Academic performance and gender stereotypes among KUPTM students
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: This study was aimed to find the gender differences in stereotypes. This study also seeks to identify the relationship between different levels of academic performance and stereotypes. A quantitative method was applied in this study and data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires among 230 respondents from Kolej University Poly-Tech MARA Kuala Lumpur (KUPTM KL). The result shows that there is no significant relationship between stereotypes and gender.
Poverty in marginal communities: factors, cultures and counseling intervention strategies for the poor and homeless
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: This article discusses the poverty faced by two marginal groups in Malaysia, namely the destitute and the homeless in Malaysia. This article covers the concept of poverty in Malaysia, the factors of poverty, the theory and culture of poverty, and the government's efforts in helping the marginalized. In addition, there is a discussion on the new classification of households issued by the Department of Statistics Malaysia in 2020. The government can more accurately identify the household income range to formulate and plan the assistance that needs to be channeled to specific groups in need.
Cabaran penjaja kecil wanita dalam era pandemik covid- 19 di Perlis
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Conventional business norms are now drastically changing with the outbreak of the unprecedented covid-19 pandemic. Thus, this study examines the challenges of small hawkers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic in Perlis. The study respondents consisted of 200 small women hawkers around small towns in Perlis.
Memperkasakan keusahawan sosial produk menstruasi bagi membasmi kemiskinan haid
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set Goal-1 to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. However, menstrual poverty still happens to teenage girls and women from the past until now. It is not easy for them to get or buy menstrual products due to financial constraints. Based on a focus group discussion research session, the main objective of the study is to review the social entrepreneurship strategies carried out by three social entrepreneurship organizations – BunPad, KotMe and AntPower (pseudonym of the study) in dealing with the issue of menstrual poverty among underprivileged women.
Pemerkasaan wanita melalui program wanita Malaysia Revolusi Industri (IR4.0) bebas jenayah siber
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Sustainable national development needs to take into account the cyber well-being of the population, especially empowering women who are often the victims. Various cybercrime issues such as cyber harassment, cyberbullying, cyber stalking and criminal intimidation, under the scope of gender-based violence, online have largely involved women as primary victims. The gender power imbalance that exists in a society where usually, men are considered the dominant gender while women are considered the submissive gender. This has motivated the need to develop a form of training program that focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment in cyber security. Therefore, this study aims to develop a cyber security training program called the Bengkel Wanita Malaysia Revolusi Industri (IR4.0) Bebas Jenayah Siber (Sibernita).
Empowering single mothers through institutional support: lessons from single mothers in Sabah
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/12/2021
Abstract: Life can be challenging for single mothers. They are viewed as the most vulnerable social groups in society who often lack educational attainment, skills and social networks; thus, limiting their opportunities to compete in the labour market. Consequently, single mothers struggle to achieve financial independence and to support the well-being of their family. To help single mothers build a better life, it is crucial to provide single mothers with solid institutional support programmes. This paper explores the extent to which the institutional support programmes designed for single mothers are in accordance with the needs and expectation of the single mothers in Sabah. The views obtained from the leaders of the single mother associations show that the support programmes are useful for single mothers; however, the programmes are still inadequate to lift them out of poverty. Suggestions for improvement of the institutional support programmes for single mothers are highlighted.
The 54th session of the Commission on Population and Development: general debate on population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development
Item Type: Country Statement
Year: 21/04/2021
Abstract: Malaysia’s population currently stands at 32,760,284 and is increasing at the rate of 0.6 percent per annum. Increased population increases food demand. Annually, Malaysia spends approximately USD8.33 billion (RM34.5 billion) on import of food supply, pointing to increased dependency food import purchases.
Pelan Strategik LPPKN 2021-2025
Item Type: Book
Year: 00/01/2021
Abstract: NPFDB was established under the Population and Family Development Act 1966 as a leader in the field of family development, population and human reproductive in Malaysia and in 2021 is NPFDB’s 55th anniversary celebration. During more than five decades of its establishment, NPFDB has faced several changes in organizational structure, but this agency has remained steadfast in its mandate and responsibility in strengthening family institutions to produce quality Malaysians in the era of change and current challenges. Various high-impact studies, programs and services have been introduced and will be implemented from year to year with the aim of ensuring the well-being of Malaysians regardless of race, religion and socioeconomics. NPFDB’s flagship programs such as the Family and Community Empowerment Program (FACE), Mamacare and KafeTEEN have recognition from the public in dealing with social problems among target groups at the community level, thus elevating NPFDB as a family and population leader.
Socio economics factors that effect work life balance among women in Malaysia
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: This paper seeks to determine the factors that influence work life balance among women in Malaysia. This is explored with regard to whether the factors recorded affect the work life balance among women in Malaysia. The scope of the study will be concentrated toward married working women aged from 15 to 59. This paper finally concludes with discussion on the alternatives that women in Malaysia can take to get a better work life balance.
Population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2021
Abstract: Malaysia occupies a commendable position in the 2019 Global Food Security Index, jumping to 28th place as compared to 48th in 2018. The national level food availability data indicates that there are sufficient supply of major food commodities for the population. All major foods are available in sufficient quantities to meet the market demands. Food access is no longer an issue for most Malaysians, with better processing, transport and storage systems and distribution arrangements.