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Results for Topics : "Reproductive Health"

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Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Mohd Jamil, Jastini and
Ahmad Zakuan, Ummu Atiyah and
Mohd Shaharanee, Izwan Nizal and
Muhamad Shahbani, Husna Amira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Discussion on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly adolescents, is still considered taboo. However, knowledge in this area is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become the main platform for discussions on these topics. This study found that there are many keywords related to reproductive and sexual health on social media. However, the lack of a specific lexicon for the local context makes it difficult to understand the discussions and sentiments shared. To better understand this issue, a sentiment lexicon has been developed, supported by the LPPKN Analytics initiative (https://lppknanalitik.com/). This platform uses sentiment analysis technology, machine learning, and interactive dashboards to analyze social media data. Tweets and comments on social media that contain key keywords are processed, cleaned, and categorized into three main aspects: Perception, Knowledge, and Behavior. This approach provides deeper insights into how adolescents communicate about reproductive and sexual health, effectively utilizing the potential of social media data.
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Analisis persepsi, pengetahuan dan perilaku (3P) remaja Malaysia mengenai kesihatan reproduktif dan seksual di media sosial menggunakan pendekatan data raya
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mohd Jamil, Jastini and
Ahmad Zakuan, Ummu Atiyah and
Mohd Shaharanee, Izwan Nizal and
Muhammad Shahbani, Husna Amira and
Year:  00/11/2024
Abstract:  Discussions on reproductive and sexual health among Malaysians, particularly teenagers, remain considered a taboo. However, knowledge in this field is essential to prevent misunderstandings and promote moral values. Social media, with its collaborative and interactive nature, has become the primary platform for discussions related to this topic. This study finds that there are many keywords related to reproductive and sexual health on social media. However, the lack of a specific lexicon for the local context complicates the understanding of discussions and sentiments shared. As an effort to better understand this issue, a sentiment lexicon has been developed, supported by the LPPKN Analytic initiative (https://lppknanalitik.com/). This platform uses sentiment analysis technology, machine learning, and interactive dashboards to analyze social media data. Posts and comments on social media containing key terms are processed, cleaned, and categorized into three main aspects: Perception, Knowledge, and Behavior. This approach provides a deeper insight into how teenagers communicate about reproductive and sexual health, effectively leveraging the potential of social media data.
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A Study on health status of youth in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2010
Abstract:  This study analyzed health screening of 22,840 youths, who were distributed equally by ethnicity and camp sessions. Based on the analysis, 21.6% of youths were underweight, 18.1% pre-obese and 10.3% obese, with 0.3% perceived having body image disorders. With regards to sexual and reproductive health issues, 39.6% admitted viewing pornographic materials, 28.5% practiced masturbation, 6.5% engaged in premarital sexual relationships, 5.5% had multiple partners and 1.6% had been involved in homosexual relationships. History of abortion was discovered by 0.5% of the respondents. Almost a quarter of the youths were smokers, while 8.7% had consumed alcohol and 1.4% admitted taking drugs. The study also revealed that 6.2% of respondents reported to have past involvement in bully and 14.1% in fight. About 7.1% of the respondents revealed they had been physically abused while 1.2% of them had been sexually abused. Mental health problems were noted in 27.5% of the youths, with depression in 9.8% of the youths, anxiety in 20.7% and suicidal ideation in 11.8%. Psycho-social problems such as substance use, antisocial behavior, physical/sexual abuse and mental health problems among youth are interrelated with common risk and protective factors. Management of psycho-social problems in youths should be holistic; looking into risk and protective factors. Programs and interventions should focus on strengthening of protective factors among youth such as family connectedness and religiosity.