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Meeting the needs of older Malaysians: expansion, diversification, and multi-sector collaboration
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Tengku Abdul Hamid, Tengku Aizan and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  The older population in Malaysia grew from 0.5 million in 1970 to almost 2.3 million in 2010, making up about 8% of the current total population. By 2020, one in ten Malaysians will be an older persons aged 60 years or over. Older Malaysians are a heterogeneous group with diverse demographic, socio-economic, cultural and religious characteristics. This paper assesses the adequacy, affordability, sustainability, equitability, predictability and robustness of current policies, programs and services to meet the needs of the ageing population in Malaysia. Based on the World Bank’s multipillar pension taxonomy, the analysis will focus on the social assistance scheme for the elderly (BOT), Pay-as-you-go financed state pension (JPA) and defined contribution funds (EPF). Between conditional cash transfers and mandatory retirement savings, the central role of informal support systems in old age has often been overlooked. Result from the past studies have shown that the family has played a central role in providing care and support for aged in Malaysia. A majority of older Malaysians still co-reside with their adult children and receives financial assistance from them. Older Malaysians today are living longer, better educated and wealthier and they will become consumers of a burgeoning silver industry. Balancing social and economic priorities in national development is a challenging task, but the two goals are not mutually exclusive. My topic focus on welfarism or paternalism will continue to render ageing populations as a dependent population, instead of empowering them. An inter-dependence approach, rooted in a mix of individual responsibility, family obligations, active civil society and state provisions (regulatory and non-regulatory), will enable a more broad-based and sustainable solution to meet the present and future needs of the elderly.
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Predictor of successful Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) treatment for infertile couples treated at a Malaysian clinic
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ismail, Maslinor and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  The purpose of the study was to determine prognostic factors that affect the success rate of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) as well as association of prognostic factors with success rate of IUI treatment for infertile couples. A retrospective cohort study investigating the prognostic factors affecting success of IUI was done at National Infertility clinic. A total of 1585 couples involving 3249 IUI cycles with ovarian stimulation using clomiphene citrate and/or human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) were recruited from lst January 2000 till 3lst December 2006. The pregnancy rate per cycle and per couple was 3.7% and 7.4%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis had determined three prognostic variables as regards pregnancy namely as duration of infertility a = 0.002), interval of menstrual cycle a = 0.00025) and sperm count a = 0.016). The percentage of women successfully pregnant after cycle one till cycle 5 IUI were ranging from 3.4% to 4.8%. Results showed that no pregnancy occurred after the sixth cycle of IUI. The result suggests that duration of infertility is of utmost important determinants of an infertile couple in view of IUI success rate.
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Indikator kesejahteraan keluarga
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Family well-being is a multi-dimensional concept that covers various aspects of an individual or family's living situation. To date, there is no specific measure that can describe the state of family well -being in Malaysia. Thus, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development through the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) and the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) has implemented a research project called the Study of Family Well -Being Indicators in 2011 to understand more comprehensively about family well -being where at the end of this project, an index will be developed. In total, after going through several formative processes such as literature review, focus group discussion and pilot study, there are 7 domains and 23 indicators have been identified. The development of such domains and indicators of family well-being has focused on subjective well-being where each family is asked to provide an assessment on certain aspects related to their family. The study was conducted on 2,808 households involving a total of 5,616 respondents, consisting of 1,484 fathers, 1,324 mothers and 2,808 adolescents aged between 13 to 24 years. The selection of households in this study has used stratified random sampling method and done by face -to -face interviews. The results show that the Family Well -Being Index is at 75.5 which means that the well -being of Malaysian families is quite high. The Family and Religion/Spirituality domain recorded the highest domain score of 82.5. This was followed by the domain scores Family and Community (78.3), Family Relationships (78.2), Family Safety (73.9), Family Health (73.8), Family and Environment (72.8) and Family Economics (69.0). Based on the results of the IKK study, some suggestions that can be taken into account to improve the level of family well -being are to improve family living standards, increase family resilience, balance work and family demands as well as increase awareness on family safety.
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Bantuan sokongan dari wanita kepada ibubapa dan ibubapa mertua
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Teh, Jane Kimm Li and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  This study investigated ethnic diversity and other influencing factors among Malaysian women in Peninsular Malaysia in providing tangible support to their parents and parents-in-law. Data from the Women Sample of Malaysian Population and Family Survey (2004) was utilized. Tangible support was defined as either co-residing with parents (or in-laws), or financial/material transfers. Using logistic regression, we estimated the support to parents and parents-in-law separately. All possible pairwise interactions were tested using likelihood ratio test and Wald statistics, and significant interactions were added into each main effects model. Results revealed ethnic diversity in support. More offspring of women reduced support to parents only, while higher socioeconomic status of women increased support to both parents. Results also revealed that most divorcees co-resided with parents. Overall, most Malaysian women provide support to both sets of parents. Social policy should address opportunities for improving social mobility in women.
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Keinginan kesuburan
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mahmud, Adzmel and
Azman, Nur Airena Aireen and
Aziz, Azlan and
Ismail, Najihah and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  The decline in fertility rates in Malaysia is happening rapidly and it is expected that the rate will reach the replacement level (replacement level = 2.1) in 2015. A woman's desire/decision to have a child has a direct impact on the fertility rate and population growth. Thus, the study aims to identify the factors that influence women's desire to have children or do not need to be implemented. Data and Methodology: This paper presents the preliminary findings of the study Fertility at the Crossroad: Children Now, Later or Never conducted by LPPKN in 2012. This study uses a cross -sectional survey design method with a focus on women in the reproductive age group. 15-49 years working in the public sector in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Selangor. The method of data collection was through face -to -face interviews and self -administered using a questionnaire. Through stratified sampling method, a total of 98 public sector agencies were selected. To achieve the objectives of the study, the data obtained were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Chi Square and Logistic Regression (Forward LR Method). The dependent variable studied was the desire to have children (0 = do not want more children, 1 = want more children). While there are nine (9) independent variables studied namely age, ethnicity, education level, job grade (Management and Professional/Support), income, number of childbirths, pregnancy history (miscarriage/stillbirth/abortion), fertility problems and The husband lives far away. Findings: In total, a total of 1,898 data for women working in the public sector were analyzed. A total of 75.9% of respondents have a desire to have children. The results of Chi -Square analysis showed that the variables of age, ethnicity, income, number of births, pregnancy history, fertility problems and husbands living far apart had a significant relationship with the desire to have children. However, there is no evidence to suggest that post grade has a relationship with childbearing desire. Logistic regression test (Forward LR Method) showed that 57.8% of the variation in women's desire to have children can be explained by four independent variables, namely fertility problems, ethnicity, age and number of births. Conclusion: The results of the study found that women's desire to have children can be considered high. To support women's desire to have children, various forms of assistance/support should be provided by the employer/government. Among the main assistance/support needed are childcare centers at work, holiday facilities to care for sick children, subsidized childcare costs and full-paid facilities for children in need of special care.
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Proses kaunseling keluarga di Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Mohd Noor, Norhayati and
Mahmud, Zuria and
Abd. Rahman, Saemah and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  Family counseling is one of the interventions in family services for built a healthy family in Malaysia. This is a qualitative case study of a variety of 'settings' aims to explore the phenomenon of family counseling process conducted by practitioners in Malaysia with an in-depth interview technique, observation and document analysis. Study participants in the study were 12 family counseling practitioners from three counseling service centers. This study has five research questions namely to (i) identify the type of cases handled, number of cases and causes of problems in the family counseling process (ii) identify the initial relationship in the family counseling process (iii) explore the family counseling process (iv) identify approaches and skills used in family counseling and (v) explore the impetus and challenges of the family counseling process among family counseling practitioners in various settings in Malaysia. Cross -case analysis method based on interviews, observations and document analysis on family counseling practitioners was implemented using Nvivo 8 software. In this study, 190 themes and sub -themes were produced from 12 study participants. The results show that there are some similarities and differences between the family counseling process in Malaysia and the process framework in Western countries. These similarities and differences occur at all levels of the counseling process, skills, use of techniques, application of theory, and challenges in practice. The results of the study also show that the family counseling process among practitioners in Malaysia is tied to the education and training received by the practitioner, the context of religion, culture, values ​​and SES of the family and community in Malaysia. Therefore, this study contributes to the provision of family counseling process that is very necessary in strengthening the family institution and can be an intervention in building a generation of excellent Malaysian society.
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Kajian kesihatan reproduktif & seksual remaja
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Muhammad Sapri, Noor Azlin and
Ahmad, Norliza and
Ishak, Ismahalil and
Ahmad, Noor Ani and
Aris, Tahir and
Year:  00/00/2012
Abstract:  The increase in reproductive and social health issues among adolescents has been hotly debated both nationally and internationally. Every day, Malaysians are presented with news on adolescent misconduct, especially those involving cases of abortion and out -of -wedlock pregnancies. Therefore, a specific study to look at the level of reproductive and sexual health of adolescents and the factors that influence it was conducted based on the results of the national level of adolescent health research. Methodology this cross -sectional study was conducted in 2010 using secondary data from the Adolescent Health Screening Form (BSSK/R/1/2008) which was filled by trainees of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) in 80 NSTP camps throughout the country. To achieve the objectives of the study, the analysis used is descriptive analysis, chi -square test and logistic regression using SPSS software. The parameters studied included socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, ethnicity and level of education) and social characteristics (risky behavior, history of abuse, anti-social behavior, substance abuse, religion, and family relationships). While there are nine (9) SRH issues that were studied, namely masturbation, watching pornography, extramarital sex, multi -partner sex, STIs, homosexual tendencies, homosexual relationships, pregnancy and abortion. Results A total of 23,231 data were analyzed. Of these, a total of 22,750 respondents aged 18-24 years were screened for the purpose of study analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the issue of watching and reading pornographic material among adolescents recorded the highest percentage (39.5%) followed by masturbation (28.5%) and extramarital sex (6.5%). All socio -demographic factors studied had a significant relationship with extramarital sex, homosexual predisposition and abortion (p <0.05). Risk factors for extramarital sex are the age group of 20-24 years (OR = 2.710, SK95% 1.967, 3.759), risky behavior (OR = 30.495 SK95% 19.683, 47.427), involvement in substance abuse (OR = 12.33 SK95% 8,051, 18,891), anti-social (OR = 2,615 SK95% 2,206, 3,100) and ever abused (OR = 1,726 SK95% 1,389, 2,145). While the appreciation of religion is a protective factor for adolescents where the study found that adolescents who appreciate religion are twice as likely to have sex compared to adolescents who do not appreciate religion. There is no evidence to suggest that familial relationship variables influence adolescents to have sex. Conclusion overall it can be concluded that adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues need to be given serious attention. This is because the results of the study show that the trend of extramarital sex among adolescents which is a key indicator of the level of adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues has increased from 2.2% in 2004 (MPFS-4) to 6.5% in 2010. Therefore, multisectoral cooperation programs are needed to address this issue. The implementation of intervention programs should also be focused on high-risk adolescents such as having risky behaviors, anti-social and involved in cases of substance abuse. The planning and preparation of the program must also take into account the concepts and teachings of religion practiced in Malaysia through an approach that can be accepted by adolescents. Further studies need to be conducted more extensively taking into account other factors that have yet to be explored.
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