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Memperkasakan aspek penjagaan kanak-kanak melalui bantuan kewangan mampu meningkatkan penyertaan ibu bekerja dalam pasaran buruh
Item Type: Article
Mohd Amin, Suhaida and
P.Rameli, Mohd Faizal and
Year:  00/12/2021
Abstract:  Since the 2nd Malaysia Plan in fact, various efforts have been made by the government to empower the role of women in the labour market. One of that is employers are encouraged to provide childcare centers at work or in nearby areas to support the needs of married women with children. This is because, many studies state that many women quit their jobs when faced with difficulties of managing childcare in addition to the relatively increasing cost of childcare. Therefore, this quantitative study aims to examine the extent to which respondents are faced with the issue of access to childcare and the cost of childcare. The survey distributed online to 362 working mothers across Malaysia found that 55.8% still faced difficulties in finding childcare in their residential areas and 61.3% had problems finding childcare in their working area.
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Empowering single mothers through institutional support: lessons from single mothers in Sabah
Item Type: Article
Topimin, Salmah and
Hasan, Haslinda and
Fabeil, Noor Fzlinda and
Yee, Beatrice Lim Fui and
Year:  00/12/2021
Abstract:  Life can be challenging for single mothers. They are viewed as the most vulnerable social groups in society who often lack educational attainment, skills and social networks; thus, limiting their opportunities to compete in the labour market. Consequently, single mothers struggle to achieve financial independence and to support the well-being of their family. To help single mothers build a better life, it is crucial to provide single mothers with solid institutional support programmes. This paper explores the extent to which the institutional support programmes designed for single mothers are in accordance with the needs and expectation of the single mothers in Sabah. The views obtained from the leaders of the single mother associations show that the support programmes are useful for single mothers; however, the programmes are still inadequate to lift them out of poverty. Suggestions for improvement of the institutional support programmes for single mothers are highlighted.
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Subjective well-being of the Malaysian citizen: preliminary development of survey instrument
Item Type: Article
Azizan, Nurul Hafizah and
Mahmud, Zamalia and
Rambli, Adzhar and
Abdullah, Nik Nairan and
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Year:  00/03/2020
Abstract:  A questionnaire is a well-known measurement instrument used by most of the researchers when conducting a survey. It is a powerful tool for collecting data in survey research. It should be noted that the quality of a measurement instrument used plays a key role in ensuring the quality of data gained in the survey. Therefore, it has become essential for the researchers to carefully design their questionnaire so that the quality of the data obtained can be preserved. Then, it is also vital for the researchers to assess the quality of the data obtained before it can be successfully used for further analysis. This article discussed an early process involved in development of the survey instrument for the purpose of assessing subjective well-being of the Malaysian citizen. These include operationalization of definition, identification of the important dimension and indicators of subjective well-being, rating scale and content validity of the items with the experts.
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