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2014 (41)

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Laporan Kajian Pekerja Indonesia di Bahagian Tawau, Sabah
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia and
Year:  00/12/2014
Abstract:  In 2009, the National Population and Family Development (NPFDB) has implemented a Strategic Plan Review Second Population (KPSK-2) which takes consider relevant new policies and scenarios demographics and families as well as changes that occurred over a period of a decade and a half let go. One of the components found in this study is concerned with international migration. Results from KPSK-2 and several surveys specifically that has been done in Sabah, found the presence of foreign workers in that amount large in Sabah has resulted in stress to basic social services in particular from the aspect of health and education. In addition that, it also puts pressure as well security and political concerns. Accordingly, in 2010, Ministry of Women, Family and Development The community through NPFDB has run Study of Indonesian Workers in Tawau Division, Sabah to collect information simultaneously from various categories of respondents consisting of Indonesian workers, residents local and employers who use Indonesian employee services. The main objective of the study this is to collect sociodemographic information of Indonesian workers, entry factors, involvement by sector and type of occupation, the impact of admission on the local population and proposed approaches or measures that suitable for employee management and control Indonesia in this country. The fieldwork of the study has taken time for two weeks i.e. from 24 November to 6 December 2010. The location of this study is in the Tawau Division which covers the district Tawau, Kunak and Semporna. For the election sample of Indonesian workers and employers, framework sampling used in the study this is a list of employers who employ Indonesian workers derived from Department of Manpower of Tawau, Kunak and Semporna. Next, the sampling method on a quota basis and comfortably used to select both categories of respondents. Share selection of local population samples, methods comfortable sampling was used given the absence of a sampling frame locals who have employees Indonesia in their community. As a result, information from 896 Indonesian workers, 787 locals and 37 people employers have been successfully collected. Results of interviews conducted against Indonesian workers, found two main factors their migration to Sabah was for looking for more jobs and income height. In addition, migration factors not an economy like strategic geography, the presence of family or relatives and religious and cultural similarities as well affecting their migration here. Results of interviews with locals in turn found most of them to be of the opinion that the migration of Indonesian workers here is due to the position factor of Tawau which is located adjacent to Indonesia and following in the footsteps of relatives or friends who have or have worked here. Besides, it is also influenced by the unemployment rate high in their country of origin and opportunity more wide open work here.
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Population and Family Policies in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ismail, Siti Norlasiah and
Mohammad, Ahmad Hashimi and
Muda, Rozi and
Wan Jaffar, Wan Hashim and
Year:  26/06/2014
Abstract:  One of the objectives of development in the country is to improve the quality of life for all the people. Therefore, populations are at the core of development. Understanding demographic trends provides policy-makers with the tools to design interventions that lead to development especially in social sectors (family, health, education and labour) and providing infrastructure services. Knowledge on the population is crucial for planning resource allocation and designing appropriate policies. This paper intends to provide a review of population trends and population-related policies in Malaysia.It considers descriptions of Malaysia demographic changes, and then turns to the 1966 family planning programmes, the 70 million Population Policy in 1984 and to the recent Family Policy. This paper also attempts to provide insight into these policies by their evolutions, patterns and approaches, characteristics and provide recommendations for the future challenges.
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Seminar Antarabangsa Kekeluargaan di Persada Johor pada 13 Februari 2014.
Item Type: Video
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  13/02/2014
Abstract:  Johor College of Islamic Studies (MARSAH) in collaboration with the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and Johor Bahru City Council (JBCC) took the initiative to organize the International Conference on Family from a Global Perspective to contribute towards development efforts ummah in an integrated manner based on a tajdid approach that takes into account the ideas of ijtihad that are deemed appropriate to be implemented in today’s society. The objective of this conference is to expose issues related to family institutions from a global perspective, explore views related to family issues especially children's rights from an Islamic perspective, explain the position and stance of Islam on family issues that touch on matters related to religion, social, culture, education and so on. In addition, look at the legal provisions related to children in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region and others. The era of globalization is a century that greatly challenges the integrity of identity and survival of Muslims today, including family institutions. In facing the challenge, Muslims need to plan a futuristic agenda based on the development that will take place in the future. This is in line with the theme of the conference, "Challenges and Future of Islamic Family Institutions". This one-day conference consists of three slots: i) Adopted Children and Illegal Children in Islam ii) Hukum Hakam Related to Marriage in Islamic Family Law iii) Challenges in Islamic Family Issues The main speech in the conference was Honoured Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia. Conference paper presenters include senior lecturers from Institutions of Higher Learning in and outside the country including from Thailand, Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia. The one-day conference was attended by 300 participants consisting of officials from government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutions, academics, professional organizations and Higher Institutions students.
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Malaysia's initiatives for sustainable family development
Item Type: Book Section
Doshi-Gandhi, Anjli and
Wan Jaffar, Wan Hashim and
Year:  01/01/2014
Abstract:  Various initiatives to strengthen the family institution have been undertaken by the Government of Malaysia through the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD). Through its agency, the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), the MWFCD has formulated, developed and implemented policies and programmes such as the National Family Policy, 1Malaysia Family First (1MF1st) and 1Malaysia Youth Empowerment and Support (1MYes) programmes, One-Stop Family Centres, and family education programmes such as the Strengthening of Marriage Institution (SmartStart remarriage programme), Parenting@Work, Smart Belanja@Lppkn (family financial management programme), KASIH Parenting Modules and counselling services. To ensure sustainable family development, the National Family Policy (NFP) and its accompanying plan of action was launched in March 2011 and implemented by the NPFDB in partnership with other ministries, departments and related non-government organizations (NGOs). The aim of this explicit policy is to develop prosperous, healthy and resilient families to ensure social stability. The NFP is a key policy that focuses on aspects of family well-being and development, providing direction for the development of family-friendly programmes and services for nurturing healthy and resilient families in line with the aspirations of Vision 2020.
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Determinant of marriage dissolution
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Mohd Shafie, Siti Aishah and
Abdul Hadi, Az'lina and
Mohd Razali, Nornadiah and
Azid@Maarof, Nur Niswah Naslina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Nowadays, the number of divorce cases among Muslim couples is very worrisome whereby the total cases reported in 2013 increased by half of the total cases reported in the previous year. Thus, the objective of this study is to reveal the factors that contribute to the dissolution of marriage. A total of 181 cases and ten potential determinants were included in this study. The potential determinants considered were age at marriage of husband and wife, educational level of husband and wife, employment status of husband and wife, income of husband and wife, the number of children and the presence at a counseling session. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that four determinants, namely the income of husband and wife, number of children and the presence at a counselling session were significant in predicting the likelihood of divorce among Muslim couples.
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Factors influencing family life satisfaction among parents in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Mohd Shafie, Siti Aishah and
Shafiai, Raudhatul Mahfuzah and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The study attempts to investigate the factors that influence family life satisfaction (FLS) among parents in Malaysia. The study modeled the variable of parental involvement, family functioning, family resilience and time with family as independent constructs. Data for the study was gathered from nationally representative survey of “Family Well-Being Index” study conducted by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia. Response from 2808 sampled households which involved about 1484 (52.8%) fathers and 1324 (47.2%) mothers of having a child aged at least 13 years old were utilized for the purpose of the current study. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) software. The study found all the modeled independent constructs tested had a significant and direct influence on family life satisfaction among the respondents except for parental involvement construct.
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Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan wanita berkahwin dalam tenaga buruh di Semenanjung Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Aziz, Azlan and
Wong, Kim Lan and
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  This study is to identify the influences of socio-economic factors towards the labour force participation among married women in Peninsular Malaysia. Bivariate correlations and logistic regression analysis was applied to the data set containing 2,366 married women aged 15-49 years, interviewed during the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey, 2004. It was found that only half of the women were currently working. Chinese had the highest percentage who were currently working as compared to the Malays and Indians. The logistic statistical analysis had also identified several variables which were important determinants of the current work status of married women. Based on logistic statistical analysis, it was found that stratum, previous occupation prior to marriage and presence of young children had significant relationships to women’s participation in the labour force.
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An evaluation of eating behavior, psychosocial status and body mass index among Malaysian adolescents
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ahmad Sabki, Zuraida and
Rusdu, Mohd Basri and
Ho, Chok Eng and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  This study is an attempt to produce an abbreviated Malay version of Weight and Lifestyle Inventory (MWALI), as an evaluation tool to assess eating and related bio-psychosocial factors among adolescents attending kafe@TEEN, Kuala Lumpur. The MWALI was translated ‘forward–backward’ from English to Malay and then administered to 135 adolescents to assess the factor construct of the eating behaviour and its relationships with the demographic profile, dysphoria, global self-esteem and body mass index (BMI). The exploratory factor analysis of the eating behaviour yielded five factors are Negative Emotion, Poor Impulse Control, Social Cues, Snacking and Early Meals in relation to over-eating which were significantly and positively correlated with BMI. Eating in response to Social Cues was negatively correlated with self-esteem, overeating at Early Meals was positively correlated with dysphoria. Female has significantly higher mean score of eating in response to Negative Emotion and eating in response to Social Cues. MWALI is appropriate for assessing eating behaviour and associated bio-psychosocial factors among overweight and obese adolescents in the primary care setting in Malaysia.
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Population change and environmental issues in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Adnan, Ahmad Hezri and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Human influence on ecological footprint was negligible for thousands of years until population numbers started to increase dramatically. For instance, prior to the Industrial Revolution, the forests of many European countries were cleared mainly for subsistence, with little effect on ecosystem functioning. By the late 17th century, the fall in mortality and higher birth rates had catalysed the spread of settled agriculture with a rapid decline in Europe's forest cover. The population growth also triggered migration within Europe. When some natural resources fell into short supply, European powers started to search other parts of the New World. These explorations later on resulted in migration not just for subsistence, but also for settlements, agriculture and industry. This presentation will explains about population change and environmental issues in Malaysia.
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Population, human capital and development: the Malaysia experience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Cheong, Kee Cheok and
Goh, Kim Leng and
Noh, Abdillah and
Singaraveloo, Kuppusamy and
Lee, Hwok Aun and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Like other countries in East and Southeast Asia, Malaysia has undergone a rapid demographic transition to low fertility. This has meant a growing share of the economically active population that will eventually peak as ageing becomes more pronounced. The potential increase in the labor force has been undermined by both rising enrollment in upper secondary and tertiary education, as well as by many females remaining outside the labor force. Together with high economic growth, this has created a shortage of labor. Immigrant labor, both legal and illegal, has stepped in to fill the gap but entrenched a low labor cost model. Breaking out of this requires strengthening the country’s human capital base. While generous government expenditure and liberalization of the education sector has resulted in significant gains in numbers enrolled, several factors have had a negative effect on education quality. Unless reversed, this deterioration has long-term implications for the country’s development.
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Kajian keseimbangan kerjaya dan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Hasbullah, Fauwaz and
Muhamad, Mustapha and
Muda, Syafina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The main objective of this study is to investigate the time arrangement between career and family among working peoples. This study leads to identifying the trend of work and family life balance in today’s families. As the result of this study, average time spent by respondent on working hour is 9 hours and 36 minutes per day, 48 hours 3 minutes per week. That duration is approach the result of the International Labor Organization ( ILO ) in 2000 which is Malaysia was ranked the longest spend time for working after South Korea. The findings also obtained the annual leave by respondent was high (26 days per year) compared to some other countries in the world . The duration of travels time to work is not much different in urban areas where respondents took 46 minutes commuting to work and the respondent metro-urban was takes about 55 minutes. This phenomena was influence the time management in their family life daily. The average time of sleep duration about 6 hours 41 minutes. Which is respondent went to sleep at 11:07 pm and wake up at 5:43 am by average. An important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Overall in average in OECD Country, men spend more hours in paid work and the percentage of male employees working very long hours across OECD countries is 12%, compared with less than 5% for women. Finding a suitable balance between work and life balance is a challenge for all employee, especially working parents. The amount and quality of leisure time is important for people’s overall well-being, and can bring additional physical and mental health benefits. A full-time worker in the OECD works 1765 hours a year and devotes 62% of the day on average or close to 15 hours, to personal care (eating, sleeping and others) and leisure (socialising with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use and others).
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Antara dua dunia: memahami pengalaman hidup transeksual
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Jalil, Salmi Jalina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  This study aims to understand the life experiences of transexual people. Researchers used a semi -structured interview method to obtain the required information. A total of three (3) male to female transexual respondents in their 30s, 40s and 50s were involved in this study. The data obtained were analyzed based on topics and sub-topics. The main topics in this study are the life experiences of transexual and four (4) sub-topics in this study are the experiences of childhood and adolescence, relationships with family, employment and social life of transexual. The findings in this study are able to provide a clearer understanding of transexual people. In addition, these findings can be considered by parties who are directly or indirectly involved with transexual people in implementing policies, interventions, programs and even counseling. This study is also a pioneer to other studies involving transexual people, especially studies involving parents who have children who have a tendency to transexual identity.
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Determinants of divorce among women in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Md Sam, Siti Farhanah and
Ab. Ghani, Puzziawati and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Many studies concerning divorce had been conducted especially in the West to investigate the pattern of divorce as well factors that that are related to divorce. However, there is not much research work on divorce in Malaysia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the divorce trend at the macro level based on the data provided by the Department of Islamic Development Board and National Registration Department of Malaysia. Based on the trend analysis, it demonstrates that the divorce rate in Malaysia has been rising during a period of 17 years from 1995 to 2010. In addition, the trend of divorce between Muslim and non-Muslim couples display a divergent pattern especially during the economic downturn. At the micro level, the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey (MPFS IV) data obtained from the National Population and Family Development Board was utilized to identify the determinants of divorce among women in Peninsular Malaysia. The results based on Cox-Regression analysis show that age, age at marriage, the number of marriages and the existence of children are the significant factors that are related to divorce. Besides, irreconcilable differences, imprudent husbands and the meddling in-laws family are the reasons why couples end their marriages, as found from the MPFS IV data.
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Social pension, aging and poverty in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mohd, Saidatulakmal and
Mansor, Norma and
Ku Ahmad, Shamsulbahriah and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The increasing number of elderly in Malaysia calls for a more stringent policy to safeguard the well-being of the elderly. The old age protection such as the pension scheme, Employees Provident Fund and the old age cash assistance although in tact, deemed to be inadequate to eradicate elderly poverty. One possible solution to secure financial protection during old age is through social pension that provides non-labor income for the retirees or elderly with the purpose of preventing or reducing elderly poverty. This paper attempts to estimate the financial cost of social pension scheme and quantify its potential role in reducing elderly poverty in Malaysia. The financial cost of social pension scheme was calculated as a percentage to GDP. By using the 2009 household income expenditure survey, the paper estimated the potential roles of social pension in eradicating elderly poverty. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the cost social pension could be kept at an average of 1.30 percentage of GDP. The 2009 HIES data also indicated that poverty could be eventually be eradicated with social pension while cost of the social pension was kept at reasonable levels.
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Universal health coverage in Malaysia: issues and challenges
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ng, Chiu Wan and
Mohd Hairi, Noran Naqiah and
Ng, Chirk Jenn and
Kamarulzaman, Adeeba and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Socioeconomic development in Malaysia, over the past few decades, has led to the improvement and expansion of the public healthcare system. This system has provided universal access to a low-priced package of comprehensive health care leading Malaysia to claim to have achieved universal health coverage (UHC). However, the Malaysian health landscape is changing rapidly. Provision of private care has grown especially in large urban towns, mainly in response to public demand. Thus far, private care has been predominantly bought and utilised by the rich but because of differentials in quality of care between the public and private sector, unabated expansion of the private health sector has the potential to adversely affect universal access to care. This effect may be accentuated in the coming years by demographic changes in the country specifically by the ageing of the population. This paper is intended to highlight challenges to UHC in Malaysia in the face of the changing health landscape in the country and to offer some suggestions as to how these challenges can be met.
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Kajian kesedaran dan pengetahuan orang awam mengenai infertiliti
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Shekh Abdullah, Faezah and
Harun, Rosliah and
Ahmad, Norliza and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The infertility rate in Malaysia is estimated around 10 to 15 %. World Health Organization has classified infertility as a disease that needs attention as early as possible. It is one of the factors that contribute to decreasing total fertility rate. Public misunderstanding regarding infertility may affect on how they handle this issue. People always take this issue lightly since it is not a life-threatening disease, unlike heart attack, diabetes and cancer. The Bertarelli Foundation Scientific Board (1999) had found that infertility awareness was still low in a few countries in Europe, such as Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden and United Kingdom. Knowledge on infertility is very crucial because it helps couples to prepare when they are having difficulty in conceiving. The objective of this study was to identify our local people awareness and knowledge on infertility issues as very few studies have been done in Malaysia.
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Customer retention: a case study of LPPKN clinical services
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Sellamuthu, Rajen and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  This is a descriptive study intended to identify the main factors which contribute to the customer retention among the “Clinical Clients” of National Population and Family Development Board or LPPKN. The study focused on three variables to check on the level of influence, affect and effect to the process of customer retention. Those variables are service branding, perceived value and service quality. The study also covered the impact and influence of the demographic element to the service branding, perceived value and service quality in the process of customer retention. This study was conducted at the LPPKN Clinics in Klang Valley and Seremban. Understanding and fulfilling the customers need will contribute to retaining existing customers and reduce the customer switching intentions. The research findings show there is a positive relationship between perceived value and service quality with customer retention. Nevertheless relationship between service branding and customer retention is not supported for the LPPKN clinical setting. Analysis on the demographic factor showed that, it has a significant influence in regard to service branding, perceived value, services quality and customer retention. The output of the study will be helpful to managers and marketers of the clinical service to understand the customer needs, priority and expectations. Furthermore the findings of the research will enable the managers and policy makers to take necessary actions in their marketing and operational planning to stay competitive and maintain a stable income for a long term. This study will also help LPPKN Clinics to improve service quality, increase number of clinical clients, facilitate the process of customer retention and in long term improve financial performance.
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Outsourced parenting
Item Type: Article
Doshi-Gandhi, Anjli and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Housemaids have become an integral part of family life in Malaysia, some may say it’s a necessity – they provide much needed support to parents who often don’t have extended family around to assist with childcare or dual career parents who are often left with little choice and require help as well as support to carry out their family responsibilities. It’s fair to say that commitment and devotion towards a successful career and rearing a child requires both sacrifice and no small amount of resolve and effort for either to work out in tandem. These and other factors prompt most parents to employ a housemaid, helper or caregiver to assist them in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. The notion being that maids would provide assistance to much needed help around the house and allow parents more freedom and time to spend with their children. From things like potty training, to swimming and riding a bicycle, from learning not to bully other kids to learning from mistakes and forgiving other people for them. All these are lessons that can be outsourced to maids, helpers or even professionals. But just because it can, doesn’t mean that it should.
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Assessment of the status of implementation of the ICPD-POA
Item Type: Newsletter
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Wan Jaffar, Wan hashim and
Azman, Nur Airena Aireen and
Mohammad, Ahmad Hashimi and
Mazalan, Mohd. Firdaus and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 was a landmark in the population and development field. At this conference 179 countries, including Malaysia, adopted a 20-year program of action known as the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD-PoA). The overriding objective is to raise the quality of life and individual wellbeing and to promote human development by recognizing the complexity of the interrelationships between population and development. Malaysia has achieved most of the goals set in the ICPD-PoA. Key enabling factors such as political stability, efficient civil service, harmonious social environment, unity and strength in diversity, educated and trained workforce, abundant natural resources and effective partnership with stakeholders and NGOs contributed to the success.
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Malaysian family well-being index study 2011
Item Type: Newsletter
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Wan Jaffar, Wan Hashim and
Mahpul, Irwan Nadzif and
Mohammad, Ahmad Hashimi and
Abu Rahim, Mohd Amirul Rafiq and
Mazalan, Mohd. Firdaus and
Aziz, Azlan and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Realizing that the wellbeing of the family is the primary goal in the development of the country, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) has pioneered the development of the Malaysian Family Wellbeing Index (FWB). The aim of the FWB index is to measure and monitor the subjective wellbeing of Malaysian families as well as to suggest and provide directions to develop family friendly policies, programs and services. The study was conducted on 2,808 households involving of 5,616 respondents. Through this study, the Family Wellbeing Index (FWB) was recorded at 7.55 out of a maximum score of 10 indicating that Malaysian families have a relatively high level of wellbeing and are able to manage the challenges of development. Of the seven domains identified, the Family and Religion / Spirituality domain recorded the highest score of 8.25.
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