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Kajian bagi mengenalpasti faktor-faktor risiko kanser payudara yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup dalam kalangan wanita melayu di Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Thesis
Affandi, Khuzailah and
Year:  00/02/2016
Abstract:  Breast cancer is the most common cancer that has affected women all over the world. The worldwide rates of breast cancer incidence and mortality show a drastic and alarming increase. Until today the cause of the disease has yet to be identified. However, evidences from extensive researches related to breast cancer found that there were several lifestyle factors and some biomedical factors of the women that are scientifically recognized to increase the risk for breast cancer. In Malaysia, recent data obtained from data obtained from the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) shows the incidence rate of breast cancer among Malay women was found to have increased drastically in the last 8 years. This study aimed to identify risk factors, especially those related to lifestyle that may increase the risk of breast cancer among Malay women in Kuala Lumpur. The study also examined the knowledge of breast cancer among informants. A total of twelve breast cancer survivors were interviewed in depth to identify and explore aspects of past lifestyle and biomedical background that may likely to increase their risk of getting breast cancer. Results show that some lifestyle and biological risk factors seen likely to increase the risk of getting breast cancer; late age at first birth or has never given birth (nulliparity), has never breastfed or short period of breastfed, obesity, physical inactivity, high frequency of red meat intake, less intake of vegetables and fruits, psychological stress, family history of breast cancer and radiation treatment to the chest or breast. The study also found that the majority of the informants had poor knowledge regarding breast cancer.
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Kajian keseimbangan kerjaya dan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Hasbullah, Fauwaz and
Muhamad, Mustapha and
Muda, Syafina and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The main objective of this study is to investigate the time arrangement between career and family among working peoples. This study leads to identifying the trend of work and family life balance in today’s families. As the result of this study, average time spent by respondent on working hour is 9 hours and 36 minutes per day, 48 hours 3 minutes per week. That duration is approach the result of the International Labor Organization ( ILO ) in 2000 which is Malaysia was ranked the longest spend time for working after South Korea. The findings also obtained the annual leave by respondent was high (26 days per year) compared to some other countries in the world . The duration of travels time to work is not much different in urban areas where respondents took 46 minutes commuting to work and the respondent metro-urban was takes about 55 minutes. This phenomena was influence the time management in their family life daily. The average time of sleep duration about 6 hours 41 minutes. Which is respondent went to sleep at 11:07 pm and wake up at 5:43 am by average. An important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Overall in average in OECD Country, men spend more hours in paid work and the percentage of male employees working very long hours across OECD countries is 12%, compared with less than 5% for women. Finding a suitable balance between work and life balance is a challenge for all employee, especially working parents. The amount and quality of leisure time is important for people’s overall well-being, and can bring additional physical and mental health benefits. A full-time worker in the OECD works 1765 hours a year and devotes 62% of the day on average or close to 15 hours, to personal care (eating, sleeping and others) and leisure (socialising with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use and others).
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Kajian kesedaran dan pengetahuan orang awam mengenai infertiliti
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Shekh Abdullah, Faezah and
Harun, Rosliah and
Ahmad, Norliza and
Year:  00/00/2014
Abstract:  The infertility rate in Malaysia is estimated around 10 to 15 %. World Health Organization has classified infertility as a disease that needs attention as early as possible. It is one of the factors that contribute to decreasing total fertility rate. Public misunderstanding regarding infertility may affect on how they handle this issue. People always take this issue lightly since it is not a life-threatening disease, unlike heart attack, diabetes and cancer. The Bertarelli Foundation Scientific Board (1999) had found that infertility awareness was still low in a few countries in Europe, such as Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden and United Kingdom. Knowledge on infertility is very crucial because it helps couples to prepare when they are having difficulty in conceiving. The objective of this study was to identify our local people awareness and knowledge on infertility issues as very few studies have been done in Malaysia.
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Keinginan kesuburan
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Azman, Nur Airena Aireen and
Aziz, Azlan and
Ismail, Najihah and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  The decline in fertility rates in Malaysia is happening rapidly and it is expected that the rate will reach the replacement level (replacement level = 2.1) in 2015. A woman's desire/decision to have a child has a direct impact on the fertility rate and population growth. Thus, the study aims to identify the factors that influence women's desire to have children or do not need to be implemented. Data and Methodology: This paper presents the preliminary findings of the study Fertility at the Crossroad: Children Now, Later or Never conducted by LPPKN in 2012. This study uses a cross -sectional survey design method with a focus on women in the reproductive age group. 15-49 years working in the public sector in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Selangor. The method of data collection was through face -to -face interviews and self -administered using a questionnaire. Through stratified sampling method, a total of 98 public sector agencies were selected. To achieve the objectives of the study, the data obtained were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Chi Square and Logistic Regression (Forward LR Method). The dependent variable studied was the desire to have children (0 = do not want more children, 1 = want more children). While there are nine (9) independent variables studied namely age, ethnicity, education level, job grade (Management and Professional/Support), income, number of childbirths, pregnancy history (miscarriage/stillbirth/abortion), fertility problems and The husband lives far away. Findings: In total, a total of 1,898 data for women working in the public sector were analyzed. A total of 75.9% of respondents have a desire to have children. The results of Chi -Square analysis showed that the variables of age, ethnicity, income, number of births, pregnancy history, fertility problems and husbands living far apart had a significant relationship with the desire to have children. However, there is no evidence to suggest that post grade has a relationship with childbearing desire. Logistic regression test (Forward LR Method) showed that 57.8% of the variation in women's desire to have children can be explained by four independent variables, namely fertility problems, ethnicity, age and number of births. Conclusion: The results of the study found that women's desire to have children can be considered high. To support women's desire to have children, various forms of assistance/support should be provided by the employer/government. Among the main assistance/support needed are childcare centers at work, holiday facilities to care for sick children, subsidized childcare costs and full-paid facilities for children in need of special care.
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Kajian kesihatan reproduktif & seksual remaja
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Muhammad Sapri, Noor Azlin and
Ahmad, Norliza and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Ahmad, Noor Ani and
Aris, Tahir and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  The increase in reproductive and social health issues among adolescents has been hotly debated both nationally and internationally. Every day, Malaysians are presented with news on adolescent misconduct, especially those involving cases of abortion and out -of -wedlock pregnancies. Therefore, a specific study to look at the level of reproductive and sexual health of adolescents and the factors that influence it was conducted based on the results of the national level of adolescent health research. Methodology this cross -sectional study was conducted in 2010 using secondary data from the Adolescent Health Screening Form (BSSK/R/1/2008) which was filled by trainees of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) in 80 NSTP camps throughout the country. To achieve the objectives of the study, the analysis used is descriptive analysis, chi -square test and logistic regression using SPSS software. The parameters studied included socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, ethnicity and level of education) and social characteristics (risky behavior, history of abuse, anti-social behavior, substance abuse, religion, and family relationships). While there are nine (9) SRH issues that were studied, namely masturbation, watching pornography, extramarital sex, multi -partner sex, STIs, homosexual tendencies, homosexual relationships, pregnancy and abortion. Results A total of 23,231 data were analyzed. Of these, a total of 22,750 respondents aged 18-24 years were screened for the purpose of study analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the issue of watching and reading pornographic material among adolescents recorded the highest percentage (39.5%) followed by masturbation (28.5%) and extramarital sex (6.5%). All socio -demographic factors studied had a significant relationship with extramarital sex, homosexual predisposition and abortion (p <0.05). Risk factors for extramarital sex are the age group of 20-24 years (OR = 2.710, SK95% 1.967, 3.759), risky behavior (OR = 30.495 SK95% 19.683, 47.427), involvement in substance abuse (OR = 12.33 SK95% 8,051, 18,891), anti-social (OR = 2,615 SK95% 2,206, 3,100) and ever abused (OR = 1,726 SK95% 1,389, 2,145). While the appreciation of religion is a protective factor for adolescents where the study found that adolescents who appreciate religion are twice as likely to have sex compared to adolescents who do not appreciate religion. There is no evidence to suggest that familial relationship variables influence adolescents to have sex. Conclusion overall it can be concluded that adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues need to be given serious attention. This is because the results of the study show that the trend of extramarital sex among adolescents which is a key indicator of the level of adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues has increased from 2.2% in 2004 (MPFS-4) to 6.5% in 2010. Therefore, multisectoral cooperation programs are needed to address this issue. The implementation of intervention programs should also be focused on high-risk adolescents such as having risky behaviors, anti-social and involved in cases of substance abuse. The planning and preparation of the program must also take into account the concepts and teachings of religion practiced in Malaysia through an approach that can be accepted by adolescents. Further studies need to be conducted more extensively taking into account other factors that have yet to be explored.
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