, religion and socioeconomics. NPFDB’s flagship programs such as the Family and Community Empowerment Program (FACE), Mamacare and KafeTEEN have recognition from the public in dealing with social problems among target groups at the community level, thus elevating NPFDB as a family and population leader.
Peranan, tahap kesejahteraan, cabaran dan persediaan ibu bapa dalam menghadapi situasi pandemik covid-19 di Malaysia
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper describes the current situation in family institutions in particular related to the role, level of well-being, challenges and preparation of mothers and fathers in facing the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread in the country since early 2020. The subtopics in this paper are based on 10 public opinion polls conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) throughout 2020 and 2021. The survey, which involved nearly 13,000 respondents, focused on Malaysian mothers and fathers, who have children aged 3 to 24 years only. There are seven subtopics in this paper, namely (i) Introduction; (ii) Literature Review; (iii) New Norma Family; (iv) The Role of Parents in the Family; (v) Level of Parental Well -Being in Family Institutions; (vi) Challenges and Parental Preparation Related to the Use of Digital Technology; and (vii) Recommendations and Conclusions. The findings show that despite facing various issues and challenges such as health and safety of family members, education of children and family financial/economic management, majority of mothers and the father was found to still remain in a state of well -being good. Mothers and fathers as the main pillars of the family are seen continues to play an important role for adapting family members to a normative lifestyle new. However, some detailed assessments and assistance support needs to be reconsidered by the Government to help mothers and fathers especially in the home-based teaching and learning (PdPR), i.e. current methods and future learning for children. Based on the sharing of subtopics in this paper, it is hoped that various activities and programs can be planned as well as the formulation of new policies that are equally beneficial towards achieving the aspirations of the Malaysian Family. Generally, this paper contributes to the relevant knowledge about Malaysian Family well -being education in the face of new norm life. While in particular, this paper work contributes to role -related knowledge, well -being, challenges and preparation of parents in the situation of COVID-19.
Population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: Malaysia occupies a commendable position in the 2019 Global Food Security Index, jumping to 28th place as compared to 48th in 2018. The national level food availability data indicates that there are sufficient supply of major food commodities for the population. All major foods are available in sufficient quantities to meet the market demands. Food access is no longer an issue for most Malaysians, with better processing, transport and storage systems and distribution arrangements.
Peraturan perkahwinan transnasional: Kajian kes dan penelitian semula berasaskan konvensyen penghapusan semua bentuk diskriminasi terhadap wanita (CEDAW)
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper discusses the issue of transnational marriage from the context of determining the nationality of a child resulting from the marriage of a Malaysian women to a foreign citizen’s spouse based on the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat mengenai perubahan tingkah laku dan persekitaran keluarga serta persepsi keluarga berkaitan gelombang ketiga pandemik Covid-19
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/11/2020
Abstract: This infographic is about findings from public opinion poll that was conducted in conjunction with the 2020 National Family Month celebration themed "Kita Jaga Keluarga". The survey involved a total of 741 respondents who are parents of Malaysian citizens aged 18 years and above.
Public opinion: impact of covid-19 on behavioural and lifestyle changes, work from home (WFH) and family planning
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 27/07/2020
Abstract: This infographic shows the findings from the study covered the below areas: changes in Malaysians’ personal lives, emotional health / stress levels observed during the pandemic, financial adjustments during and since the pandemic, benefits from employers during the pandemic, changes in working conditions, environment and styles and family planning amidst COVID-19.