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Population change and environmental issues in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Adnan, Ahmad Hezri and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Human influence on ecological footprint was negligible for thousands of years until population numbers started to increase dramatically. For instance, prior to the Industrial Revolution, the forests of many European countries were cleared mainly for subsistence, with little effect on ecosystem functioning. By the late 17th century, the fall in mortality and higher birth rates had catalysed the spread of settled agriculture with a rapid decline in Europe's forest cover. The population growth also triggered migration within Europe. When some natural resources fell into short supply, European powers started to search other parts of the New World. These explorations later on resulted in migration not just for subsistence, but also for settlements, agriculture and industry. This presentation will explains about population change and environmental issues in Malaysia.
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Population, human capital and development: the Malaysia experience
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Cheong, Kee Cheok and
Goh, Kim Leng and
Noh, Abdillah and
Singaraveloo, Kuppusamy and
Lee, Hwok Aun and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  Like other countries in East and Southeast Asia, Malaysia has undergone a rapid demographic transition to low fertility. This has meant a growing share of the economically active population that will eventually peak as ageing becomes more pronounced. The potential increase in the labor force has been undermined by both rising enrollment in upper secondary and tertiary education, as well as by many females remaining outside the labor force. Together with high economic growth, this has created a shortage of labor. Immigrant labor, both legal and illegal, has stepped in to fill the gap but entrenched a low labor cost model. Breaking out of this requires strengthening the country’s human capital base. While generous government expenditure and liberalization of the education sector has resulted in significant gains in numbers enrolled, several factors have had a negative effect on education quality. Unless reversed, this deterioration has long-term implications for the country’s development.
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Kajian keseimbangan kerjaya dan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Hasbullah, Fauwaz and
Muhamad, Mustapha and
Muda, Syafina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The main objective of this study is to investigate the time arrangement between career and family among working peoples. This study leads to identifying the trend of work and family life balance in today’s families. As the result of this study, average time spent by respondent on working hour is 9 hours and 36 minutes per day, 48 hours 3 minutes per week. That duration is approach the result of the International Labor Organization ( ILO ) in 2000 which is Malaysia was ranked the longest spend time for working after South Korea. The findings also obtained the annual leave by respondent was high (26 days per year) compared to some other countries in the world . The duration of travels time to work is not much different in urban areas where respondents took 46 minutes commuting to work and the respondent metro-urban was takes about 55 minutes. This phenomena was influence the time management in their family life daily. The average time of sleep duration about 6 hours 41 minutes. Which is respondent went to sleep at 11:07 pm and wake up at 5:43 am by average. An important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Overall in average in OECD Country, men spend more hours in paid work and the percentage of male employees working very long hours across OECD countries is 12%, compared with less than 5% for women. Finding a suitable balance between work and life balance is a challenge for all employee, especially working parents. The amount and quality of leisure time is important for people’s overall well-being, and can bring additional physical and mental health benefits. A full-time worker in the OECD works 1765 hours a year and devotes 62% of the day on average or close to 15 hours, to personal care (eating, sleeping and others) and leisure (socialising with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use and others).
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Antara dua dunia: memahami pengalaman hidup transeksual
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Jalil, Salmi Jalina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  This study aims to understand the life experiences of transexual people. Researchers used a semi -structured interview method to obtain the required information. A total of three (3) male to female transexual respondents in their 30s, 40s and 50s were involved in this study. The data obtained were analyzed based on topics and sub-topics. The main topics in this study are the life experiences of transexual and four (4) sub-topics in this study are the experiences of childhood and adolescence, relationships with family, employment and social life of transexual. The findings in this study are able to provide a clearer understanding of transexual people. In addition, these findings can be considered by parties who are directly or indirectly involved with transexual people in implementing policies, interventions, programs and even counseling. This study is also a pioneer to other studies involving transexual people, especially studies involving parents who have children who have a tendency to transexual identity.
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