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Results for Year : "2016"

Article (10)

Conference or Workshop Item (14)

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Gender equality and women empowerment
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Aziz, Jamaluddin and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The term gender equality is usually seen as synonymous with women’s empowerment. In Malaysia, the task of promoting gender equality as a vision and mission of the country’s development project has been shouldered by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (henceforth KPWKM). Throughout the year, KPWKM has been focusing on empowering women in all areas of life, particularly in politics and economy. The formulation of the National Policy on Women and its ensuing Action Plan is the epitome of this effort. In addition, Gender Mainstreaming has been employed, albeit rather flighty, as KPWKM’s strategy to achieve gender equality. However, in contemporary Malaysian context, the link between gender equality and women’s empowerment has turned into a stigma that belies the importance of this development mission. This paper presentation seeks to address one of the reasons, that is, the dissemination of information about gender equality and women’s empowerment. I argue that the inconsistency and lack of strategy in the Ministry’s effort to strategically promote gender equality and women’s empowerment is a course for concern.
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Big data for measuring and achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mahidin, Mohd Uzir and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have set 17 goals and 169 related targets to be achieved by 2030. In line to support SDGs indicators, Big Data plays a pivotal role to achieve the aspiration by providing real time information and evidence-based decision making through the predictive analytics. Thus, Big Data Analytics (BDA) has become a top priority for Malaysia’s government and one of the key pillars for national ICT development under the 11th Malaysia Plan. In becoming a leading statistical agency internationally by 2020, DOSM has taken efforts to utilise big data to improvise outcome and produce a more comprehensive and quality services. DOSM is vital to ensure the statistical products and services are able to fulfil users’ expectations. In tandem with DOSM's Transformation Plan 2015-2020 and aiming to make the most of the fast-growing volume of digital data, DOSM has initiated the implementation of Big Data Analytics under the project of StatsBDA. This presentation aims to highlight DOSM’s experiences in constructing official statistics by using big data which is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for SDGs. In addition, we will also share on the issues and challenges faced by DOSM pertinent to utilising the Big Data.
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Living the 'reduce, reuse and recycle' lifestyle
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Nithiyananthan, Nesadurai and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  In this presentation, the author will emphasise the urgency for "living the ‘reduce, reuse & recycle’ lifestyle” because humanity is living well beyond the ecological limits of one planet. Based on ecological footprint analysis, a tool for measuring sustainability, the biocapacity for humanity to be sustainable in 2012 was 1.7 global hectares (gha) per person (Global Footprint Network 2016; EF&B in 2012). Yet, the actual footprint of 2.8gha per person in that year globally indicates we were consuming the resources of 1 ½ planets. When we note further that some countries only survived on the equivalent of 0.7gha per person while others consumed the resources of over four planets at more than 8gha per person, it highlights the inequity of consumption across the human population. If this trend continues without shifting to a ‘reduce, reduce, reduce’ lifestyle, we will not achieve the sustainable development goals or Agenda 2030. Further, we will be borrowing from the future generations and compromising on their ability to meet their own needs. With a footprint of 3.7gha per person, Malaysians are already consuming the resources of more than two planets. Next, consumption patterns in 550 urban households in Malaysia based on data from an EPSM survey will be presented. In order to make the sustainable shift to ‘reduce, reuse & recycle’ lifestyle, an institutional framework needs to be created to mainstream sustainable development, as advocated by EPSM’s ongoing Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) campaign. Serious efforts need to be made to reduce our consumption of energy (electricity and fuel), water, meat and waste generation, including unnecessary shopping. In conclusion, the author will highlight examples of living the ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ lifestyles.

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Analisis strategi kelangsungan hidup migran pekerja Bugis Indonesia ke Sabah
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Sayed Mahadi, Syed Abdul Razak and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  Bugis migration to Sabah especially the Tawau Division in the 19th Century not only had provided the workforce but also created the early Bugis community in Sabah. They had assimilated with local people and become Malaysian citizens after the formation of Malaysia in 1963. Bugis migration flow to Sabah still continues to date and it is difficult to control. This paper studies migration of Indonesian workers phenomenon, especially the Bugis who dominate a few districts in Tawau and Sandakan Divisions. In collaboration with the LPPKN, a study involving 896 Indonesian workers who responded to a survey was conducted using face-to-face interview, while 20 legal and illegal workers, respectively participated in the in-depth interview. This study focuses on survival strategies using the role of social network in assisting migration process in three phases namely pre, while and post migration. This study found that new migrants were assisted by social network to reduce migration cost to achieve successful migration. Based on the Push and Pull theory, the decision to migrate and the selection of migration destination was influenced by economic factors such as job opportunity and wages in the origin and destination which could be explained by Neo Classical Economy theory. What is more important was, this study found that, non-economic pull factors such as social network, historical links and geographical proximity; as well as culture, ethnicity, religion and language similarity strongly influenced new migrants in making the decision to migrate. In conclusion, survival strategies using trusted social network crosses political boundary has continued to assist flow of information and resources, and reduced the risk of unsuccessful migration. Ethnicity-based recruitment strategy assisted by Mandur was found to be beneficial and thus, maintaining the migration flow of Bugis to Sabah until today.
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Country Statement (1)

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The 49th session of the Commission on Population and Development on agenda item 4: general debate on national experience in population matters: "strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post - 2015 development agenda", New York
Item Type: Country Statement
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2016
Abstract:  The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has been responsible for undertaking the Population and Housing Censuses of Malaysia every years since 1970. The Census remains the main source of data collection aimed at providing a comprehensive set of statistical information about the population in the country in terms of its size and spatial distribution, its demographic, social and economic characteristics as well as housing stock at a specific time reference. The census provides essential information not only for policy development and planning, but also for managing, monitoring and evaluating programs and activities across a broad spectrum of sectors. The 2010 Census round utilized improved ICT technologies and new approaches in the different phases of the census operation. The emerging technologies are transforming the way the Census is conducted in terms of operations management, quality assurance, data capture, mapping (GIS, GPS), data processing and storage. With the ever increasing individual privacy and accessibility of internet, the e-Census was introduced in 2010. An internet based questionnaire for data collection, was found to be more effective to capture respondents mainly in large urban areas and the gated communities.
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Infographic (5)

Newsletter (2)

Research Report (2)

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Report on key findings Fifth Malaysian Population and Family survey (MPFS-5) 2014
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  01/12/2016
Abstract:  The 2014 Malaysian Population and Family Survey is the fifth in a series of surveys conducted by the NPFDB every 10 years since 1974. This fifth survey was funded by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department under the 10th Malaysia Plan allocation. In conducting the survey, the NPFDB received tremendous cooperation and support from various agencies at federal and state levels as well as from nongovernmental organisations. The purpose of this survey was to collect the latest information and time series data in respect of demography, family and reproductive health of the Malaysian population. It also aimed to update the indicators obtained based on the previous surveys in the series. The MPFS-5 provides specific information on the population, household, family formation, fertility, family planning, family life, health practices, elderly as well as the social and sexual behaviours of the adolescents. It also collected the latest information on career and family balance, well-being, breastfeeding, secondary infertility, financial management, intergenerational assistance and the use of social media.
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Research on risk and protective factors affecting adolescents' sexual and reproductive health in Sabah & Sarawak 2015
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  09/09/2016
Abstract:  A quarter of the world population (1.8 billion) consists of people aged 10-24 years (UN DESA, 2009). Adolescents is a phase of life whereby they have opportunities for developing healthy behaviours, which can determine the future pattern of adulth health. However, for most adolescents, this is the phase of self-discovery whereby they undergo biological, psychological, social and economic changes in their life. Curiosity and experimentation are normal among them where certain behaviours would place adolescents at risk of undesired consequences of their activity. There are various biological, social, educational and psychological risk factors that predispose adolescents to unhealthy and unsafe sexual phenomena such as premarital sex, having multiple sexual partners, unwanted pregnancy, early childbearing and illegal abortion. In terms of biological factors, early menarche, being male men and older age were found to be the significant risk factors. In addition, social factors including unemployment, peer influence (peer/ friends who have had sexual experience) and use of the substance such as alcohol, tend to increase the tendency of unsafe and unhealthy sexual practices (WHO, 2004). Besides, lack of sexual reproductive health information and skills in negotiating sexual relationship, inaccessibility of youth-friendly SRH services are other risk factors that had been identified (Low, 2006). Although there is limited data on teenage pregnancy in Malaysia, the increasing reports on incidences of abandoned babies indicate that increased premarital sexual intercourse resulted in unwanted pregnancies among unmarried adolescents. From 2005 to March 2014, it was reported that there were 561 cases of baby dumping (RMP, 2014; Mansoor, 2014). the number of reports of abortion indicates that there is an increase in the number of extramarital sex among unmarried adolescents. Many 51 cases of infant abandonment were reported in 2005 to March 2014 (PDRM, 2014; Mansoor, 2014). In 2012, a study was conducted to identify the risk and protective factors of adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia (NPFDB, 2015). There has been a dearth of studies on adolescents’ SRH in Sabah and Sarawak. Therefore, studies on SRH among this sub-population are warranted. Furthermore, there are differences in terms of demographic characteristics compared to Peninsular Malaysia. Based on these findings, more specific educational and intervention programmes tailored to the needs of the adolescents in Sabah and Sarawak need to be planned and implemented in order to prevent them from engaging in risky sexual behaviours. The objective of this study was to determine the risk and protective factors related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of adolescents in Sabah and Sarawak.
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Thesis (2)

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Kajian bagi mengenalpasti faktor-faktor risiko kanser payudara yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup dalam kalangan wanita melayu di Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Thesis
Affandi, Khuzailah and
Year:  00/02/2016
Abstract:  Breast cancer is the most common cancer that has affected women all over the world. The worldwide rates of breast cancer incidence and mortality show a drastic and alarming increase. Until today the cause of the disease has yet to be identified. However, evidences from extensive researches related to breast cancer found that there were several lifestyle factors and some biomedical factors of the women that are scientifically recognized to increase the risk for breast cancer. In Malaysia, recent data obtained from data obtained from the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) shows the incidence rate of breast cancer among Malay women was found to have increased drastically in the last 8 years. This study aimed to identify risk factors, especially those related to lifestyle that may increase the risk of breast cancer among Malay women in Kuala Lumpur. The study also examined the knowledge of breast cancer among informants. A total of twelve breast cancer survivors were interviewed in depth to identify and explore aspects of past lifestyle and biomedical background that may likely to increase their risk of getting breast cancer. Results show that some lifestyle and biological risk factors seen likely to increase the risk of getting breast cancer; late age at first birth or has never given birth (nulliparity), has never breastfed or short period of breastfed, obesity, physical inactivity, high frequency of red meat intake, less intake of vegetables and fruits, psychological stress, family history of breast cancer and radiation treatment to the chest or breast. The study also found that the majority of the informants had poor knowledge regarding breast cancer.
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Video (3)