Malaysian Family Well-Being Index 2016
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/02/2017
Abstract: Recognising the importance of the family institution as a social basic unit in national development, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Board (NPFDB) has developed Family Well-Being Index (FWI) 2016. The consist of 8 domains and 23 indicators registered 7.33 out of a maximum score of 10.
Mama Care
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 01/01/2017
Abstract: One aspect of women's reproductive health care which is increasingly in demand is postnatal care services. In order to improve the welfare of women in low-income households and to recognise the skills traditionally passed down from generation to generation, Mama Care Postnatal Care Programme was established in 2012 under the 7th National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS), 1Malaysia Women's Initiative and Self Empowerment (1MWISE). It is targeted single mothers, elderly and women from low-income household.
Malaysian Family Wellbeing Index
Item Type: Book Section
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: Family institutions need to be strengthened to balance the rapid process of social and economic development of the country. This is important because the family is the basic social unit that prepares the supplies the human capital for the national development. Given the importance of family wellbeing for the future of the nation, scientific studies ought to be conducted to measure the wellbeing of families in this country.
Malaysian infertile men and women : do they suffer mental health issues?
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2017
Abstract: This study revealed that Malaysian infertile men and women demonstrated susceptibility to mental health problems that occurs more commonly among women than men. Thus, this study may facilitate fertility facilities to strategize and redesign better intervention for the infertile couples.
Mainan mengikut usia anak
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/11/2016
Abstract: The role of toys is only to help improve the development of the child and not to replace the importance of the role of parents in educating the child. For children, especially those who are still young (under the age of five), most of them still do not understand what is said to be dangerous because for them, all items can be used as toys. Among the tips that can be used to choose games that are safe, especially for babies and children are such as the weight of the toy purchased, not easily removable or broken, suitable for the child's age and others.
Memilih jantina bayi: bahagian 2
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/08/2016
Abstract: From time immemorial, our ancestors practiced certain tips and diets to get the desired gender of the child. However, there is still no scientific explanation of the effectiveness and accuracy of the practice. Learn how to determine the sex of a baby from a scientific point of view.
Memilih jantina bayi: bahagian 3
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/00/2016
Abstract: The tendency to choose the sex of the baby by the couple on several factors has been discussed in the previous article (part 1 and part 2) while in this part 3 shares about other methods in science that are also said to be a factor to the determination of the sex of the baby. Among them are the "time" technique together (intercourse time), pre-implantation genetic diagnosis technique (PGD/PGS) to determine the quality of the embryo and the technique of 'prenatal sex identification' where through this technique, the sex of the baby in the womb is determined by taking blood samples from the mother and DNA tests were performed on the samples.
Motherhood in childhood: teenage pregnancy & MOH initiatives
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2016
Abstract: Teenage pregnancy in Malaysia is the result of either early marriages, consensual sex or the tragedy of rape. Although the age specific rate is showing a decline from 32 per 1000 women aged 1-19 years in 1980 to about 14 in the year 2010, the Ministry of Health (MOH) continue to focus on adolescent health with great concerns. Incidence of teenage pregnancies continue to be reported and in 2015 the highest is still those reported in Sabah dan Sarawak. The MOH has taken several measures in creating awareness and providing the facilities to address teenage pregnancy issues. They are given guidance and counselling, early identifications and intervention to help reduce the risk of serious morbidities during pregnancy or childbirth. This presentation discusses about teenage pregnancy problem in Malaysia.
Mammogram Screening Subsidy: Program in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: In Malaysia, a woman has a 1:19 life time risk of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. Breast cancer contributes 32.3% of all female cancers. To reduce the incidence of breast cancer, the Government has embarked on the subsidised Mammogram Screening Program. This aims at promoting greater awareness and encouraging women to undergo mammogram screening for early detection of breast cancer. The objective of this subsidy is to promote greater awareness on breast cancer and the importance of breast examination.