Profil keluarga/Family profile Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1999
Abstract: The book on Family Profile: Findings of studies contains information from studies done by NPFDB namely Population and Family Survey,1984 and 1994, The socio-Economic effects of population Ageing in Malaysia,1986, Malaysian Family life Survey 1988, Sub-National District population Survey (Kajian Penduduk Daerah) 1992. A survey on the Effects of Socio-Economic Development on Family and Gender Relations in Kuala Lumpur,1995, Adolescents Social Behaviour in Malaysia 1994/95, Adolescents Social Behaviour 1993 and Terengganu, 1995 and Adolescents Reproductive Health and Sexual Behaviour in Malaysia, 1994/95.The findings of these studies have been analysed and arranged according to the changing patterns and trends that have occurred to families since 1986. Some of these studies are representative of Peninsular Malaysia while others are confined only to certain areas of the Peninsular. Nevertheless, the description of situations derived from these findings are consistent and reliable.
Profil penduduk/Population profile Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1999
Abstract: This report aims at providing comprehensive information on population dynamics which covers fertility, mortality and migration. The information which has been gathered from the study findings of NPFDB, population censuses and vital statistics, is presented in a user friendly style for easy reference. It is envisaged that this information will provide useful input for public sector planning as well as the formulation of policies and implementation of programmes. The private sector, on the other hand will find it useful for the planning of businesses and industries.
Effects of socio-economic development on family and gender relations in Malaysia, 1995: focussing on Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/04/1998
Abstract: This study attempts to inquire into the effects of socio economic development on families and gender relations in Malaysia societies living in urban areas, focusing on the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. These effects which the research attempts to study are found in the everyday lives of the Malaysian families such as family bonds, family satisfactions, identities, attitudes, norms, conjugal relations, parent and child relations and the family's support network. A total of 1,200 respondents consisting of males and females, aged 18 years and above living in and around Kuala Lumpur and within the Klang Valley had been selected for the survey.
Laporan kajian penduduk Daerah Semenanjung Malaysia, 1992
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/01/1998
Abstract: This study was conducted to gather information on population and family at sub national levels and to provide a set of data on the trends and patterns and the distribution of life in the state and district. This study covers all eighty-two districts in Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 26,877 male and female respondents were interviewed.
Report of the Population and Family Survey in Sarawak - 1989
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1992
Abstract: The main objective of the Population and Family Survey in Sarawak was to provide necessary data for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of population and family development programmes, in line with national objectives. Specifically, the survey was conducted to collect information on socio-cultural determinants of fertility and maternity patterns, fertility preferences and behaviour, female labour force participation, childcare arrangement, family life, family planning practices, socio-economic status of subgroups, as well as population profiles and migratory patterns.
Report of The Population and Family Survey in Sabah - 1989
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1992
Abstract: The main objective of the survey was to provide necessary data for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of population and family development programmes, in line with national objectives. Specifically, the survey was conducted to collect information on socio-cultural determinants of fertility and maternity patterns, fertility preferences and behaviour, female labour force participation, childcare arrangement, family life, family planning practices, socio-economic status of subgroups, as well as population profiles and migration patterns.
Action -oriented research and training for improved management of population programme
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1986
Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim to identify and clarify some of the management issues and problem involved in the implementation of family planning services to all strata across the country.It has also hopes to develop improved management concepts for the application to the family planning programmes. The case study covered three states in Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Selangor, Terengganu and Penang. Upon visiting NPFDB family planning clinics of the three states, 175 respondents are identified.
Population Policy Malaysia towards a population of seventy million
Item Type: Act & Policy
Year: 00/07/1984
Abstract: Based on this study the present population growth trend indicates that the population of Malaysia will stabilise at or around 39 million by the year 2150. In order to achieve an ultimate population size of 7O million, the present demographic trend has to be changed so that the rate of fertility decline is reduced by 0.1. point every 5 years. In this manner, the target would be achieved within approximately 115 years times, namely around the year 2100.
The pattern of maternal mortality at Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/01/1983
Abstract: From 1978 to 1981, there were 70,000 deliveries at Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. 39 maternal mortalities were encountered during this four year period. The major causes of death were toxemia, hemorrhage, embolism, medical disease in pregnancy, sepsis, uterine inversion, obstetric trauma, Mendelson and pulmonary edema. Avoidable factors were isolated in all the mortalities except in three, one due to infective hepatitis and two due to cardiac disease in pregnancy. The patient was at fault in four mortalities. The need for documenting all maternal mortalities is a priority in this country to make analysis more meaningful.